Horde Favoritism : Hair Styles

If Blizzard, who is in charge of the canon, adds stuff to the game and changes the lore…then it’s lore.

You don’t get to pick and choose. I don’t get to say Teldrassil wasn’t actually burned down and the Night Elven people genocided just because I think it was a poorly executed and shallow plot device.


You wanna play a tiny hulk? Sounds good lol

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I can agree to that.


It is! I’ve been changing them around lately. I’ll probably change it yet again when the servers are less buggy, but for now I’m refraining from logging ingame.


This is so 100% true.

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first thing you said that i disagree with. let me explain: humans have 35 hairstyles, blood elves have 25. that is a big discrepancy. as a belf player, i would like more hairstyle options for my belf. as a velf player, i would like more hairstyle options for my velf. its not a hard concept.


They go ree when they charge in so i had to have it

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I’ll do it in trade, in that you explain by lore why you function Ms. Void Elf Holy Priest without exploding yourself out of existence. =)



yea yea, just like that Nelf heritage armor, right? I’m still waiting on that one, Humans too

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In my headcanon (I play on a RP server) I’m a High Elf Holy Priest :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: If you click my profile you should hopefully see my updated appearance to reflect this haha

If you wanna know the lore justification for this race having this class in game… well I couldn’t tell you :rofl:

I hope you know my comment was sincere though ^^


Why not? You wouldn’t get much Customization wise since this pass was mostly centered around the Core races.

You’ll see more added to AR’s as SLs progresses.

Yeah… They actually said that we’d see those during SLs as well.

I can’t waitttt for Nelf Heritage armor

Pls be good


One hopes. :stuck_out_tongue:

Nah I’m sure it’ll be nice.

The Forsaken, Human, and Orc ones as well.


I am not, but I do wait for the belves/velves druids,
that would be my main regardless of faction I think.


I’ll root for you. More druids is always a good thing I think.


Belves having Lynx Cat Forms, Hawkstrider travel forms, etc. would be so good

Nightborne could have cool botanical/arcane Druid forms like that one section of Nighthold…

Idek for Velves but I’d love it

More races need Druid class :sob:


We’ll see if this holds true

I’m not holding my breath! lol

I figured it was, “because” you’re on a RP server. So am I. =) I just sorta surprised RP’d you without you realizing it. Goblins don’t typically give away stuff for free, but if you had actually figured out something plausible in lore to explain it, that would be interesting as heck from a Gobbo PoV. So a simple trade! But pfft, cheater. lol

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The difference lies between something being added because of lore, or lore being added to justify something.

The “lore” came second in this situation, the change was made to fit.

That’s like suddenly giving Horde dreanei and then saying “oh yeah, there were some that didn’t like Velen so they left and joined the Horde”

They get the square peg, they get the round hole and then they just smash it together until the edges of the round hole give in and the square goes through.

Up to you what you believe.

For now we have new things to enjoy, and we’ll see what comes next.