Horde controlled Darkshore

To be completely fair. We don’t know what’s happening in Ashenvale. For all we know, That could be getting deforested for lumber. Darkshore is just the place where the night elves are being extra “We ain’t leaving” about it and Forsaken logic is to simply “Blight it until it stops”.


They don’t succeed RIP Blackwood Furbolgs


Jeez this sounds like overkill, I don’t understand why the devs go above and beyond to make the horde look like unredemable monsters, unless they’re trying to tell us they are.


Sounds like a blast for anyone who enjoyed the WC 3 Goblin aesthetic and the Goblin race in general.

I am glad to see them get some story love in the midst of all this talk of Mechagnomes and such.

Personally I have never been a fan of playing as a Goblin, but I like fighting beside them storywise.


WEW! Horde going HAM with the morally grey, eh?

This is great. The more this goes on, the more that death by roots pulling you into the ground to crush you to death seems like a slap on the wrist.


If your gonna blow stuff up, call in the Goblins.

Sylvanas is serious. I don’t like being evil, but if we are going to be, lets not waste time.


Most of the “Garrosh is worse than Hitler!” PR campaign that Blizz ran up to SoO were the evil actions of his followers like Malkorok being attributed to Garrosh. Garrosh didn’t personally do much “evil”.

But in BFA, the entire Horde except for 2 traitors is excitedly doing evil on Sylvanas’ behalf. So if they rebel against her and denounce “her” actions it would be insanely hypocritical.


They could be letting the bloodthirstier/tree-hating side of the Horde have their day in the sun a bit longer before they get forcibly wrangled back into line and lectured incessantly.

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Is there any dialogue that suggests that either of these Horde races actually “hate” the trees? Or is it just what the NPCs are doing on their time off/quest objectives?

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Double-yew-tee-eff? I don’t remember Forsaken being anti-tree before. They certainly had no problem with Tirisfal being forested.

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I think the orcs have sufficient lumber from Ashenvale and Azshara.

What it sounds like is a trap. While I can’t make any judgement calls without dialogue, considering their actions and the two races involved … it sounds like exactly what I thought it was. The Bilgewater and Forsaken are in Darkshore to antagonize the NEs into doing something stupid (like investing in an endless Front far from Alliance infrastructure and supply chains; draining the Alliance dry and losing them their edge in this war). Hence the Blighting, Raising, and Burning.

Darkshore is irrelevant to the Horde, and especially the Bilgewater and Forsaken. It has resources sure, but Ashenvale (with its own immense resources and easy access to nearly every other region in northern Kalimdor) is the real prize; and the Horde knows it. In contrast, the sentimental and historic value of Darkshore for the NEs makes it a perfect place for the Horde to trip them up and get them invested in a conflict that’s far easier for the Horde to maintain.

Honestly, if that’s the case … its not a bad tactic. It traps the NE and Gilnean forces in Darkshore for the foreseeable future and turns their efforts into a massive resource sucking void for the Alliance while they’re at it. The inconclusive nature of War Fronts actually works better in Darkshore than Arathi.


I guess that death camp was only part of a whole. :neutral_face:


Yah that makes sense, I just can’t help but still feel like it might have gone a little overboard in the way they are just apparently burning the forest, I know Forsaken tend to like blighted land or dead land but, hopefully they extract enough resources out of this for the orcs and others to make the damage seem worth it.

We’re not even using the land, we’re just destroying it and making it uninhabitable. Y’know. Just in case we didn’t feel evil enough.

If Goblins were bulldozing trees and using them to build factories, sure. But blighting and burning both the trees and the ground itself? Why?


Because eff the elves that’s why.

Because the faction pride you’re suppose to feel is confusion. Blizzard has the Horde do clearly evil things, than the Horde has to turn on itself declaring how dare we do such things, have you no honor? It’s not like we’re given the choice to not do any of this if we want loot and to progress.


Oh yeah sounds like a great time to be a Horde druid o.O



At this point, I’m just taking Silva Fil’naveth at her word, and going with the Horde not actually having Druids.


Honestly I feel like Ashenvale should have been the place for the Warfront.

I mean let’s think about this tactically and geographically.

Darkshore is a long, thin strip of land and from what it sounds like, Horde forces are are concentrated north of Auberdine? (maybe someone on the PTR can comment)

If your main force is up there (makes sense, that’s where the ports are) all it takes is a flanking move to the south and your entire force is cut off. Just like the Korean War and the amphibious landing at Inchon. You’re then surrounded on 2 sides by impassable mountain ranges and another by the ocean.

TLDR it just feels from a military maneuvering standpoint that staying in Darkshore is overextended. Especially when really if lumber and resources is what you want then Ashenvale has that in droves.

Unless ofc, Darkshore possesses Azerite in abundance (does it? haven’t been on the PTR) which would make a compelling reason to stay.

I just think that Ashenvale would have made a better Warfront. Yeah Darkshore has… “sentinmental” value for the Night Elves, but still so does Ashenvale. And Ashenvale itself already has a, warfront-ish history what with Warsong Gulch and what not.

My 2c