Honor System should be released in Phase 1

I’m reaching out on behalf of myself, and I believe most of the people looking forward to PvPing in Classic, and putting it out there that waiting 6+ months before releasing ANY rewards from PvP will be incredibly painful.

I believe Classic will lose a majority of the player base just sitting around waiting for the next raid reset. Progression is not as it used to be and players simply won’t need to spend time farming mats and dungeons to clear MC. MC will be easily cleared in greens in today’s age of addons, computers, and player skill.

We are already getting a franken-patch, why does anyone keep saying #nochanges at this point? I guess people with no actual intelligent response will fall back on whatever they can to pretend they have ground to stand on.

And yes, pvp should come earlier. I’d also move up the tier .5 gear as well.

I just stated what I meant by that… and by no means it’s stupid lol.


Just because they may fail to hold up to the ideal one way or another(For very legitimate reasons), doesn’t mean the ideal should not still be a guiding force… I think you are the one lacking in logic.

You’re right. I want to run flags in WSG like it’s my goddam job, not being able to do that for months makes me kinda feel meh toward the whole thing.

Raiding was always the method of getting the best gear in vanilla…

Huh, all 1% of the entire player base raided in vanilla. So few people, that many of their names are known.

While I agree with your sentiments that gear should logically be released more like it was in vanilla, rated pvp and raiding have coexisted for nearly the entire history of the game, and “raiders” didn’t care one wit about pvp gear until pvpers gear started catching up.

This is borderline bigoted at this point. Changes are necessary to address the INNUMERABLE changes that technology and the player base have experienced in the last 12 years.

If you think that people will actually have to work to clear dungeons/raids, you’re wrong. MC will be full cleared immediately.

Most players in the raid were capped at 15 FPS back then, beyond having no clue how to do fights. Every PuG in Classic will have a raid leader that knows the ins and outs of the entire dungeon.

THIS IS NOT VANILLA. This is Classic. They are different things. Please get that through your head.

Have you considered that some people find scripted bosses boring AF? I don’t know if you’re trolling or you actually believe the garbage you’re spewing in this thread. lulz.

Except for what in Classic equates to “Content Patch 1”. Which is why we’re saying add it in Content Patch 2.

I feels. Sometimes you just want to run like Forest Gump and they try to stick you in a raid for 6 months where you can’t even Travel Form.

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Again… all you are doing is repeating the same thing and it shows you have little reading comprehension…


Just because they may fail to hold up to the ideal one way or another, doesn’t mean the ideal should not still be a guiding force… I think you are the one lacking in logic.

The idea is to get the Authentic vanilla experience as close as we can get it.

The reason why I want the BGs to come later is because I want to have the Authentic vanilla experience of no honor system. Tauren Mill vrs. Southshore… Org and IF Raids… all became few and far between because of dishonorable kills and lack of incentive.

I want that experience again, THAT was vanilla.

THAT was one VERSION of vanilla you insufferable tool.

I don’t care what you find boring. This isn’t about you or me.

In vanilla, I barely ever raided… the thing I did most was pvp.

I want to expereince the world with no pvp system again. WPVP and city raiding was much more prevalent… I hope to experience this AND the BG era. That is the vanilla wow experience…

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Can’t really say, as we don’t have the timeline, only the content packaging.

Will they be 6 months apart? 3 months? A year? That makes a difference. Almost no one had even seen more than the entrance of MC by the time Dire Maul was out.

Despite the constant trolling by some, no one will be farming MC within the month of release.

So yes, it should come later. But honestly, it isn’t even that big of a deal.

EXACTLY… It was the experience from what I just stated…AND BGs when they came.

You realize that experience does not exist if the BG come out day one…

Too many jumping on misunderstood points in this thread to have a conversation about how Blizzard might do PVP in Classic.

I don’t really care if they do the level 58 rank 10 set from Phase 1. Upgrade it in Phase 2 and make the whole thing available up to 14 in Phase 3.

I don’t really see why they would do it that way, but it is one possible outcome.

Realize though that ranking being open from the start means that you better get to 60 ASAP, or just never leave your favorite major city. Undergeared level 55 noobs nomnomnomnom, love that easy honor grind. Good luck getting to your dungeon entrance.

There is a little more to it than what people who can’t be bothered to get geared from all of the other means in the game want. As I said though, I’m just mentioning considerations.

The vanilla wow experience was dying at the flight master in south shore before everyone’s characters even loaded on your screen, then not being able to get out b/c the flight master was dead and your hearthstone was down, and if you were melee getting repeatedly killed without doing much of anything.

Yeah, it’s amusing for a little while (like original AV) but it gets lame AF real quick.

And don’t get me started on how the servers will probably handle TM vs SS even worse than they did back then.

Roll on a PvE server if you do not like Wpvp. Problem solved.

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Solid garbage reply. 0/10.

Can say. 1.4.0 content is being released in Content Patch 2. PVP Honor System is Patch 1.4.0. Battlegrounds are 1.5.0 and should be released in Content Patch 3.

How long Blizzard makes between content patches is their choice.

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