Horde Favoritism : Hair Styles

I’ve only done Blood and Unholy. I haven’t touched my DK since class changes anyway, I’m worried about what they did to unholy.

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Sweetie, I have no doubt you were checking out all the new styles forever lol!!

About 7 weeks ago, Garrosh decided I was making the DK the main in SL lol!!

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Last night wasn’t bad dual wield. I noticed the squish but nothing major. Actually more fun not just blowing through the stuff.

Haha :joy: cool! I like Death Knight but for some reason I just never touch mine :confused:

Speaking of classes, how does everyone feel about theirs after prepatch? Enhancement is weird, feels like a mix of the current design and the past and I feel like I’ve been transported back to post highschool with all these shocks and weapon imbues.

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They are much fun. Should have mained him sooner.

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Yes well you are getting to know me all too well. :wink: :wink: :wink:

I even considered changing my male Blood Elf Demon Hunter to female due to the new options but since he’s my only male character I couldn’t because the he wouldn’t be able to run around in just underwear and that would make me sad. Lol.

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Yeah thats what I did until I really started to level mine as Unholy and had so much fun with the necromancer general fantasy and DK became one of my favorite classes.

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And they do that change in the barber shop. Snip, snip means hurt, hurt. :rofl:

Be back in about 15-20. Here’s some Nyhm and Summergale until I return.

You’re one of my fav posters now lol you’re also on my Alliance realm and I tend to love everyone from Proudmoore and Tich

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LMFAO! Now that’s funny, however you of all people should know that men in underwear is always going to be right up my alley. :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

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Awww you are a sweetie, you are one of my favorites as well. :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart:

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They always favor horde bro. Been like this since I started playing the game in 2008 as and ally. Just faction change, no point in arguing.

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Sorry I was away getting food

Blood Elf customizations say hello.

Nightborne customizations say hello.

Could you imagine if Nightborne got more / got more impactful customization than Night Elves during core race customizations the way Void Elves just did over their core race Blood Elves?

But yeah they “favor” Horde.

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You can be a bald female Belf HORDE FAVORITISM

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I haven’t seen that in game yet lol

Well now I’m tempted to do it cause bald ladies are badass.

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You are fine, like I said I’m doing those Nazjatar emissaries between checking this because that 2000G really adds up with all of my alts. :yum: :yum: :yum:

Everything always favors Horde according to most Alliance players, yet they are the ones that get better racials, extra customizations on races that aren’t even supposed to, unique mounts, pets, toys, titles, etc. and yet they still cry Horde bias. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: