Honor System Decay Equation

I won’t get in to what I do for a living, but you don’t have to try and impress me with latex or worry about how formal/informal I was. I was just mucking about on a loose piece of paper. Have a good one.

If you were good you’d optimize it using a geometric series from 4 steps into two

I wanted to let the process be know. It’s really a pointless thing to invest any of my time into at all, be thankful you got some. Equally I’m unsure why you seem to have such a bone to pick with me? Surely you can just be polite and move on?

He has 3 degrees you know…

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can you link me that bluepost that you used for the 40% decay?

Here it is,


I find it amusing you can derive the solution for the ranking equation but you can’t plainly see that it is obvious there is 40% decay and 2X RP.

There aren’t many choices to choose from. You have 2 choices. It isn’t one of them based on basic evidence.

I did not know that there would be math.

Math is not required. He is just trying to show off. Here is a calculator.

Define “2X” faster ranking" Mathematically is an ambiguous statement as one can assume equality as a function of gained RP and not time.

F1 = (1-0.4)CR + 2R
F2 = (1 - 0.1)CR + R

If both were equal in terms of earning points then F2/F1 = 1

=((0.9)CR + R)/(0.6CR + 2R))
=((0.9CR) + R)/2((0.3CR)+R)

As with 10% you saw earlier that it took 5 weeks for rank 12, and it takes 3 weeks for 40% decay and double RP.

they aren’t equivalent in terms of R earning, so define that it’s in terms of time (N) for maximum RP.

When people say 2X faster ranking they obviously mean to R14. You got book smarts but not real world smarts.

That makes “no sense”

There are an infinite amount of solutions for setting N / 2 given the RP earned and decay… so no those aren’t the only “two” solutions

We had this discussion already, R14 is 6 weeks in SOM too… With 2X RP and 40% decay.

But there are an infinite amount of solutions for setting N / 2 given the RP earned and decay… so no those aren’t the only “two” solutions

But there are only 2 logical solutions…

All solutions are “logical” that fall under the 24,000 decay mark.

Not if you live in the real world.

It would make no difference setting decay to X, and RP earned to Y to halve N as long as it’s achievable within 6 weeks.

Except they have already chosen and the values are 2X RP and 40% decay. Keep fighting it if you want…

proof, you seem to believe it to be true. Based on what?