Horde Favoritism?

Used to? Still is. Just because TWW might show a little more Alliance is far from it showing Alliance favortism. Horde has had the favortism for many many years and expansions. Alliance still have yet to have a raid based on just them when the Horde have had 2. SoO is one and the Alliance were throw ins. And the second was Uldir in BfA was Horde related since that raid was based on the Horde storyline. Alliance players had no clue what the point of that raid was since it wasn’t part of our story. Only way Alliance players knew what the point of it was is if they had Horde alts and did the story.

Oh yeah. When DF launched, Alliance couldn’t play it until the next day due to the ship bug that took us to the Dragon Isles yet Horde’s was fixed ASAP on the same day as DF launched. So yeah. It has not been swinging more toward the Alliance at all.

Meh? Pretty small thing.

Anyways horde used to 100% be favored … That died a long long time ago. Definitely feeling some alliance favoritism of late.

When was that, exactly? When Horde racials were so bad that Alliance players laughed at them, or when Blizzard let the Alliance raze the Horde capital?

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Horde racials were far superior for a long long time… Alliance ones have been superior since mop? Blizzard is hilariously bad and slow to balance these unfortunately.

Undercity? Didn’t sylvanas do that? Or do you mean the tree? I’m not really sure what you’re talking about here.

Anyways… I stick by what I said. Horde used to be favored in lore and other stuff. Hasn’t been that way in a very long time.

They weren’t, but Alliance players sure like to try and rewrite history about it.

When exactly were they superior? When Blood Elves had to mana tap 3 times before torrenting? When berserker’s damage bonus was based on how close to death you were?

I don’t see why this matters, but you’re right; blood elves should only be classes that rely on mana. Take away the blood elf hunters.

Yeah, but those races aren’t Blood Elf so does it really matter?

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I’m a life long horde player lol…

Do you not remember the aoe silence?!?! That was probably the most busted thing to ever exist for anything but raid.

Orc stun resist where you could straight up just immune a full stun?

My dude, horde racials were nuts for a long time. Probably more so than alliance ones now.

As for siege of orgrimmar… it was a mutual attack by horde and alliance :thinking::thinking: garrosh was nuts. I agree I wasn’t a huge fan but it’s definitely not on the same level as darnassus…

Horde were favored for a long time. Metzen yelling at BlizzCon the horde chant is iconic lol… I would agree alliance has been favored for a good bit now but horde had it for just as long probably.

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Do you not remember having to Mana Tap 3 times before you could use it?

Arcane Torrent didn’t work on bosses, whereas Stoneform can just outright remove even Mythic raid boss mechanics, so… no dice, sorry.

You’re looking at this from a mythic Raid pov only. For dungeons being able to aoe silence entire packs in a chain?

In PvP horde was the only faction played for a decade because orc racial and be racial were so insane.

Sorry man, but yes dice. Even with the stone form in raid, the vast majority of world first guilds were horde for a reason. The racials were very good even in raid. I love horde man (not so much since sylvanas) but I’m telling you there was a lot of favoritism for a long time.


The “Horde guilds” on RWF Fyrrak were fielding 15+ dwarves on their teams. Everyone who could be a dwarf, was a dwarf.

Dungeons weren’t dangerous for the majority of the time that Torrent was still a silence.

WoW PvP is a cafeteria food fight. If I want to PvP, I play a game that was actually designed for it.

These is completely irrelevant to what I said :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: holy man at this point you’re arguing to argue? I literally said alliance is favored now…

Now show me a world first raiding guild that ran dwarves in tbc? That’s my point… Le sigh

They weren’t because of how insane it was and hence it had to be nerfed.

Cool, I’m glad you have completely stopped having rational discussion so I can bow out of this conversation :roll_eyes:

Anyways, agree to disagree. Horde was favored vanilla-wod. Started to turn in legion. Has been alliance favored bfa-now. You’re not going to change my mind and I’m not going to change yours.

Welcome to chatting about factions with Brewa.


Which had nothing to do with the racials, and everything to do with the people. Alliance has always had all of the advantages, it’s just that playing Alliance meant playing with Alliance players, which people didn’t want to do.

Still don’t.

We can agree to disagree, but it’s definitely swinging more towards Alliance next expansion.

wasnt it always like that?

they were proud to show corpsegrinder from cannibal corpse downtalk the alliance at some old blizzcon iirc.

the statue in front of the HQ was (is? idk) an orc.

the netease offices they showed being destroyed as some kind of weird message around the time tencent got rid of their 5% shares… also had an orc statue in there.

Im a horde character, not complaining about anything just offering an observtiuon. but of course…

I will never stop laughing at people that bring up Cannibal Corpse and Green Jesus.

It’s the only thing they have, even though both examples are like… 15 years old at this point.

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Tauren and Zanda trolls

And the Blizzard employee service rewards are Alliance.

But you guys always leave that part out.