Horde Favoritism?

But it would be blasphemous to let these little robots change form without the transformers “chchchk chchchk chchchk” as it changes. How could Bliz not include that?!


Lmao… I totally went there with that idea and that was the response given to me.

Gnomeformers, Druids in Disguise


Love me the transformers.


Horizon zero dawn druids :joy:

if they did that and did a good job, mechagnomes would be more popular, i think, cause itd be quirky fun and wow has always had an undercurrent of silly irreverence


I know I would roll a Mechagnome just for druid. It would be pretty neat and yeah, a little goofy lol



Like holy crap I hadn’t thought of HZD, but they sort of have shamans in those games who are able to percieve things by integrating tech into themselves; Druids having done that by subduing out of control robots would be legit innovative and an amazing take on it.

The Horde at their lowest is still better than the Alliance. It just is.

I think we all can agree that this was just a bad plot device to move the majority of High Elves to the Horde and rename them. That people still hang up on this poorly constructed storybeat shows me that Blizzard does not need to show effort or offer good writing.

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You seem frustrated. I’m sorry.

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horde got a siege in their main city two times, lost two wars in less than a decade and their warchiefs murdered, yes horde favoritism


Story favors Alliance
Gameplay favors Horde.

Both are problems.


Is that why everyone at the top end is overwhelmingly Dwarf or Night Elf, these days, due to their OP racials?


You answered your own post.

Story favors Alliance.
Gameplay favors Alliance.

Blizzard laughs at the Horde.


I think the fixation with race representation as regards to faction is silly and hurts storytelling.

I dont want never beforeseen underground orcs in titan land.

Like its confirmed we have a pressence there but we dont need to insert ourselves strongly if it doesnt make sense.

This isnt Garrosh finding out Alliance have also landed on pandaria and flipping out. XD

Just let them tell a good quality story.

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Title almost made me die from intense fits of laughter.

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I never understood the people who are against this slightly silly undertone. They will scream against fish-daggers in a game with magic and people holding swords 10x their size.

It’s crazy to me that Alliance gets their characters featured in two expansions (Slands and TWW) and its somehow Alliance favortism when almost every other expansion has been Horde-centric lol