Horde Favoritism : Hair Styles

Side with the Blood Elf players! And anyone advocating for Blizzard to redirect attention back to core races since all core race customizations have been lackluster (save Night Elves, but even there they do a few things like allow tattoos to be colored) but especially the core races that just feel beyond lackluster.

I wish you had stayed on Proudmoore like I did when it started to shift to a super Alliance server, we could have become friends long before we encountered one another on the forums. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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For real, I have met lots of great people on Horde side since I started posting on the forums due to the whole High Elf, Blood Elf, Void Elf battle and it still brings me to more and more people which is great because I love making new friends. :blush: :blush: :blush:


Awe yeah itā€™s a great server! I just love Tichondrius so much now, everyone from Tich seems to have a friendly vibe despite what people will say.

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Me to! Bff!

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If theyā€™re going to take that stance than only the horde is entitled to warlocks. Tbh though I preferred the imprisoned Naaru thing but I think sunwell couldā€™ve worked better without Liadrin literally sounding exactly like a human paladin.

Iā€™m trying out Proudmoore but I didnā€™t find trade chat particularly encouraging. Are the guilds decent?

I do whatever causes more people to not be Void Elves. People ignoring the VElf flavour to roll what are basically standard elves is a small victory

Been beating that gong for yonks. Give everyone scars and tattoos. Fix worgen being broken at the moment. Beards for trolls.

I am just glad to be a night elf customization-wise right now lmao


I love Proudmoore as much as I love Tich, they really both have great communities. I love their Alliance community, though Naughtymoon can attest Horde is just as good of a community (from what I remember) itā€™s just smaller.


There is endless Horde favoritism for ALL the customizations, as well as priority of females over males (why canā€™t some of my male characters get access to things like necklaces and piercings, especially on the Alliance?).

Blizzard isnā€™t even trying to hide it anymore.


GCD :heart:

Party is all here.


I have never played that server like at all but everyone I have met from there has been nice to me so I donā€™t see how anyone could say anything bad about anyone from Tich.

Iā€™ve seen some complain about nelf customization. :scream:

We are gorgeous though.


Indeed we are and yeah, I keep having it tell me Iā€™m out of likes then I can like a few posts then it gives me a cooldown, it sucks but it wonā€™t stop me from giving any of you hearts if I want to. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

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24 min CD for me :heart:

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You are ahead of me, mine said 45 minutes. Haha. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

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I still have an hour left on mine :pensive:

Awww, hereā€™s some extra hearts just because. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


We just spread all the love together mā€™lady. :heart:

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:rofl: :rofl: