RIP Blackwood Furbolgs

Forced out of their home which was then renamed, their elders killed, one of their only two other named characters corrupted.

Press F to pay respects.
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Damn it. I had really hoped they would become our allies after we helped those three elders escape. Blizzard almost likes beating up Furbolg as much as they like beating up Nelves.
11/09/2018 02:02 PMPosted by Sternbridge
Damn it. I had really hoped they would become our allies after we helped those three elders escape. Blizzard almost likes beating up Furbolg as much as they like beating up Nelves.

Furbolgs are a mongrel race, their basically no better then Quilboar, Gnoll's or centaurs in blizzards eyes.
11/09/2018 02:02 PMPosted by Sternbridge
Damn it. I had really hoped they would become our allies after we helped those three elders escape. Blizzard almost likes beating up Furbolg as much as they like beating up Nelves.

They like beating up anything and everything connected to Night Elves.
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Just you wait, <name> -- once we have conquered Darnassus the Elders of the Blackwood tribe will be thanking us for restoring peace to the den.

We just need to borrow it for a moment.

Umm... wtf Sylvanas?
11/09/2018 02:14 PMPosted by Zatiya

Just you wait, <name> -- once we have conquered Darnassus the Elders of the Blackwood tribe will be thanking us for restoring peace to the den.

We just need to borrow it for a moment.

Umm... wtf Sylvanas?

Just comically evil at this point.
11/09/2018 02:14 PMPosted by Zatiya

Just you wait, <name> -- once we have conquered Darnassus the Elders of the Blackwood tribe will be thanking us for restoring peace to the den.

We just need to borrow it for a moment.

Umm... wtf Sylvanas?
Sylvanas? Lying to the player character to further her own goals? I am shocked.
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11/09/2018 02:14 PMPosted by Zatiya
Umm... wtf Sylvanas?

Sylvanas restores peace through death.

11/09/2018 02:04 PMPosted by Reallyhappy
Furbolgs are a mongrel race, their basically no better then Quilboar, Gnoll's or centaurs in blizzards eyes.

They criminally underused the Quilboar on KT imo. Not enough of them.
11/09/2018 02:12 PMPosted by Murdra
They like beating up anything and everything connected to Night Elves.
And the night elves still held off the Horde for 14 years. Dumb orcs never considered a feint I guess. They had to be saved by some tiny elf corpse. : ^)
11/09/2018 01:55 PMPosted by Reignac
Press F to pay respects.

Unfortunately, your respects drive the surviving Furbolgs to madness.
11/09/2018 03:34 PMPosted by Hackbrew
11/09/2018 01:55 PMPosted by Reignac
Press F to pay respects.

Unfortunately, your respects drive the surviving Furbolgs to madness.

Such is the way of the furbolg.
I'm still not over losing the Gnarlpine, and now the Blackwood too?
I think it’s easier to find Furbolg not corrupted.
11/09/2018 02:42 PMPosted by Sternbridge
They criminally underused the Quilboar on KT imo. Not enough of them.

Hey it's not like they took a major point in the quilboar story and then decided to make the horde do it for no reason!

Anyway on topic, blizzard is callous in how they treat thier playable races, the slow deterioation of the forsaken to the walking mustache twirling stereotype we see today, the repeated attacks on the night elves, the fact they make litrally everyone hate goblins...

Non-player races have it even worse though, we've already seen how furbolg wind up getting corrupted every other week ingame, blizzard clearly don't care about them.

Blizzard is basicly the company who failed to realise they hit setting gold and that players actually care what they do to it.
11/09/2018 05:01 PMPosted by Reallyhappy
11/09/2018 02:42 PMPosted by Sternbridge
They criminally underused the Quilboar on KT imo. Not enough of them.

Hey it's not like they took a major point in the quilboar story and then decided to make the horde do it for no reason!

Anyway on topic, blizzard is callous in how they treat thier playable races, the slow deterioation of the forsaken to the walking mustache twirling stereotype we see today, the repeated attacks on the night elves, the fact they make litrally everyone hate goblins...

Non-player races have it even worse though, we've already seen how furbolg wind up getting corrupted every other week ingame, blizzard clearly don't care about them.

Blizzard is basicly the company who failed to realise they hit setting gold and that players actually care what they do to it.
They've been trying to outdo Age of Sigmar since before Age of Sigmar.
Sylvanas: I shall now pay my respects by pressing... Q! Psych!

*mashes Q repeatedly*
[laughs in Moonkin]
Don't worry, guys, the Stillpine are still around! They're tied to the Draenei which means they're perfectly safe from Blizzard throwing them under the bus. It's not like the Draenei have ever been jobbed before by... the writing...

Oh no.
Is sylvanas out of control?

"the night elves revere the creatures of this place as kindred spirits, that should be reason enough to destroy them"

apparently being an animal and respected is reason enough to be killed?
11/09/2018 10:33 PMPosted by Etheldald
Is sylvanas out of control?

"the night elves revere the creatures of this place as kindred spirits, that should be reason enough to destroy them"

apparently being an animal and respected is reason enough to be killed?
It's Nathanos. I'm surprised he isn't making you do these WQs while riding on a nelf and using their ears as reins.