Horde Favoritism : Hair Styles

Big agree. Some conversations been productive others not so much but the very basis of the OP I think sets the tone through out the thread for such.

You should read what your horde friends posted here before making such statements.

If your post is not bait, then it’s absolutely ludicrous and absurd.

Complaining about an allied race getting less customization than a core race
 and when they literally were the allied race that by far got the most customization when many got virtually (or literally) nothing?

This is one of the pettiest complaints I have seen in some time. Void elves in general have a lot of sympathy from me and I support them getting better options, but I’ll spare none of it for you.


If you would care to read it actually you would realize, that since these two (belves/velves) are exactly same models, it is quite easy to perform copy paste of customization settings. Which is the purpose of this request (post).

I mean
 those “high elves” became the bloodelves. You’re asking for things that don’t exist. Their capital is Silvermoon. They make pilgrimages to the sunwell. Their culture literally re-unified after end of TBC’s storyline. Everyone with blue eyes that originally left came back unless they were part of the extremist silver covenant faction.

People need to stop confusing the Silver Covenant as being a legitimate “race”. They have no capital city owned by them and only them. It’s a small military faction loyal only to Vereesa Windrunner for extremely niche political reasons. They’re the only faction in the game that would cease to exist if horde and alliance officially merged one day. That’s how pointless it is to add them to the game.

Personally I enjoyed the void elves and it’s sad to watch their identity be stripped away from them in this patch. I can only pray that if the factions do get merged some day that Blizzard offers all voidelves a free race change to become a bloodelf with blue eyes and then remove those awful skin colors from the voidelf race.


Asking for a copy/paste is a terrible idea.

Why would you want a copy of the exact same race on the other side? That’s silly.

I want new and different hairstyles for void elves.

And void elves are an allied race. Not many of the allied races got a lot of upgrades/new looks this go around.


Agreed. If we compared Night Elves vs Nightborne, it would be so much worse than Belf vs Velf.


Void Elves also took other Blood Elf customization options. What did Blood Elves get from Void Elves? Oh, right. Nothing. You want some of our hair options, or all of our hair options? Okay. Sure, but only if Blizzard gives Blood Elves the Void Elf hairstyles, redone, to not be voidy tendrils of voidness.

If you want do bait threads based on “facts”, at least mention all the facts, opposed to one tiny aspect.

But, since you want to mention Void Elves. Their customization far outclasses Nightborne and Lightforged.

Of course, people like you OP, make me wish Blizzard would never add another Void Elf customization option. You people are seriously never happy.

Then people like this, restore my faith that all Void Elves aren’t goombas.


We do have one. It’s in the profile of the player you wish to ignore. You have to have TL2.

I’ve blocked most of the toxic helf Stans. It’s real nice.

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Are you SERIOUS?
Lmao these people with the Horde favortism
Where’s our 25-30% War Mode bonus?
Where is our bee mount?
Don’t even get me started on the superior faction-locked transmog appearances.
Velf is in an infinitely better place with customs than Nightborne.
This is so silly.


horde rulez allie droolz

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No. You do not get to take the moral high ground here. You intentionally created a thread that has been created on the forums many times before; a thread that always has the same ending. Despite your post count, I think you knew this. You came swinging with a strong opinion and disagreed (rudely) with people who saw differently than you, calling them entitled and toxic. Of course they behaved in turn the way they did.

PS: I’m not your dear.

Then perhaps I was overly harsh but it doesn’t change that you are being more than a little selfish.

Blood elves aren’t going to get void elf hairstyles (for obvious reasons) and void elves don’t need all of the blood elf hairstyles just because they are ‘easy to copy paste’. They are different and there is nothing wrong with void elves missing out on their customization.

Likewise, when void elves hopefully get their own customization additions later on, they will get brand new hairstyles the blood elves don’t have access to.

Making this a Horde vs Alliance thing is absolutely ridiculous and kills any hope of you getting your point across. Imagine of void elves did get all of the blood elf hairstyles and ended up with more hairstyles than the blood elves did. Would this be fair for blood elves as a core race? Would it be right? No.

I think void elves need more customization but I don’t think they need generic copy pasting. I also think they’ll get new customization in a future patch alongside other allied races.


Look at all the new customizations Void Elves got in the prepatch. How much you wanna guess the Nightborne got?

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If some people can hate for no reason, I can love for no reason :heart:

Nightborne vs Night Elf???

That has nothing to do with our conversation at all.

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I believe you disliked friendly tone in my message, I tried to explain where it comes from.

You weren’t. The OP has been provoking BE fans through out the entire thread, it’s been very “BE’s don’t belong Horde and are a mistake” and “Idk where all this hate from Horde players is coming from” the entire thread.

Like hmmm I wonder what caused all the flak from Horde players the OP got in this thread
 Idk maybe its the OP and the tone they set through out the thread beginning with the original post to be exact.


Literally non of the quotes proves your point.

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