Horde Favoritism?

Why are you bringing this up? I was talking about Uldir. Not nzoth or nyalotha

Here is the thing:
You’re wrong.
And you know you’re wrong, which makes you a troll.

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I’m not. It is factual that the southern barrens is contested. Even before the gameplay consideration was lifted. But im going to bed now. Have a great night.

i have been pounding this drum, off and on, since vanilla, but i think the devs have been trying to correct it, as it got so bad, the horde had to wait for alliance to finish hall of fame so the first raid could open, but there werent enough alliance to fill a 10 man raid team. so horde players had to get on alliance alts or make alliance chars to finish hall of fame . thats when they finally opened cross faction grouping and the game perked back up.


Classic was an alliance-favored experience, that 2005 editorial the article you linked to draws from is entirely correct in that assertion. The pendulum swung hard into horde favoritism 2006 for the burning crusade and stayed there until VERY recently. Most players playing today never played with an alliance-favored experience, hence all the current backlash to perceived “Alliance favoritism.” It’s favoritism to give the faction that had nothing something for a change.

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Horde didn’t steal the Blood Elves/High Elves, one of your racist Alliance commanders chased them away.

This decision was made back in Warcraft 3, not WoW.

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yes yes, like some more classes and dang my void elf needs some new hairs. shes got the same hairstyles she started with, while all the other legion allied races have new hairstyles, tats , skin, eye and haircolors, face and ear decorations, hand wrist and neck jewelry, hair decorations, body mods, and so on. they gave us skin, hair and eyecolors and stopped.

So Wildhammer Druids and Druids of the Flame?
That seems like a win for The Alliance.
Truth be told lorewise it’d easily explain how Dark Iron and Worgen would also get Druid and Shaman Respectively, the Druid of the Flame defectors would teach them (Given The Kaldorei and Gilneans being homies and the Dark Iron might bond with them over their connection to the Firelands.).

it was made in wow because alliance had its own high elves, separate from blood elves but it was decided to only address the ones shown in w3, who were the ones who becane blood elves and joined horde. i wouldnt expect kael and the blood elves to join alliance but it is a bit odd that they forgave all the bad theyd been put thru by horde races and still joined, but blamed the entire alliance because the lordaeron general was insane

It was also cause of shenanigans by The Night Elves and Dwarves that was the final push during Blood Elf questing.

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I guess Arthas almost wiping them out completely didn’t help either.

in w3, the night elves helped the blood elves. they travelled thru out plaguelands as a team, and helped them finish their assigned tasks given to them by the crazy guy, garithos. then tyrande fell in the river and vanished, a hunt commenced, illidan was involved 
its here he becomes a demon hunter if i recall and the blood elves go back to report to garithos.

the events in tbc, are after the decision was made to only deal with the blood elf as a new race for the horde, so the dwarf in eversong and the nelfs in ghostlands are retcons to support the decision

in w3, the blood elves join the naga who jail break them, and then join illidan when he was still a bad guy (and later kil’jaeden). so technically for a bit, the only viable high elves were alliance since blood elves had joined the ‘bad guys in outlands’, then the decision was made to make blood elves horde playable and not be just more bad guys in outlands, rather than let alliance have the non enemy high elves.

To Alliance players, 50/50 is “Horde favoritism”.


TBC was generally full of retcons. The whole thing with the blood elves and the night elves there was pure nonsense and contradicts the fact that Tyrande personally advocated for Kael’s well-being. But also later on with Illidan, the Draenei etc., it’s absolute nonsense when you look at the story in TBC. But you won’t find any understanding here, because people just make up their own headcanons. And honestly, you can’t blame them for it. WoW has been a complete disaster in terms of storytelling, and it didn’t start with WoD. Countless retcons stretch across all expansions. In some, it was worse than in others, but the lore as a whole is just not credible because previously established lore is later invalidated constantly. Consequently, players then decide for themselves what is canon and what isn’t.

the rpg, which is now considered non-canon, even had nelfs sharing moonwells with belfs, to help soothe their addiction withdrawals. lol

As mentioned, they wanted to compulsively justify that the race fit into the Horde, despite all the destruction that the Orcs brought to Quel’Thalas. Mass murder and destruction were thus portrayed as less bad than a single human harboring a gigantic grudge against Blood Elves. :sweat_smile:
But whatever. It is what it is and personally, I think there were many other retcons that were even more ridiculous than this one. Shadowlands, for example, is the icing on the cake, but as mentioned, the story in WoW was never really believable. I don’t play WoW for the story anymore. There are way better games out there, if you want to focus on a solid story.

i watch pyromancer’s lore theories. he gets my brain working on lore subjects in wow. like his long held belief that sargeras is gonna end up being a hero in the story. i gotta admit, having sargeras and illidan suddenly appear, would certainly be exciting. just keep your eye on the red star in the sky. if it disappears, we got incoming

Used to be favored was all it took. They did that for 3-4 expansions at least because Metzen couldn’t get enough people to roll horde and it being his love child so it was heavy alliance. Blizz continued to screw alliance players every expansion until it swung to what we have today which is tons of Horde and not so many alliance a lot of the big raid guilds gave up and switched to horde and never came back and game aged and no one came in to replace them.
I am good with it though I rather have the lemmings go to horde. I remember I think it was around MoP I rolled a horde and was doing just a easy raid finder raid and Horde was so disorganized and untalented it was a struggle to even kill a boss in raid finder. So obviously Horde needed all the help they could get and Blizz finally swung the game so crazily in favor of em people had no real choice but to switch.

I watched a thing or two from this YouTuber, and no offense, but I think he’s not quite stable. I’m not sure if you’ve seen his nervous breakdowns, because I believe he deleted them later, but he has a pretty unhealthy relationship with games. Both with WoW and with FFXIV. So I’m not entirely sure how much one should trust his theories. :sweat_smile:

well most creative genius is not entirely stable. :laughing: