Hoping 11.1 MM slaps

But now it can be balanced around people having different talent loadouts for different content. Some talents might be made for solo but never see the light of day in group content.

Oh and as far as the

Argument, there might not be content that requires a pet, even solo, but there will likely always be content that is easier with a pet.

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Hunter’s should have had pet tanks removed at the same time they made it so we didn’t have to care for them anymore. Back in the day if you treated your pet poorly, like making it tank a mob you should be in a group to fight, if it died it would eventually leave.

Time to adapt fellow hunters! We’ve got the kit, just need a bit of l2kite. :slight_smile:

Answer the question.

Why did warrior, one of the hardest classs to level solo in early versions of the game, get a self-heal that activated on killing things?

Not sure who you are ordering around. MM has one of the best solo kits in the game. You are going to be totally fine. I encourage you to test it.

Why can’t you answer the question and need to deflect?

If Blizzard never balances classes around solo content, why did Warrior get Victory Rush?

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Can you use victory rush in a dungeon? Raid? Can. You. Use. Victory. Rush. When. You. Are. In. A. Group.

No one is deflecting. Warriors got a heal because they needed one. In all content. I would argue they need more as well.

Originally, no. You couldn’t. It only triggered when you landed a killing blow yourself, not your group. I can’t remember if it required you to get honour or exp as well, it’s been a long time since that version of the game existed.

Victory Rush was specifically added to make leveling a warrior easier. To fix solo balance for them.

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Ah, so make it so those that try to learn, or know how in their heads to do it, but have issues getting it to their fingers or are prone to physical issues that make the gameplay of kiting hard, if not impossible, to do unable to play a spec they love?

Not saying this is what you mean, but it is how mindless thigns like “learn to kite” come a cross.

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Source, because Warriors get KBs all the time in all content. There was no version of that ability that turned off when you were in a group.

Was a joke bud, hence the wink. Funny how you didn’t quote that…

Patch 2.00/2.01.

Victory Rush was a level 5 baseline warrior ability that gave health back on a successful killing blow being landed on a target that rrewarded XP or honour. 20s CD initially.

If you’re in group content, the heal was unnecessary and often wouldn’t proc, you had 4-8 other people in a 5 man group. It couldn’t proc in raids as they do not reward XP.

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K, and where does it say that doesn’t work in a group? Do you only need healing solo? Is self sustain VERY important in MOST group content? Yup. Nice try. Now, let’s cut back to the actual issue. MMs solo kit. Best in the game? Might be, it’s damn good.

As stated.

It triggered off KBs, you had to compete with multiple people to get one in a dungeon. And while it healed the warrior, it wasn’t massive. Something like 10-15% of your health. Enough to keep you topped up during questing or mob grinding but not enough to survive killing an elite or in a dungeon.

The damage was also pretty bad, you’d never use it if you’re DPSing. The fact it only triggered off KBs made it useless in world boss content or elite areas like Tyr’s fall. You could only use it after killing something, not during the fight.

It came at level 5, meant every warrior would have it and it made leveling far more enjoyable.


None of what you just said proves anything. MM has one of the best solo kits in the game. Top 5 for sure.

A level 5 ability, that gave an ok heal that didn’t work well in group content, and specifically helped one of the biggest problems warrior had while soloing isn’t evidence that Blizzard has always considered the impact of open world and solo content?

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… And I, personally, hope the new MM build fails SPECTACULARLY and that community pressure makes them restore it to the build I like.

Regardless, the devs will still have forfeited a measure of my support and goodwill by forcing this change down our throats.

I felt the same way about “New Coke,” by the way …


I.have a Horde Marksmanship, I use flying pets only on her for fantasy connection with my hunter.

Yeah there’s an eagle, but it only comes and goes and doesn’t match my race.

Are you telling me you can cast Rapid Fire just before every Aimed Shot? You must be the reincarnated Jesus. I kneel before you.

You want to spam your high damage spender IF you can. Trueshot only effects AS and RF. Casting anything else during Trueshot eats a global. In my testing I think can fit 2-3 full premium Aimed Shot during Trueshot. There is ONLY one FACT to every intelligence type questions. The rest are just opinions. Thanks for your admittance.

We are reporting current PTR correct? I am reporting what I am currently experiencing. Your opinion seems to suggest I am a time traveler or future dweller, lol. Your responses are so artificial summoned from nothing. It seems you reply just for the sake of replying. Hmmm?

If you do not understand what I mean by premium Aimed Shot, ask me. Do not fantasize your own definition to make your take correct, lol.

I did some more rotation testing today. The best opener is to do full premium buffs before you cast Trueshot then the 2nd Aimed Shot obviously. Casting the opposite order will give you a very slow 2nd Aimed Shot during Trueshot. Because ArcShot is a PS benefactor and enhancer to AS and Black Arrow is too impactful, I will use them during Trueshot. I ignore Steady Shot and Explosive Shot on single target during Trueshot. Their gcd is too distracting. Also, Bleak Arrow (in case you do not know, Bleak Arrow is your new Auto Shot) is 4th or 5th in the meters next to ArcShot.

So Lone Wolf is too similar to BM’s double pet? Bellular the Youtuber does not believe Blizzard is doing this for the reason you state and it is laughable you believe them. He thinks the reason Blizzard is doing this is for the same reason they took Demon transformation away from Warlocks…and give it to the upcoming Demon Hunters. They want to take away Lone Wolf from MM Hunters because they want a real no pet Range Gunner to be the Tinkerer. That makes more sense than your weak knee imagination.