Horde Favoritism?

Well, for starters, before WoW released I’d had 25 years of playing humans, dwarves, gnomes, and elves in other fantasy games. It’s super generic, and super boring.

WoW’s Horde was something new.


Are you calling me fat?

Many important stuff happens in Horde territory. Literally 3 Horde cities became raid: Ogrimmar, Suramar and Dazar’alor, while Alliance never had something like that.
I want a raid in Stormwind and Midnight expansion is the perfect moment for that.

Horde favoritism, Alliance favoritism. Same tone different poster.

In a game where there are 2 factions obtaining different things at different times, something will always be pointed out as favoritism.

If anything, it’s just back and forth favoritism if you really want to reach. It’s really just back and forth work on narrative/characters/zones/etc

Its been back one way for like, 4-6 years. Waiting on the forth.


And? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
It’s not like the Horde doesn’t have main characters :joy: lol

Welp :clap:

They certainly have NOT been telling it 50 / 50. :joy:
Especially with the light and void.

  • Both light themes AND void themes are much much – MUCH more Alliance-focussed than the Horde … Hardly up for debate there.

Personally I’m hoping that’ll change somewhat with Midnight – but I’m not exactly holding my breath, lol.


Because I don’t like playing villains in videogames.


Lol, that’s a new one.

WoW has a clear Alliance favoritism right now.

I mean, look at TWW’s promos and loading screens and ask yourself, who’s this game’s main character.


The Alliance has the largest villains in the cosmos as members.


Yeah I’m not seeing any Horde favoritism here, Blizzard’s been Alliance-biased since Legion.

I do, but I prefer the Horde, the Horde that was established in Warcraft III.


I know you’re a blatant horde fanboy from your posting history. But that article only proves we’ve been in “live beta” since Vanilla when it comes to X.0 releases.

It’s also clearly from a biased PoV of another horde fanboy, because they fail to cite the horde advantages. It’s hysterical how the author tries to downplay the horde advantages.

It even mentions undead being treated as actual undead as a drawback instead of the massive advantage it would actually be in-game, as they should be immune to a lot of CC (anything targeting only humanoids. like poly, and regular fear) in exchange for being vulnerable to a handful of other spells (shackle undead and the paladin ones).

Horde got their due attention on each upcoming expansion up to WoD.
That’s at least 2.0 → 6.0 with a superior horde focus (more like Orc/Thrall/Belf TBH. Trolls and specially Tauren have always been mistreated in the game).

Blizzard tried to course correct in 7.0 but, as usual, in typical Blizzard Balance™ fashion, they overcorrected and alliance got more Focus from Legion onwards (despite the highmountain/nightborne fiasco).

In no way shape or form this game has ever been alliance-favored after post-MC Vanilla and before SL and, supposedly, TWW.

DF was pretty damn neutral.

We can’t control whatever nonsense writers will try to write to fit their game decisions.

Yeah, this is nonsense. BfA/SL are alliance heavy.

And rightfully so.
Also, Humans/Draenei worship the Light and are allied with the Void Elves.
The Light/Void divide is supposedly what created the whole WoW universe, the focus on the Alliance is only logical for this part of the story.

(Bad) opinions.
New is not necessarily better, even if more interesting.


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Red Spacegoats.


These are repented, former Legion aligned Argussians.
Personally, I would never accept them, but it’s too daft to call them “supervillains”.

They are as villainous as Demon “Hunters” or Death Knights.

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They were part of a cosmic army intent on destroying all life.

But they were really sad about it when they lost.

And the context of the conversation is that the Horde are the villains because of their past actions which they are totally also sorry about.


The horde, overall, aren’t villains, it’s just some of their leaders constantly get hit with the villain bat due to “reasons” because writers can’t think of external threats and the culture of their races: Orcs like to going to war, Goblins are greedy bastards, Trolls miss their world hegemony, Undead are evil abominations etc.

It takes a while to change those tendencies (Except for undead I guess, which is why I’d be a scarlet crusader if I could).

If anything, the Tauren do not belong to the Horde at all and should be in their own nature-based faction with the night elves, who also do not fit the alliance much, and joined just to oppose the orcs.

Finally, we need stop conflating the actions of a single individual/small groups to that of the whole race (or faction/country), unless it’s a recurring event, like we have with the undead, due to their origin.

Sure. I get that.

My response was just purely framed within the context of “if Horde are the villains due to various past actions, then we cant ignore the past actions of the red space goats. which have done things much much much worse than anything the Horde has done”

It wasnt really meant to be some in depth and overly serious reply.


They are favored when it comes to being the villain arc :stuck_out_tongue:

See that’s how I felt about Tauren and Night Elves. They both have a reason for being where they are though. Tauren have a debt that they insist on repaying for eternity (I guess).

At some point though(Almost the entire time), It just feels like it’s not actually Horde vs Alliance but Humans vs Orcs. Everyone else is just being dragged along into because “Faction”.

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And I agree. Man’ari in the Alliance is as dumb as Lightforged draenei evil classes.
I’ll never accept these.


That’s pretty much it though.