Horde Favoritism : Hair Styles

and bigger boobs for models

honestly, im starting to prefer vulpera over elves at this rateā€¦

The one that gets me is they always talk about how Alliance is non existent these days faction population wise. So their declaring their own status as the lesser populated faction.

But take this thread for example

The OP has said things like ā€œBlood Elves donā€™t belong on the Horde and everyone knows itā€ who is everyone? I thought the trending topic of the day is how barely anyone plays Alliance? So youā€™re laying claim to the BE player population as proof of a huge fan base for High Elves on Alliance? Iā€™m not saying there arenā€™t people who want them but like it doesnā€™t make sense to me the logic of a lot of people.

This is actually an old thing from the olā€™ HElf Wars days

The thing being people saying either ā€œHigh Elves on the Alliance will fix the faction balance!ā€ or ā€œAdding High Elves to the Alliance will gut the Horde overnight so they canā€™t be on the Allianceā€

Both of these points are wrong, but they got thrown around ridiculously during that whole mess of a time

Iā€™d call BS about that based just off my server, I have always played on this server and at one time it was somewhat balanced but for many xpacs now itā€™s been super Alliance and all I see whether Iā€™m in warmode or not is Alliance players all over, they are like ants infesting everywhere and everything.

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Yeah I donā€™t mind recognizing a group of people want Alliance High Elves. But Iā€™m so tired of people laying claim to the BE player population as proof of something. Blood Elf fans are Blood Elf fans and chances are outnumber Alliance HE fans leave us alone. In suggesting weā€™ll ā€œrunā€ back to Alliance or that none of us like the Horde or our Blood Elves.

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A few very vocal HE fans have a real obsession with ā€˜perfectā€™ ā€˜pureā€™ uber elves that they cannot see why someone would be interested in elves that have more going for them than being a fantasy staple.

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You posted this as Iā€™m getting in the shower. You did sneak in and set up those cameras didnā€™t you? :rofl:

Random Gallows fact: I hate shaving. Like totally despise it. And how ironic Iā€™m posting this in a hair thread. :rofl:

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And thr GCD is back lol! :heart:

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I was just wondering if you noticed this to but did you you notice the OP has just been watching and giving like to all the posts that arenā€™t disagreeing with this post and not actually responding anymore? Lmao

Woot welcome back! Same question as above did you notice that to? Lol

Thatā€™s a good thing, no?

I didnā€™t but now that you said what you said I kind of wish that I did because thatā€™s hot. :fire: :fire: :fire:

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Yes but was just curious lol guess they have had enough humiliation

Oh I know a few people (know as in loosely I donā€™t care for them) but I know / seen people very annoyed Horde have Golden Eyes and our Sunwell back because they vehemently feel entitled to ā€œlight or holy themed elvesā€ which Blood Elves are more than Holy themes anyways but Iā€™m like yā€™all can stay mad.

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Itā€™s not like they are missed, I mean I donā€™t care as long as you, Gallows, Lan and Fey are here. :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart:


Oh I know :rofl: Iā€™ve always preferred Horde but wanted to be on Proudmoore for its unofficial status as the LGBT server. But I just went to Tichondrius and just play on my priest there now on Alliance for lulz.

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Right lol at least they are good for one thing bringing us Horde together :joy: never thought the High crybabies could actually benefit something but it keeps the Horde together :blush:

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Sheā€™s liked a few of mine which isā€¦

Iā€™m the crazy loon of the forums who hates Void Elves and supports every other allied race choice provided it fits my criteria of ā€˜loosely hinted in gameā€™ and ā€˜is not void elvesā€™, so Iā€™m not sure what side I am on in the thread

Lol Neutral is always fine to :slight_smile: