Horde dying on Grobbulus? Move to Deviate Delight!

We’ve received reports from a Grobbulus player that Horde is in trouble on Grobbulus:


There’s a solution, though! If you’re feeling unhappy with Horde side here on Grobbulus, whether because you’re getting ganked by that “large Alliance guild” he mentions, or you’re unable to find roleplay amidst the sea of nonroleplay names, or you can’t get a competent tank for your dungeon group, just transfer to Deviate Delight.

Blizzard has reopened transfers until Monday Sep 23. You have three choices of which server to transfer to, but Deviate Delight is the best choice for people who like RPPVP.

And a big thank you to the poster I quoted for letting us know about the dire straits Horde is in here on Grobbulus!


Getting really tired of seeing people who moved to DD try to steal our players. You made your choice- live with it and leave us alone.


You’re gonna pretend to be multiple people to try and get people to your server because you weren’t willing to suffer through queues for the greatest pvp experience this game will ever offer?


Why would any leave Grobb, there’s no queue and it has the ideal population, better than any other server. Please stop trying to steal players.


That does it. I told myself i wouldn’t reroll on DD unless there were 26 different posts about rerolling on DD.

And here it is. That’s it, im rerolling.


It’s the opposite actually. Horde is dying on Deviate Delight. As of the last census Deviate Delight is 58% Alliance and 42% Horde.

Source: https://www.wowhead.com/news=295075/classic-wow-realm-population-report-data-aggregated-through-community

Currently Grobbulus is the most balanced server in all of Classic with a 51% Alliance and 49% Horde ratio.


Reported for spam. How many times are you going to do this?

You’re looking very desperate right now. Borderline pathetic.


Having played Horde on DD on some alts, the server feels dead. You’d be an idiot to transfer from Grob to DD.

BTW, everyone should report OP for trolling or spam. Cross-forum recruiting is inappropriate and she’s going overboard.


I’ll never understand why all of the immediate-gratification types, who jumped from Grob to DD (and knowing queues were going away in two-ish weeks), need the rest of us to help them correct their error.


Deviate Delight already gets a bunch of flak for being a bad server, you’re making it way worse by posting this thread. I realize you probably regret transferring off this server, but don’t try to drag people with you.


DD should have been viewed as a the cross-faction alt server not a place to plunk your main.

Classic is supposed to be here in perpetuity. They should write off their paltry three week investment and reroll back on Grob.


Wowhead is not a census site and is out of date. For levels 20+, DD is 52/48, which is way better than the 60/40 it was a couple weeks ago:


I was staying on the DD forum, where responses from actual DD players are uniformly positive and constructive, but then the Grobbulus troll, er, alt, that I quoted in the original post came over and begged for help. How could I turn him down, poor thing, stranded on a hostile server here on Grobbulus?

Even DD posters are annoyed by your antics. You’re embarrassing the server and tarnishing your guild name.

It’s a shame you cannot stop yourself at this point.


Hey, I’m just doing the same thing you do when you post on both forums.


This is just a pathetic ploy to try to save your unbalanced server.

Horde on Grobbulus are doing great. I am having no issues.


You mean the retail alt with plenty of posts on the DD forums and none on the Grob forums? Sounds legit :thinking:


Because posting on both forums and posting on one to recruit for the other are the exact same thing. :thumbsup:

last time I checked, Grobb was top 3 well balanced servers.

FAKE NEWS! people are jumping ship.


yeah still not taking server advice from a level 16, try again

The horde were alive and well in Ungoro last night.