Horde are winning 99% of AV's and also getting 99% of the HKs

Lolz, sure the character I use purely to post on forums to have one paper trail of replies to follow up on, being lvl 10, is definalty my retail toon…

Regardless the only true unbalancing advantages horde have in AV is the good alliance players avoid AV because premading the other BGs is better HPH.

This results in a considerable difference in skill levels and with reputation being the focus for alliance now, gear levels as they rep up alts now.

We get a glimpse of the real statistics of the AV map balance on AV weekends when alliance win rates jump up to 30% average even with half of their team still playing rep farm simulator. Because the non mouth breathing alliance come back for that weekend and manage to hard carry their mouth breather allies.

The comp was only good in retail TBC, the meta has evolved

Thats why alliance pugs on AV weekend actually get wins right? Almost like…better alliance players…join the game and don’t die to dumb ideas like turtle shgy or rush ibgy.

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Rush IBGY is actually the only real strat with a chance of winning…please tell me you don’t think SFGY wins games, because it doesnt.

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Hey look another one of those nobodys that only do LFR that insist they know anything about the game!

30% you mean more like 10%. I’ve played 88 games of AV since weekend started, and won 3.

AV is actually better HPH if you consistently win games. Alliance doesn’t, not even coordinated groups win because of the massive disadvantages they have. AB is the second best choice, but realistically the only choice due to how absurdly broken AV is.

Every argument you use for why alliance would avoid AV could also apply to horde, all things considered equal otherwise. Furthermore, your logic regarding queue times is circular. Horde queue times are bad because alliance avoid AV because they don’t win AV, and alliance lose AV because horde queue times are bad so they’re more motivated, but where’s the actual cause?

The map is imbalanced. That’s not the sole reason alliance lose, but it’s the original reason that started off the cycle. There are many arguments for why alliance are disadvantaged via the map. When these arguments are brought up, there aren’t actual counterarguments, there are just unrelated arguments thrown back as if two things can’t be true.

My absolute favorite thing is people saying alliance have the map advantage because of a bridge that only comes into play when alliance are already losing, a bridge that always gets overcome anyway, but somehow alliance have the advantage. They advantage themselves right into losing every game.


would you say that it’s a bridge to nowhere?

It’s a bridge to the next AV loss.

I’m just really glad we only have to convince Blizzard there’s a problem and not clearly delusional people.

This is true, Alliance have those rams. Map is balanced.

Alliance have a lot more than the Rams, I simply mentioned them to show how alliance dismiss many factors of what they have helping them in the map that they don’t think of.

Yes horde have the wolves, but if alliance can’t even see their own map advantages of course it looks like horde have all the advantage when you ignore everything you have.

It’s like being a very wealthy millionaire and being upset your neighbor has their own horses and stables because you want that, yet you have your own 100 yard pool, a personal golf course, exc. Instead of a horses and stables in your yard (with room for the horses to roam as well).

Horde have some map advantages, alliance have others, but they refuse to see what they have because they are to busy groaning and moaning about what horde have.

Yes horde have the cave Rez as one of their defenders advantages for their first GY. Alliance have this very same advantage near their base (where it matters more) as well as a stronger choke point with the bridge, their cave spawns benifit them for defending two GY spots from being hard capped and it gives them a numbers advantage on respawns even if those GY are capped.

Alliance like to argue they can be bottle necked into the cave, but then they have a trinket to TP to their base.

“But we can be AOEd down if we trinket two!” So can the horde in our cave / trinket spot. But alliance don’t even TRY to do that.

Alliance have very similar advantages as what horde have, just in a different location in their defenses. And until reinforcement mechanics are added, it’s not an advantage over either side to have that cave advantage in the front end of defending or the Back end of defending. Because the only win condition of the map is killing the last boss. So both teams have to overcome the same advantage, just at different stages of their offensive push.

I’ve played both sides and I have to agree.

The alliance attitude is so toxic that it’s often unbearable to play with them. They’re always complaining. Often I don’t even think they can articulate what the “map advantage” the horde has is, they only know that it “exists” so they complain about it. I say this, because often times I’ve seen alliance who have obviously never been down south - asking where to get the wolf hide for instance and people not knowing how to answer that (I’m serious). I’ve even straight up asked them to tell me what the advantages are and why they can’t be overcome. I’ve never gotten an answer.

Alliance have just gotten used to losing. So much so that their main strategies are to farm at SH until they lose it. Then farm at SP until they lose it and then once everyone is spawning in the cave, we make a mad dash to get as many LTs as we can.

I played this game in Vanilla and had more success in AV than I’m having now. At the end of the day, there’s just too much whining and not enough playing on the Alliance side.


maybe you should git gud and learn to pvp to get those HKs.

I have noticed the last 4 or 5 AV’s i played in the Alliance actually received more bonus honor than the Horde. We lost all the matches, but they were all decently played.

Yah I know right. Sure is nice going from a 1% win rate to a 5% win rate.
95% loss rate sure represents a balanced map.

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Look the alliance are generally hot garbage, have no strategy, don’t communicate, just camp SH GY and lose. Then they blame the map. There are times when they actually try, and it is hard because of the map. I think the players are more of a problem than the map.


it’s time to un-sub at this point guys. AV is the best part of classic WoW. No sense in getting great items if you can’t pvp with them. AV is too broken and the game is no longer fun.

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I think the players are a direct result of the map. Try to win, coordinate and put your all into it and lose anyway due to horde map advatange. Eventually you break and just find one strat that is ‘kind of’ a win in alliance eyes. Turtle at SHGY and get as much rep/honor as you can.

this isn’t true at all. if half the ppl did what you just said, we would have way more than a 1% win ratio