Horde Favoritism : Hair Styles

It’s kind of ironic that OP is calling Horde players whiney and entitled when that’s all her post is.


I’d love to see them get more void customizations. Maybe something weird and really out there to sell the cosmic horror theme.

There was a thread when prepatch came out about someone’s velf man looking like he had two black eyes, so someone has noticed. I don’t have them unlocked so I can’t say.


The male VE’s who want to stay with VE skin all look like they have dark circles or black eyes that they didn’t have before

This was the post actually, and it seems to be talked about on several of the discords I’m in so its def an issue imo like sad for VE fans (it only is for the male characters though for some reason I guess?)


Why does it matter? Alliance gets goth elves, that alone is worth like 10 hair styles tbh.

Just because it doesn’t interest you doesn’t mean it doesn’t belong here. And if it makes you angry that people aren’t engaging in the discussion that you prefer and you go into these threads that don’t interest you to voice your anger…

Speaking of entitlement. Seek help.

AND danced the “Gnomish Pelvic Thrust of DOOOOOM”! :smiley:

@Zeusgodofsky - This thread got HUGE & so I’m not going to go back & find whatever you’re talking about, but if I “took out the rest” then I wasn’t responding to whatever that was, only to the part I quoted. Sorry if that upset you, I guess? I can’t tell if you’re upset or just weirded out over me only quoting part of what you said.

They don’t stand up straight because they’re rotting? Even if they’re “fresh”, they’re still rotting & part of that is muscles shrinking. Hence, they do not stand up straight. With all the wonderful new customizations for Forsaken (and things that could have been improved…), “can’t stand up straight” is the hill you’ve chosen?


Well we still are, actually. We’ve been touched by the void is all. Again, I’d LOVE it if we had tattoos or a skin effect similar to the hair effect, (or the corruption effect) where the void sort of slithers around just under the skin, it that makes sense. We have voidy stuff in our hair, but while it may be addictive, it’s not actually a drug so making it show on the skin would be cool.

You mean like the $2 Saturday night Blood Elves…

Nope, not at all. I’m over the moon happy with the customizations on the core races - some have been broken for a VERY long time!!! Honestly, I did create some AR on the Beta just to see if they had new stuff because I thought it was too soon for them - CR have been waiting much MUCH longer!

The fact that they DID get something when the others did not testifies to exactly how close the coding files are between Blood & Void Elves. I think they may virtually be a copy-pasta so if one gets updates, the other will almost automatically gain some or all of those updates as well. I don’t think it took more time away from creating the new customizations - it might have taken more time away to separate the lines of code so that only Blood Elves got new stuff & not Void Elves.

LOL I can’t figure out if I need to stay 2H on my Unholy or go back to Dual-wield. Somebody help dah newb!!!

Indeed and they were not friendly or even given to tolerance of others either. They were seen as evil fae creatures who could steal, curse or even kill those who dared to cross them.

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quest chain during lunar festival made the floral wreaths permament and moggable over any armor type.

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I will need to make sure I do that next year then. The flowers REALLY set that hairstyle off!

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This is like saying the engineers at Chernobyl were merely touched by radiation when the reactor melted.

For me, all races needs at last more 50 new types of hair - bald or almost bald styles does not count on this because it’s easy to create.

I think that because, it’s a race customization. Transmog is a huge thing in WoW , a huge amount of players love to customize their characters - so, hairs need a palet of colors like photoshop (for example, blue have a 20+ variation range) - and the designer team need to make cool and nice hair types based on warcraft universe , but no only two or three more, it’s 50+ for EACH race, without re-using one type for more than one or two races (like the two orcs races…).

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Yes, as one person said in this thread ^
the visuals are the true endgame.

So all possible sets of hair style and customizations should be allowed.

blood elves have more hairstyles because they stole the vulpera’s hairstyles. Poor bald foxes.

I’m not happy until we alliance get high elf. I mean velfs didn’t get blonde hair. Ashamed really :confused:

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