Horde already has 70% of the "active" player base

My only problem with this is that it is a bit skewed.

Since I don’t do rated or mythics i’m not on here so that just makes me wonder how many other people aren’t being counted.

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So I’m considered inactive even though I log in daily, do assaults and dailies and island expiditions? Good to know


No one told you to inspect them all quit trolling you are bad at it.

All you need to do is look at those you walk past and you will notice just about everyone is an alt. WoW does not really bring in new players and has not for a while. Do some still join in? Yes, but they are very few in number.

That sight is wrong and so are all of the others since Blizzard does not release stats on subs.

lmao ??? :rofl::rofl:

an according to you that means everyone in the world is an alt of someone and not a new player …dam buddy you are a genius :+1:

Every person YOU SEE leveling. Not every single person in the game, use your head.


The OP specifically calls those people “active”, so if they aren’t “active” then what are they?

Sorry but you have no clue what meaningful content means in a game. You have created a cherry picked metric to push an agenda.

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People like to conveniently forget that there’s more to the game then what that site is measuring in order to fit their narrative.

I love how people are now resorting to: “You don’t do content that I think is important and therefore you’re not really playing the game”.

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and according to you that is enough to claim there are no new players in the entire world :rofl::rofl: .

Hmm just ponding how lost everyone seems in this topic statistics in this sense the stats are garbage as there is so many flaw/outliers are involved in the data for it to be valuable for analysis in any manner i.e. people can have a lot of alts skewing numbers not to mention those in serious mythic guilds can run a different alt week to week. So without the ability to remove outliers, I disregard OPs claim as invalid.

Those are concerning numbers op.

Most likely it’s racials. Horde racials are far more competitive for competitive content. This has been Blizzards very own words.

Numerically, you may have a semi even split in red and blue but if only ONE half of your population is pushing the end game and being considered the best or top performing, it is an issue.

I never will push that level of play, but it’s upsetting to see that even if I WANTED to do so, I wouldn’t even be able to because those playing at that level don’t exist on the Alliance.

That’s a big problem.

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I understand your sentiment, but it data characterizations such as this, an arbitrary breakpoint must be established somewhere. There will always be those who disagree with the placement of this breakpoint for a variety of reasons, but its require nonetheless.

I can sympathize with you, as I too do not fall within the OP’s qualification as active, as I don’t do arena and am only 3/8 mythic. Despite that, there has to be a determinant placed somewhere and this is what he or she chose.

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I find it funny that Horde players are, straight up, denying that there are more active Horde.
It’s truly depressing that you need to fool yourself into thinking that the disparity is all part of someone’s imagination … and ALL the Alliance is RPing and collecting pets while collecting free gear from AOO and 30% increases.

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Cool you do realize that the other faction also have people doing this, right?
And even more doing rated content.
Looks like horde gonna let us with WM buff for a very long time.

It even gets more extreme than that. I have a friend in a top 10 US raiding guild (Horde…shocker…) and they will run 4-5 normals in a night, 4-5 heroics the next night, and then 4-5 mythics spaced over two additional days.

They run a tight roster for that amount of raiding, each main raider as 3-4 raid-capable alts.

Actually, the polls were correct. They suggested accurately the degree to which he would lose the popular vote and he did. Polls do not measure electoral college. Before anyone rage-whines, I’m not expressing an opinion with this. Just correcting data.

Ah yes and as these guilds down the last boss they start farming the full raid even with alts getting ready for the next world first race etc which further affects the data

I know many people disliked how I used active in the title, but i don’t feel like it must be changed, because again I used active under “quotes”, and like some people said, the Horde also has people who aren’t trying to do this content as well, so this measure is ignoring these people from both sides.

Keeping that in mind, I don’t think it’s fair to assume that just one faction should be able to do all the content.

For me at least, it’s really concerning.