Horde Favoritism?

neat. i got a watch and some pizza once. this is better.

I got a glass plaque. I put it in a plastic bag to take home and by the time I got home half the printing had rubbed off. :roll_eyes:


111 race/class combos for alliance and 114 for horde? Yeah, this is a clear bias towards horde, we have 3 extra combinations!

Really? Hmmmmm. Lets see.

Cairne, dead.
Nazgrim, dead.
Dranosh, dead
Thrall, demasculated.
Hellscream, killed.
Voljin, killed.
Sylvannas, genocidal maniac.
Saurfang, killed.
Baine, hippy.

Tell me another one.


Didn’t realize Lordaeron was part of the Alliance, lmao.

The Kingdom of Lordaeron was. The Forsaken sure as hell don’t use that crest.

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Nah, that was part of the Grand Alliance of Lordaeron.
Separate entity from the Alliance in WoW, unless you wanna lump the Old Horde in with the current Horde and accept all that entails.

Ehhh I don’t know if that’s the same thing.

What’s the difference between Alliance 1.0 and 2.0? Not much, right?

But there’s a huge difference between Horde 1.0 and 2.0.

I think they should nerf the humans racial.

Am I late for the party or something???




The human racial? It’s the Dwarf racial that needs nuking from orbit.

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They did take away the rep bonus racial.

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If it sounds like that to you it’s more than likely personal bias talking.

The entities that make them up.
There’s Humans and Dwarves, similar to how in the Horde there are Orcs and Trolls, but now there are Night Elves, the Draenei, Gnomes that unless I’m mistaken weren’t directly involved in the conflicts of WC1, 2 and 3, similar to how now the Horde has Tauren and you get the picture.
Then there’s the whole Paladin/Shaman exclusivity that has long since been abolished.
It’s also worth noting that the kingdom of Quel’thalas was a former ally to the Grand Alliance of Lordaeron, and the kingdom of Lordaeron, now of the Forsasken, comprised the ruling kingdom of the aforementioned Alliance. And both of those are now Horde.

If you want to say that one isn’t actually different when they’re effectively the same in terms of separation from former iterations, you’re being disingenuous.

No, not at all. I legit can’t think of a difference between the “old” and “new” Alliance.

But their goals and values really haven’t changed. The Alliance I seen in WC2 feels just like the Alliance we have now.

The Horde went through a physical and mental change. From being a puppet of Sargeras hell bent on conquering Azeroth, and suffering from the effects of demon blood, to Thrall taking control and restoring their honor.

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Old Alliance was led by Lordaeron, defending their lands against invaders.

New Alliance is led by Stormwind Imperialists who want to “reconquer” land that was never theirs.


what is this “Horde Favoritism” you mentioned? it’s not a good idea to make up words friend.

As oft it seems with personal bias.

Which is also completely ignoring the aforementioned changes in political entities involved, necessarily because with that in mind you’re basically saying a similar name upon any other entity would be the same. And that’s dumb.

The Alliance went from kingdoms on the brink in strife against the Horde to an established power in the middle and southern Eastern Kingdoms and northern Kalimdor, rife with internal corruption which it had to deal with at the point WoW begins. It goes from an alliance under the banner of Lordaeron founded with the goal of surviving the Old Horde’s onslaught to one of cooperation toward the end of fixing their then established kingdoms.

And both the Alliance and Horde are oppositional forces at the point WoW begins, because even after everything old hatreds linger.

Land like Brennadam.
And Southshore.
And Darkshore.
And Theramore.
And Gilneas.
Because as we all know, the poor ol’ Horde din ever du nuffin.

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Once Blizzard added battlegrounds to the game, players found another reason to feel Alliance bias. Alterac Valley’s infamous asymmetrical layout seemed to give the Alliance serious strategic advantages. The long bridge chokepoint with siege towers on either side proved far more defensible than the Horde’s bridgeless wooden fort.

Average garden salad intelligence take. AV massively favored the Horde but it’s meaningless when you don’t utilize your advantages because you’d rather whine. Sieging the alliance main area is more difficult, yes, but the trade off is that the Horde’s outer defenses are much harder to breach. The horde can quite easily spend the entire game not letting the alliance take anything because their outer-most towers and GY all support each other. The Horde’s elites are also just better. Balinda’s a complete joke, and Ivus is not nearly as good as Lokolar.

Unfortunately none of that really matter when there’s no scaling of rewards to game length meaning you have an active incentive to end matches as fast as possible.

“Gosh why is the alliance present in the expansion where we genocide the Night Elves for some reason?”

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varian :sob:
anduin ptsd replaced by fanatic
jaina menopause
mekkatorque mecha’ed
tyrande temporarily insane
magni replaced by female
greymane replaced by female
alleria jury still out

alliance seems to be going full court female, matriarchal, and horde is more like a male lead democracy

This was part of the loyalty program for developers, where you can buy exclusive items. A few Blizzard developers have been selling those items on eBay for years now. And seeing the url of the picture also confirms it for me.

My brother got from there also the Lost Vikings statue and the bowling shirt for MoP and Legion, which was not available for the regular market. This has nothing to do with “favoritism”.

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