Honor system isn't defensible

I think we all know whats going to happen. The majority are not happy with BFA and the future direction wow is going in.

I’m unclear on where you certainty comes from. I find myself unable to make any speculation about what to expect.

That isn’t actually a reason for the playerbase to switch to Classic. The vast majority of BfA players (or at least since MoP players) would find Classic to be an even bigger culture shock and lose interest.

Possibly true for some, but I’m not sure in general.

A lot of players who picked up WoW in Vanilla were like myself, and had never played an MMO before.

I was mostly in the same boat, having played EQ to 15, and DAOC to 20 before deciding I didn’t enjoy them.

But that was also a different age in gaming, where today paid unlocks, fast tracks and catchup mechanism ensure that everyone gets whatever they want as fast as they can pay for it.

Oh my bad let me give you a few examples

  1. Subs in the toilet, current holders estimating below 5m subs.
  2. Forums - General consensus is that BFA IS NOT very good. Look around I am not pulling the 100’s of threads into this one just to show you. Dont be lazy.
  3. Stocks taking a pretty big dip due to loss of subs and the average player having disdain towards the game.
  4. The complete and obvious throat punch to pvp’rs. Forced PVE on PVP’rs. I am not talking about just needing a certain item to compete, you have to do Mythic+ and raid to even que up.
  5. BFA is a dumpster fire.
  6. Classic forums have had more threads per hour than any OTHER FORUM on wow site.
  7. BFA is a raging dumpster fire.
  8. PVP is in the worse state it has ever been since wow was released.
    9. Azerite grinding. Yeaaaaaaaa I GOT THE PIECE I NEEDED!!! (Blizz looking on) Yep piece nerfed the next week INTO THE GROUND. GG
  9. Class/specs going from SUPER OP one week to unplayable the next. See BM hunters, or MM for how long now?

I could keep going on and on.

Just to point out on this one, their company MAU is at 38 million, which is up from the previous year. (MAU = Monthly Active Users across all products).

To be fair the forums being upset about the state of the game isn’t really indicative of anything. That’s just standard operating procedure for the forums.

Even back in Vanilla the forums were proclaiming that WoW was dead because of every little change they made to the game.


The rather large amount of departures would indicate that yes, BFA does in fact suck.

What forums were you reading??

I’ve been playing wow since the start and I have never ever seen a community with such disdain towards the direction this game is going in. Go white knight the general forums guy.

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Id be ok with them removing decay, but they would have to increase the requirements by like 10x making it take 3-5x longer to get. but wouldnt punish someone with an extra 2 weeks of grinding because they got the flu and missed a day or 2

The Honor system was in vanilla WoW

Any argument against that means you don’t want to play Classic, you want to play some “improved” version with changes. This isn’t a new game to be tweaked and perfected on a whim. It’s a recreation.

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I remember the threads that were always “X Will Kill WoW” where X was the flavor of the month MMO. The one thread we never saw was “WoW Will Kill WoW”, which is what happened.

Well, the " -CHANGE- Will Kill WoW!" Ended up having basis, yet identifying exactly where everything started to snowball out of control is a question Blizz asked and all they could come up with was to make Classic happen.

Blizz greats fault was putting too much stock in those mandatory cancellation surveys, they pushed changes more than anything else. They got feedback, they listened and they changed the game. Those who were content never took surveys.

The irony is they decided to choose the versions of vanilla elements that are in their post fun states. The snowball began within vanilla, but they are too blind or hostile against fun to see it.

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I remember when people used to say “WoW = Waiting on Warhammer”.

At some point I think one one of the CMs made an entire list of everything that has “killed” WoW. It was a fairly long list of things.

You can still pvp without rank 14 gear and do fine. If you allow everyone to get r14 “because jobz!!1” you’ll have a whole server of grand marshals


Well said. 1.12.1 doesn’t necessarily represent the best version of the game. Although off-topic, nice to see that kind of rational, logical sentiment reflected here as well.

You won’t.

And…? How is that a problem? Why are you trying to make it sound like it’s a problem?

Answer me this: Do you hate us PvP’rs?

The whole point of the PvP system is to be alternative way of gathering gear specifically people who don’t PvE, just like PvE gives gear for PvE’rs.

If a system is not succeeding in it’s intended purpose, it should be fixed.

Hey its me… defending the honor system which you claim is indefensible

I look forward to not getting rank 14. :slight_smile:

If you think this grind is bad, you check out oldschool ff11. The average /played for a level 75 was a year. lol