Horde Favoritism : Hair Styles

Between us, nothing IRL would prevent Goblin becoming a paladin.
The same blood, flesh and ambitions.

Because you shouldnā€™t dictate how my character looks, itā€™s MY character and I should be able to make it look like what >>I<< want.

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Alliance: Stop giving us lazy, copy pasted races!

Also Alliance: Give us Blood Elves but on the Alliance


High elves are an alliance thing and always has been to me. They were labeled as neutral but they did pop up around alliance side quite more often. The blood elves are high elves too so it makes sense we can all get the blue eye option.

But the alliance didnā€™t get blood elves exactly, they got a group of outcasts that call themselves Renā€™dorei, who are touched by the void. It is okay that the void elves could share skin colors and hair color with the blood elves eventually but it also makes a lot more sense if they didnā€™t look completely uncorrupted. Itā€™s just crazy to be upset about it. The option to look more like a high elf was a gift really. Maybe they will get more options later on!

Blood elves really didnā€™t get super lucky with the new customizations in shadowlands either. Itā€™s okay both sides are upset but itā€™s nobody fault here lol. Blizzard should have either put full on high elves as a allied race or not budged with the skin color and stuck with their design. But now people are now stuck waiting for what they wished they had.

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Also to reinforce one very important point:
none of the new skin tones work with existing hair styles,
so you can consider that nothing really was added.

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And dannnnng do I look good with these purple eyes and tan skin :smiley: I canā€™t wait for my forum pfp to update

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I hope we get black and white hair colors soon, I wonder what other colors we will get with the Allied Race passover. Pretty pastels? Alleria blonde? Some cool toned browns? :smiley:

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Thereā€™s so much entitlement in this thread. Itā€™s a bit off-putting. No wonder people donā€™t want to play Alliance.


Why should that matter? Are we really justifying the horribly limited appearance options on allied races because they arenā€™t core? Pathetic. I donā€™t even play a single AR and I know that is complete bs.


I agree completely.

Just so you know I have no horse in this elf customization thing. But just felt the lore point should be driven home.

As for Goblin Paladins, Iā€™ve advocated hard for them, Gnomes to. But because lore must explain it, it has to be an evolution thing in the future.

You must consider character options that take from BEā€™s may need to be lored and be an evolution for you as well. Sucks butā€¦ shrugs

Fezzy supports them getting more customization, heā€™s just referring to the fact that Blizzard outright said that Shadowlands launch would focus on Core Race customization, ant then they would do an Allied Race customization passover later on during the expansion :heart:


The point is that is irrelevant. You are getting customisation options to mimic a race that isnā€™t playable in game and yet itā€™s still not good enough, and not only not good enough, but evidence that there is Horde bias? Itā€™s beyond ridiculous.

I think the best part about it is that you are basically creating a rod for your own back and ensuring high elves will never be playable on the Alliance.

Correct, so people should stop complaining they are not high elves, because as you said, they are not.
So the customisation options for this non-high elf race is perfectly fine as it is.

Itā€™s not even remotely like that. Itā€™s like youā€™ve been getting oreos for 4 years and now instead you demand not only oreas each week but choc chip cookies on top of that and you wonā€™t be satisfied until you get it.

How is demanding two races for the price of one not entitlement?

The one where they never mentioned blood elves or why they shouldnā€™t be Horde? Ok then.


Aww boohoohoo! The lesser race was given less than the core one.

So because the hairstyles werenā€™t part of the deal means the skins are worthless and you got nothing?

Just as I said ungrateful spoiled and entitled Alliance players at their finest.


Thatā€™s because no one ever asked for void elves. No one even knew what a void elf race was until Ion pulled it out of his butt.


People did inadvertently ask for velf by asking for helf , it was Blizzards compromise. Now we have high elf in all but nameā€¦


Well it already has.

For one, Ion said the Velves actively grow by recruiting Blood Elves and High Elves into their ranks. None of these elves would have blue skin or hair, theyā€™d be like Alleria. No new blueberry elves can ever be created due to the nature of their transformation.

For two, there are multiple High Elf Wayfarer and Silvermoon Scholar NPCs in the Void Elf starting zone of Telogrous Rift who are studying the Void from Locus Walker, Alleriaā€™s teacher, and have glowing eyes to show the harnessing of the void power.

And third, the art director said this about the new options:

" It was an opportunity where we had a number of elven races, and we could tie it back to their roots, letting players choose where they want to align and what fantasy to play out. We did have a lot of discussion about it, ultimately we might do more in the future, but for now weā€™re providing the option to have a few High Elf customizations available."

So the lore is def there!

And Night Elf paladisn please :smiley:

I mean, Goblins have faith in money, right? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Get over it, seriously. Iā€™d rather see more customization options for other races.


Amazing explanation and facts, thank you.

Sure the Goblins light is the shine that comes off gold coins lol they have faith in light that comes from money :moneybag:

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Iā€™m sure Void Elves will get more styles eventually. I image there could be a few Blood Elf styles, though Iā€™d also like to see the some original and/or Alliance derived styles as well.

The same could be said for colors as while the Void Elves could use some basic natural tones Iā€™d also like to see a few fantasy tones as well. My biggest wish would be to just be brighter colors instead of all the subtle/muted tones Void Elves have now.