Horde Favoritism?

The Horde are the villains due to their various past and PRESENT actions, considering how I don’t see the Forsaken dropping the blight or the orcs reforming their entire “culture” no longer glorify mass-murder.

And I also enjoy playing the side with castles and churches over the side with tents and huts. :blush:

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Horde just did a tea party for the Alliance.

We repented harder than the red spacegoats you brought in.


That is insufficient.


Saw how instantly ya forgave the red spacegoats for doing much worse.

We cool now.


No, we’re not.

You’ll be letting us into Silvermoon next expansion and that is when your true atonement will begin.

As the Horde welcome in the Vulpera in because the Alliance literally tried to burn them to death.


Your king says otherwise.

Now be a good alliance and follow his guidance.


And your hero and champion Saurfang said that the Horde is evil, so stop defending it.

YOU WILL OPEN THE DOORS OF SILVERMOON, Case-closed. I will not hear any more of this pointless digression.

Sourfang been gone for a long time.

Do you also run on Internet Explorer?


I fail to see how this is a display of favoritism. There’s an odd obsession with race/class combos.

I see where you’re coming from now. You’re one of those “Void Elves aren’t real high elves” people that’s mad because they got what they asked for aren’t you?

Also, go to Silvermoon. Don’t think anyone really cares.

Edit: I don’t know why it didn’t quote the first time.

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Uhm, No, Void Elves are High Elves. But that doesn’t mean that Neutral High Elves won’t come in Midnight, they totally will.

Bro really thought he could read Me, hilarious. :rofl:

As is our right. Silvermoon belongs to the Alliance and the Horde stole it.

Literally no one stopping you from walking in there right now. Go for it.

I go into Stormwind all the time. So what’s the issue?


NO I want it reflected in the lore.

As I said, Silvermoon belongs with the Alliance. It will be reconciled in Midnight.

To be fair.

The Alliance took like 10 years to fix a park in Stormwind.

The Blood Elves just figured they could take care of it better.


Well I mean. I wanted Sylvanas to have a good story, but that didn’t happen. You got to get used to disappointment in life.


Fake news.

Cataclysm-Legion was 6 years irl, and 4 years in-universe.

Also, it wasn’t just about “fixing the park”, they also had to regrow the charred and destroyed ground, they literally had to terraform the shoreline.

Last I checked, isn’t half of Silvermoon still in ruins? :rofl:

Ah. So Alliance technology hasnt discovered “sod” yet


What? Sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of the dwarves erasing the Stonespire tribe from existence. :grin:

Just replay what you said in your own head. You demand… ruins… Thought that was a primitive Horde thing to want broken stuff?