Horde Favoritism : Hair Styles

Lol right :joy:

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You’re an allied race. It’s not your turn yet.


this is true.

I am just saying that the simple thought of people leaving horde for alliance
makes someone nervously report this as inappropriate.
Cancel culture at its finest.

You really won’t find horde threads like these, I’m not saying anything but that’s just something I notice.


Of course I wont, you have 25 hair styles and much more hair colors than we.
Kinda obvious why.

Your post was probably reported because there’s already several other void elf complaint threads on the forums meaning this thread is probably considered spam by some players.

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imagine thinking you have such a place that deserves things when you’re the new allied race that took our whole look


Maybe bc it’s an extremely limited aesthetic and that severely limits what transmog/etc. looks good on you?

Up until today Velves had very specific color sets that worked on their blueberry skin and hair.

Just like LF Draenei are very limited in aesthetic. But at least they still look like Draenei.

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Now you are just being desperate. I love the widow’s peak looking hair. Belf hair is very 2000s.


I think it’s more so people are sick of hearing people whine and complain like you instead of be grateful for you have been given oh nooooo it’s not enough! You guys muuust have more!

This thread is nothing more than a Troll thread.


It is genuine plea to establish balance.

Inappropriate? No. Trolling? Surely.
What can you expect when we see 15 new VE threads a day. A lot of people are sick of seeing them and surely those who are posting are just trolling.


I think you’re overestimating the superficiality of Blood Elf players.

A few helf stans will transfer, the rest of us are happy where we are.

Brutally robbing Blood Elves of everything isn’t going to save your faction.


I know it’s a crazy idea but you can just not open the thread

You should consider the following,
if there is some reaction that means something caused it.
So if a lot of people asking for it, maybe (just maybe) there is a good and valid reason for this,
and no, I am not trolling.

why not apply the same logic to the many people opposed to such things


You oppose wide available customization to keep exclusiveness.

Exclusivity is the bomb.

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that’s a funny way of saying you’re copying and pasting this specific race

and not other ones

this one