Horde Favoritism?

They’ll get to them eventually, I think. I just used Thrall as an example of blending the main npc’s and therefore, furthering the blending of the factions.

There’s that young troll everyone was calling Zappy boy, (I don’t remember his name now), there’s the undead chick, I forgot her name too (it’s late here)
There’s Rokhan, Baine (who it seems everyone hates) Mayla, Lorthemar and Thalryssa or however you spell her name and some others I can’t think of now.

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Well if they don’t then they don’t. Idk what else to say about this as Idk where the main story is going.

stealing High Elves from the Alliance.

Next time think twice, before trying to genocide entire belfs army under your command. With the last Prince of elfs, included.


This is important because?

BFA and SL lol.


It’s rather the feedback. The top developers at Blizzard are Horde-biased, this will never change. But they do realize that this favoritism has damaged the game beyond repairing.

First it started with racials, went on to dungeon/raid-favoritism and the backlash it brought with it. It continued with the abysmal care for the Alliance - which they try to re-justify with the “main story” and poor, poor player race choices.

The developers still continue to damage to both Alliance and Horde on various levels and simply don’t understand that a pendulum-approach ruins it even more. What they need to do is to open up the factions and let player pick a side with the race they want to be in. An Alliance Tauren is far more attractive than having another Dwarf-, Gnome- or Elf-race at this point.

They are still scared to give the Alliance horse-mounts, because the massive backlash was justified and showed everyone how incompetent they are as people in a professional environment.


Yeah and who has the most void-themed race?

:clap: The Alliance!

Who has a hero most ideal to a void-aesthetic? Oh that’s right –

:clap: The Alliance!

If we’re going to go more into ‘the light’ territory for the story → who has the most light-themed race? … Oh yes, yes that’s right

:clap: The Alliance!

Like seriously … It’s not like it’s subtle or anything :joy:

People tend to argue “Oh but-but-but noOoOo – the Horde have the strongest magic users! They have Blood Elves and the Nightborne!!” — Which is a stupid argument considering HuMaN pOtEnTiAl comes forward and Jaina mops the floor with literally any and every Horde mage.

So ultimately:

Yeah, when it comes to the light and the void - Alliance take the whole ENTIRE cake and eat it too.

As the story currently goes, the Horde are just there to be support characters or villain fodder, nothing more.


That’s because she is one of the main characters.

And besides: Your point about the “Void” isn’t something what Alliance-players want to play. I see it every day during the current event. They rather have High- and Half-Elves than Void Elves.

Blizzard does not think this tribal. They see it as 50:50 and it’s pretty easy to tell this if you look from the bird perspective.

Light-themed, both sides
Void themes, both sides. Race + City

The end result will likely making both sides open up. It’s a classic scare-and-learn storytelling. Horde Void Elves and Alliance Blood Elves, with access to Silvermoon City for the Alliance, to follow Gilneas and Bel’amare (or how it is every called).

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Let’s also not forget the established canon that Anduin is the god-savior-of-us-all in the future.


All that Horde bias!


They need to just close off Bel’ameth, Gilneas and Telogrus Rift. We never go there anyway. Put the Alliance in the Western Plaguelands for Midnight or something.


Yeah claiming “we should get access to Silvermoon because Blizzard gave Horde access to places no Horde players ever wanted to go to” is… sus.


The only thing the Alliance has been prominent in is the storyline, a storyline that no one cares about because it’s absolute trash. Everything else seems to revolve around giving the Horde as much as possible.

A mainstream fox race that everyone knew would be loved from the start? Horde.
A customization option for the least popular race in the game… that makes them even uglier? Alliance.
Better-looking trolls that use the night elf model? Horde.
Overweight humans with unnatural proportions? Alliance.
Nightborne with a refined model, rich story, more customization options than night elves, and the largest elven city in the entire game? Horde.
Monkey’s paw belves, without an adjusted model, no new unique customization since their introduction, just a handful of copy-paste skin and hair colors, no decent lore, and no home (the few tents they had are now neutral)? Alliance.
The human female model as the visage form for Dracthyr, while the Alliance doesn’t get a new Horde model.
Dwarves for the Horde, while the Alliance gets nothing new… again.
Three Alliance locations opened up for the Horde, while all Horde cities remain exclusive to the Horde.
Two Alliance zones turned into never-ending warfronts, while not a single Horde zone is touched.
Southshore, Gilneas, Theramore, Teldrassil, Ashenvale, Darkshore, Arathi, Stonetalon Mountains, Brennadam, etc., all attacked by the Horde and some permanently destroyed, while the only thing the Alliance can show for it is a tiny tauren village that wasn’t even destroyed by the Alliance but by marauders.
Then there’s all the Alliance mounts and transmogs made available to the Horde without any real attempt to balance things out.
And so on.

But yeah, the Alliance is so much better off because they are prominent in a trashy story. :roll_eyes:


Not all. You guys got Brill. We got even the old version of UC messed up.

Both Warfronts were won by the Alliance.

What? There are Horde mounts and mogs available to you guys as well.

You can have these back and the cities too. Don’t want them.


Instead of Silvermoon, the Alliance can have access to Kargath, that little joint in the Badlands.

(Is Kargath even still there…? I forget.)


We also had the worst of it with inconvenience of our bases in BFA. The pyramid was awful without flight. Our base in Nazjatar was partially in a cave so we could not fly or mount in part of our base.

Our BFA portal was moved to the docks. The Alliance version was not. So now we have to fly up to the city from the docks to use our other portals.

Got villain-batted twice, Warchief title removed, quest lines aren’t a thing for us anymore, most of our leaders killed off.

Lost most of the wars. The ground we gained was to make cities even because Horde didn’t have enough territory to even things out.

We all are made to suffer. :rofl: I just don’t want to be doing Alliance quests with Alliance NPCs. Keep them on your side.


Oh boy…


Oh no, are we arguing the lie that is faction bias again?
Im just gonna put this on mute and sit it out.

But before i do… no. Neither faction is treated better or worse. Its all swings and roundabouts.
And just because 5 horde members are having a temper tantrum over not being the lead role of tww doesnt mean anything.
Just like it didnt when in bfa the alliance pretended the horde had it oh so much better with their maghar orcs…

The dramatics in this community are never ending.


Why don’t people just play both factions?




It’s not for me. Like being Horde more personally.

It’s not about TWW and even when that is discussed it isn’t saying lead role, but lead the Horde. Our leaders should be there for us.

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