Horde Favoritism : Hair Styles

Forget the balance there is no way to ever make the game perfectly balance because Blizz cannot force people to play one faction. And stripping a whole race off of one faction giving it to the other and giving it every single last customization and we get nothing in return for our stolen race? That’s not fair! Yet you say not having all the customizations Blood elves have isn’t fair? When it is fair you guys got our race and we didn’t get one of yours.

(And no I don’t want any Alliance races on Horde)

But now that this one sided trade has happened it needs to be done.


Only the void elves got some new customization out of all the allied races and they needed it the least.


Calling for it? It’s just people who feel they are entitled to this and that and everything else.

There is nothing wrong with Void Elves. The “issue” with Void Elves is that people don’t want them to be Void Elves. That isn’t a game problem, that is a person problem.

They have received far more support than any other original allied race, so why do they keep needing more, more, more?


Nightborne really needed some love and deserved it more.


Blood elves shouldve never been in the horde in the first place,
so you would have your 1 mythic guild and we would have the rest 9999999 guilds.

Blood Elf lore puts them firmly in the Horde but as a non-rp server player you probably don’t know anything about lore.


It’s recommended you have patience, they are applying customization features to core races first before moving on to Allied Races.

Even I am a tad bit upset about the limited choices of hair styles and colors.

I know enough to understand that lore has nothing to do with races anymore.
So lets skip this to the part where we get full belves customization and everyone is happy.

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There that’s what I was waiting to hear you say! Hahaha! So you are just one of those salty players that feels entitled to something that was never yours! Lmao! Thanks for admitting it! :rofl:

It’s exactly people like you that ruin this game ungrateful for what Blizzard has given to you! Shameful!


Everyone would not be happy.


so we’re not even hiding it


Who would not be happy?
Please tell me.

  1. You realize High Elves have been an Alliance-alligned race/faction for…10+ years IRL? They fill our portal rooms, we have to gain reputation with them in multiple Expacs (while Horde can NOT), they literally accompanied Tyrande/The Alliance Night Elves during the attack on Suramar to rescue the Nightborne and were addressed as a separate race from the Belves who were there, 4) one of them literally was the main NPC who sent us to our warfronts during BFA.

Horde players who’ve never played Alliance throughout the years become painful obvious when they claim Helves haven’t been an Alliance-alligned race for ages now.

??? Velves only took skin colors from Belves? Skin colors that also belong to High Elves?

Belves gained blue eye colors which let them look like High Elves, which many Belf players wanted for ages.

Both races gained the ability to look like High Elves. Velves don’t have green or gold eyes or warm summery hair colors, they can’t look like Belves.

Too late, Nightborne joined the Horde. You, the Night Elves who were trapped in their capital? Who were rescued by both the Horde AND their Alliance brethren who are literally related to them.


It’s scary how after meeting so much resistance in the thread none of these people count as “who” to you

I think you think your wants are the priority


How about instead they take all the skin tones Velves and things stay fair instead of them caving into crybabies that have show no appreciation for all the hard work Blizzard has put into this game that YOU play!


Every Blood Elf player would not be happy.

It’s bad enough we got an unfinished model in WoD with unrigged poorly modeled hair then Void Elves got the polished version with all the hair and beards we should have gotten in the model remake. Then you robbed us of our skin colors but that’s not enough for you.

You know what we get in return for all we lost? Nothing. That is not okay.


Don’t Alliance races have more options overall?

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That’s a rather big assumption considering I’ve seen multiple Belf players on these forums say they support Velves getting natural hair colors and new hairstyles.

I’ve also seen many Belf players saying they want to share hairstyle assets completely across the races.

Don’t speak for a whole group of people please it’s not a good look

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This is typical horde entitlement.
At its best and finest.

You’re projecting pretty hard there.