Honor System should be released in Phase 1

Yeah, all your replies are you whining “I WANT BGS”… even though you have no other reason to back it up other than you just want it.

If blizzard just listened to everything whiny people like you just wanted… we would not be getting the classic experience at all…

As a Druid I got in the water and swam down to Arathi to fly out.

You think?

Let me spell this out for you since your honor rank 5 and obviously don’t understand PvP at all.

TM vs SS was amusing for a day or two. Here’s how it would work…I’d sit there and use hurricane, maybe throw some rejuvs, then run away, drink, and repeat. There was zero skill or thought involved, but somehow, you think that was “fun pvp server time.”

Your views are shallow and thoughtless. Try harder.

Yeah, unless you get highest few ranks.

I actually see your point here. Where I feel we reach a crossroads is the “Authentic vanilla experience”. I believe the Vanilla experience revolved around a constant, slow grind to make your character better, teaming up with your friends and guildies, traversing the world to accomplish things, and most of all, being a part of a server community throughout it.

I think Classic can recreate these aspects of Vanilla, and in ways, deliver them even better. However, the idea that Classic will be a step-by-step recreation of Vanilla is incorrect.

Not only is it be better to include the changes that were made within Vanilla that enhanced the game, they’ve already chosen this path by choosing patch 1.12 as the basis for Classic rather than actually going patch by patch.

The lack of raids on Org and Southshore is sad. But, not nearly as sad as missing out on Battlegrounds and the Honor System for the first (x) months of Classic.

Rank 14 gear is worse than BWL gear. And you don’t get all those rings, trinkets, cloaks etc.

My point being if it comes out that late (Phase 3/BWL) it will really sabotage the whole system.

We might be talking past each other at this point, carry on.

Thanks for your opinion… but there is nothing objective about it. I loved TM and SS battles.
You know there is something great about this situation dude… BG will eventually come out and you will get to enjoy what you enjoy… but in the beginning…I want to enjoy what I want to enjoy, which just so happens to follow the philosophy blizzard is trying to follow… the full vanilla experience.

But… it was kind of always like that…

There are so many things in vanilla we can rearrange to make content more relevant… but the fact is… that is how it was in vanilla…

We do not know when pvp content is going to be released nor what content block it will belong to. So no, we can’t say. You didn’t read my post. Or something.

IF, blizzard flows with the same timeline as vanilla, then yes, pvp content would be out at that patch.

And people will be in DM blues scratching their heads at people dragging through MC, blowing your idea that gear division in patching will “mess with raiding” out of the water.

This post is about when it should be released. If we have to wait for blizzard, close this post now…

At best, I’m hoping they do a shortened timeline for PvP, or as the OP suggested, cap ranks/rewards until further content patches. I think that would be the best for everyone.

This. Why even put the brutal hours into getting Rank 14 if most of the PvE gear is already better?

BWL will easily be puggable, unlike the difficulty it carried back in Vanilla.

I agree with Platypus. While there have been some really good contributions in this thread, most of the people tuning in really have no ground to stand on here since they weren’t and aren’t involved in PvP.

(x) months without an honor system and BGs is a huge shaft to a good portion of the player base. It would be a bad decision.

All this back and forth proves yet again that raiders care more about gear as a status symbol than the entertainment from the experience of the content.

Even after so many years later, their need of exclusivity hasn’t changed at all.

I am not a raider… and i expressed my exact reason why I do not want the honor system or the bgs to be until phase 3.

With the honor system comes dishonorable kills… If you were there in vanilla on launch, then you would know that before the honor system raids on cities and towns were more common. Battles between SS and TM were famous… WPVP everywhere
It all grinded to a hault once the BGS and WPVP came… Some may have not liked this experience, but I had a LOT of fun… and I wasn’t even level 60 at the time.

I am a pvper… I want to have that experience.

I ALSO want to experience the BGs, when they are supposed to come out, I enjoy both parts of the game.

It has nothing to do with being a raider or not being a raider. And if you are frustrated with pvpers having crappy gear compared to raiders… I am sorry to inform you, vanilla is not the game for you. And I am not saying this as if I like that fact.

It isn’t painfully wrong. It is painfully wrong to want later changes at the start. Progression matters and having things not be made a joke because you released everything at the start. Why not have Naxx available on day 1? Same premise follows that as you are arguing.

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They should just put everything on a reduced timeline because honestly, MC is going to get facerolled for a long time, so that when BWL opens everyone will have BIS on top of their 1.12 talents. I don’t know. I think the servers will get stale during the content interludes unless they are reduced from the original timeline. But then again, I do love FRESH!

As for PvP, I agree that TM vs SS is important, but that can be put on a faster timeline too.

If they put in BGs from the start I’d really prefer them to require the player/group to queue from the Battlemaster in the world. Queues being available from major cities had a poor impact on the game.

Another possible outcome is there is a ranking meta where your pre-made just goes and farms players in level 50+ zones between queues. Potentially a lot more honor per hour than BGs if you can farm high traffic areas. Is that healthy for the game a few weeks after launch? Just a question.

I never understood DKs. I mean, yes, you’re making it harder for the other faction to level, but on a PVP server, that should be encouraged. It would have been better to make the DK earning NPCs unattackable by the enemy on PVE, and leave it as was on PVP servers. If you rolled on a PVP server that was kinda the stuff you wanted to happen.

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Was Dire Maul out at launch? Was PvP?

The honor system came out after dire maul… why are we having this argument…

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