Horde Favoritism?

Personally, I think he is far from being a genius, but that might also be a matter of personal taste. After he destroyed several things in his room (on screen) due to a fantasy game, I won’t be watching him anymore. It’s one thing to get upset about games, of course, but it should at least stay within certain limits.

guess life experience helps. my hubby has ptsd and my son is high functioning autist, so outbursts dont…phase me. if they did, i’d be in trouble lol

I’m a double agent. I play both. But I favor alliance. That said I’ve felt for many years until recently that blizzard liked the horde more. I’ve played since the start so that’s based on a lot of content.

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I kept some of the ash and on his anniversary I put a spoon full of it in my coffee.

To Horde players, 80/20 is “Alliance favoritism”

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Is this even a debate? Seems pretty obvious that there is a substantial Alliance lean in the story, in the outcome of characters, in assets that are developed for the two factions… The Alliance wins in every expansion.

Alliance logic is kind of absurd sometimes. They think WoD was a Horde expansion, when our entire mission was to exterminate Orcs of legend, when the Horde garrison was shipped buggy and unfinished and to this day looks like hot garbage. Or Cata because Thrall, as a Shaman, was a key character, completely disregarding all of the Alliance characters that played key parts in the story. Or how we were about to lose several Horde leaders, in Cata and afterwards.

It just boggles the mind.


When I play an alliance toon, I always represent with a Horde Red cloak. kind of a subtle middle finger. When I make bathroom at the AH in Stormwind, that is a fully extended middle finger.


And if you then run around with a Horde toon in one of the numerous Night Elf transmogs, which for some reason are also available to the Horde, is that also considered a middle finger? :thinking: As it stands right now, Blizzard seems to be turning the Horde into a second Alliance with the Alliance races, transmogs, cities, and mounts that are being made available to the Horde.

That might be true. As someone who doesn’t often witness such extreme temper tantrums, I found his behavior over a game slightly disturbing.

Honestly, I think simply applying a night elf transmog to any other race is a gigantic middle finger to all the respectable players that hate elves. That’s just kinda rude!

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we had to get a football helmet for my son because if he lost a nintendo game, he’d bang his forehead on the floor, pretty hard. so at least pyro doesnt take it out on his forehead. come to think of it, i saw asmongold do that to his keyboard. hehe.

Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. It must be tough to deal with such things on a daily basis…

he’s older now and has learned to deal with frustration better, but the brain is very complicated and if it malfunctions even a tiny bit, the results can be extreme. it does seem asmon has stopped trying to knock himself out also lol, so maybe age calms it down

Interesting. I don’t really know much about these things, but that might be true. As I said, for someone, who isn’t familiar with it, such extreme reactions can seem quite intense, which is why I find it hard to understand. After all, at the end of the day, it’s just pixels. Pixels that you can get upset about, and I would be lying if I said that I’m not also frustrated by many things in WoW, but not to the extent that it would affect my life, as it seems to be the case for some. Even in the forum, one wonders how deeply some people get invested in this game.

That would be the logical endgoal of this; Like maybe they hold onto some fig leaf for certain ones like the Evoker or Demonhunter, but the core ones are going to wind up available to everyone eventually. Main thing holding them back is that the ones holding them up atm (Paladin, shaman and druid) have additional art assets they need to design.

back in the day it was generic. then it started getting personalized customizations. there were small differences originally, like horns on a tauren catform and fangs on a troll catform, different cat skins but overall, generic, such as boomkins

like blood elf pally horse was just recolor of human pally horse


It’s not “favoritism”

Is because the lore allows zanda/ tauren druids shaman and paladins.

Combine that with in the fact that all the other classes without racial assets are now available to everyone and there you go…

what 2 races?

If you consider Garithos a part of the Alliance then it’s fair game to consider the old Horde part of the current.
“OoooOOooOO, He WaS rAcIsT!” is more limp than a moldering willow branch compared to the road of trampled corpses and multiple attempted genocides, as well as the whole soul-puppeteering of the original Death Knights and all and sundry else.

Truth be told lorewise it’d easily explain how Dark Iron and Worgen would also get Druid and Shaman Respectively, the Druid of the Flame defectors would teach them (Given The Kaldorei and Gilneans being homies and the Dark Iron might bond with them over their connection to the Firelands.).

Honestly a lot of the class/race issues would be made easier by virtue of disentangling them from specific organizations and their PoV; The thornspeakers are a very different beast then the cenarion circle given their focus on entropy but at the same time they’re just as much druids as any nelf or tauren.

Like one of the ones I really liked was the idea of mechagnome druids where they were able to move so far in the opposite direction from conventional druidism via their fixation on science and upgrading that they horseshoed back around to create an analogue of said class with them turning into different machines (many of which actually have models already) to assist them in the preservation of the natural world (which they seem to have a fascination with in their own way)


Also there is this option. (Copy/Paste from another thread where we were discussing Druids in particular, didnt want to cross-quote it)

Or, because their entire backstory is returning to their Titan origins, a group of Mechagnomes go to Ulduar and swear service to Titan Keeper Freya, the Titan Keeper who literally created / ordered the Emerald Dream and gave rise to the Wild Gods through her various “gardens” across Azeroth. Boom. Mechagnomes are now connected to the Emerald Dream and can be Druids of Freya.

Could also throw in Thorim, Hodir, and Ignis for Mechagnome Shamans.