Horde Favoritism : Hair Styles

Lol, oddly I’m doing the Nazjatar emissary on my alts for the 2000G but I’m also tabbing out to read in between quests and characters. :joy: :joy: :joy:

OK you’re right. Scratch that idea. Calling the OP that is insulting to Teldrassil.

And I like the NEs hair stayle. :slight_smile:


checks avatar

I think you meant to say you fist bump us all Avarie! Not shake your first at us!


Yeah I don’t like insulting teldrassil cus that is something that definitely went to far Sylvanas… Even though I am not a Night elf fan that was still too extreme.

I like how you guys keep turning this thread into a hangout sess. Perhaps good can come from bad after all…

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Join the club! Gallows made plenty of popcorn! You did right buddy? You brought a new batch today?

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Hey, my blue-eyed elf is orange haired as an incredibly silly Transformers reference because of their combo of name and everything else

Ugh… all my likes are used up already again lol xD can’t give anymore likes out for a bit

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That I did my friend.

Feel free to join in said sess. :slight_smile:

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So are mine since I logged in and was liking everyone’s posts but I can always give likes with hearts like this. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

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I’m sure I’ll be out soon too. I woke up for work this morning still on the GCD lol!!

I will! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: I hope everyone is having a good night. I’m also checking forums inbetween work as I gotta look away from art for awhile to properly assess it.

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Hey I surf the forums while at work too. To pass downtime and to decompress if need be.

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Good job!! As for the salt :salt: we don’t need to worry about that lol the op has more salt than the ocean :ocean:

Now all we need is butter :butter:



Omg that was soooooooo cute!!! I loooooooooooooove Gorillas! :gorilla: :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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Hmm I might know some Tauren who can help with the butter

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Great! :+1: cus we definitely need butter to make popcorn perfect!

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Anyone hear how 2H frost is doing? I’m going to have to try it tonight.

I haven’t even taken a character to the barber shop yet lol!!

I wish I could help sweetie but my Death Knight is Unholy and I have never even tried Frost or Blood specs.

Edit - you should check out barbershop, I spent hours and hours there other night on all of my characters. Lol.

Idk I haven’t touched my Death Knight yet lol.