Horde Favoritism : Hair Styles

You are a true troll good sir. :rofl:

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This attitude right here is why no one in this thread wanted to have an actual conversation with you. We were talking with one another collectively, but when you approach a debate with this mentality, people are clearly going to shield up. How can you not expect that?

Side note, your new customizations look amazing on that char.

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Oh dear it was after your faction friends had quite fun and went full mocking mode on anyone on the alliance saying quite a lot of unpleasant things, after which I had to go defensive mode.

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Give them time, void elves are still learning what hair is.

uses spongebob laugh @ u meme Simple facts Night elves 20ish something, nightborne 5. Truely you are objective and biased. Still waiting for nightborne to be complete / animations fixed.

Have you looked at the customization options for humans? Cause they have considerably more than any other race. I call Alliance favoritism.

Lol! What a bunch of toxic ppl
You guys just proved me right all along.:rofl::joy:

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Who knew the whole time, they actually don’t know what toxic is.

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Lol! Definitely you
Also, read the dictionary if you don’t know it. The way things are going it’s toxic, in general

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Oh god shut up. Humans don’t have glowy eyes, the unique forsaken skin colors, or the unique forsaken animations. Their body shapes are different. Their hairstyles are different. Their voices and racials are different. It’s a different race.

Offering an alternative idle animation to let them stand straight doesn’t turn them into humans. Plus they are literally undead HUMANS anyways so crying that they may look close to the realm of a human is sorta


Looked it up in the dictionary. No surprise there was a picture of you. :rofl:


Wow! Ok, you just got a like from blizzard /s

Yeah he’s just being pointlessly toxic. I really wish we had an ignore feature. He’d be someone that would land on it for sure.

Which is exactly why them having a unique alternative idle animation doesn’t make them into “lul just pale humans”. Since you do realize you can stand straight, and not stand the exact same way the humans do yeah?

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I’m pretty sure the OP is trolling. Please don’t take the bait.

Void elves are an allied race and are not going to get the same level of customization as core races will. Ever.

However, the recent customization changes have almost entirely been only for core races. Void elves, of all the allied races in the game, got dramatically more customization simply by having blood elf skins added, which unironically the OP is utilizing.

I hope that all allied races get proper additional customization in the future, including void elves (they just had blood elf skins copy-pasted, which while nice, is not adding more to the race except by allowing Alliance something closer to high elves as an option).

In short, don’t take the OP’s post seriously. It’s bait.

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It is most certainly not.

I have one word for you


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Alliance got faster leveling zones with whacked out trple xp quest, ill trade you, haristyles !@!