Horde Favoritism : Hair Styles

Lol!, that a bit hyperbolic statement. :joy::rofl:
You know as well as I do, how the horde community is

A noob queues a dungeon on the horde server and he gets kicked instant due to low dps while on alliance they the kick is less

If you haven’t experienced this outcome then you really need to do some live research.

thats what i thought, too! lol
prolly only reasons they didnt to begin with is: highborne were kinda citified. notice elisande’s disdain for nelfs and their trees? referring to them as savage. but, the nightborne themselves, well they could learn the class from the tauren. they dont have to follow their former ways. they’ve turned over a new leaf, so to speak

p.s. i also support belf botanists.


I love how you took out the rest that i wrote blizzard said they aren’t focus on allied races right now only old races and core races before and they even said they would focus on them later on a.k.a not my problem.


Buddy I have run plenty of dungeons on both sides and there is no way one side is more toxic and kicks more than the other I have seen the same amount of toxic in dungeon/raid finder on both factions dungeon finder is just the epitome of toxic people’s hangout.

And like I said (somewhere up there lol so many posts) the most toxic thing I have ever seen in a dungeon group was with an Alliance group.

click on that image till its full size. notice he has runes around his eye. thats a belf druid.

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Lol I saw that :slight_smile: that’s looks great to!

he has that sylvannas look, the one she gave in the burning of teldrassil video, when she replied,“can’t i?” to the dying nelf. i wonder if the artist said, i’m gonna paint a living male sylvannas.

I have run both side. They’re equal as toxic. I would say the Alliance is more toxic. That’s why I don’t run Alliance much anymore.

Now I can no longer support you lying to yourself so and will not reply to you again. You may go now.


I don’t think that they have even run many dungeons on Horde at all lol I am certain they are just saying that cus they can I know they are lying because like you and I have both said both sides are equally as toxic. They are just saying that cus they are arguing about the toxicity and wants to say Horde is more toxic lol

They’re also on MG so there’s that.

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 Then they must not know what Toxic really means if they are from MG on Alliance and don’t see any toxicity! Now I know They’re lying! Either that or they think Horde is toxic due to the Horde that hang around and attack Goldshire lol.

Yeah they are either lying or don’t know what toxic means lol (I think it’s lying most likely though)

Now I know for certain

I use the foxtail on my void elf. I just use the first hair color, baby blue eyes. I like it.

I will HAVE TO LIKE IT, until void elves get the blonde hair they deserve.

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Yeah. We all know the rep Lion’s Pride Inn has. :rofl:

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Yeah the Toxic capital of wow :joy:

I have done a few things there before to see how mad they would get.

Back in mop I made a male gnome because out of the races I thought the male gnome by far had the most obnoxious train emote so I went into the inn and started spamming the train emote and god did they hate it lmaooooo I got so many whispers telling me to shut up! And go away! And of course getting cussed at. Didn’t even take 5 minutes before they started lol I will always love that memory.


You should have told them you were the love train and they should get on board. :rofl:


Lmao that’s a good idea :bulb:

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This one they couldn’t cuss at me because I was on a Horde character but in the Troll starting area there’s that quest where you use a whistle to gather baby raptors up and if you don’t delete the quest you can use that whistle anywhere so I made a low level troll and went to Goldshire got to the Inn (I made it a Rogue of course) and just spammed the whistle and they didn’t like that either tons of people came upstairs and made rude emotes at me lol

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Lmao!! :rofl:

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And of course there’s the usual standing on top of people on the fences on the mammoth mount.

Using the football

And I use my mages water elemental and make it stand on top of people lol

Trolling gs is a great way to get a good laugh if you are bored :laughing: