Horde Favoritism : Hair Styles

There would be nothing wrong with a few draenei on the horde side, as long as Velen is still on the alliance, renegades existed literally all the time.

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Oh my word the forum wars this would cause. You have no idea. I mean, I’d like it, gives me an in on the Goblin Paladin angle. But… super duper doubt Blizz would do this.

man’ari eredar for the horde

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You are suggesting letting DEMONS into the Horde? As members?

Are you nuts?

Not gonna lie, I’m still a little salty about belves getting to keep the original “Raquel” and “Curly/ Glamorous” hairstyles. The female humans had the exact same styles, until the updated models arrived and blizz butchered the humans!

i cant type fast enough to debate this. but draenei are eredar. man’ari eredar are draenei who the the draenei refer to as unnatural beings. in that respect any draenei that doesnt worship the light and revere the naaru, would be considered unnatural… plot hole huh? huh?

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Right where is the rest of our Heritage amor Blizz?! I want my Heritage armor to! We all do!


“the Dark Titan Sargeras bathed the eredar in his fel might, and turned them into demonic members of the Burning Legion.”
World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 52

It has also been shown by a rather dumb Warlock they are summoned as any other demon.

They are demons.

And even IF they weren’t, they were still top dogs in the freaking Burning Legion. Why in the Light would that EVER be a good idea to invite them in? The Orcs alone would lose their minds in outrage at the very idea, let alone everything else that probably would go wrong if history is anything to go by.

So yea, I have no idea how you could work Eredar into the Horde. Would be cool though. I would play one.

Okay, now go count Night Elfs vs Nightborne.

k, so yrel comes thru the portal with her light worshipping crusaders, some of whom probably have seen enough death and destruction via the light, that they are looking for the first safe harbor to run to, to escape from the fanatics. the horde, neither enemies nor fanatical adherents to the light, give them refuge. yrel’s crusaders begin calling the errant draenei, traitors and man’ari.

maybe they are less desirable ones or something because they didnt properly lightforge for some reason, and it modified how they look. maybe you need to have faith in the light for the lightforging to work, and some of them dont like the fanaticism

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Yrel and her followers are gonna become the 2nd Legion lol

I need sleep so I have to jet… but just real fast and it’s just personal opinion, I think you would need to scale a mountain to make that work. Nice chatting with you!

you should be happy your abomination of a race who doenst make sense was even ever allowed to exist in the first place

also should we compare nightbornes haircutes to night elfs ? because trust me I am sure there is a real issue with that one

20 vs 7

:worried: sorry

I meant lore wise , lore wise void elfs on the alliance just doenst make sense at all

humans have the most hairstyles - 35.
blood elves have 25.
void elves have 11.
lightforged draenei and nightborne have 8.

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this person is trying to compare the core races with their allied races counterpart

so comparing nightbornes to night elf make sense

yeah we’re hoping allied races all get more options.

nightbornes and lightforged sure , void elf no , you guys got more than some core races

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we have the same hairstyles we started with 10, plus the new bald option. we need more hairstyles.