Honor Rate Increase with Content Unlock -- Thur. Jan 27 at 3:00 p.m. PST

In my opinion they dont cater to the pve crowd because the pve crowd will ignore everything but gruul/kt/vashj and do T6 content, therefore there wont be any s2 gear for those unless they join pugs. I feel like its more for pvpers who can do the easy content now no pve player actually needs to go through anymore. I think thats good for pvpers.

I just don’t see why pve people get the crutch of not having to pvp to get pvp gear. I wish I had developers holding my hand just to get pvp gear…

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great change for people with alts. would you agree with that? That’s why I am pumped for this change. I don’t need to farm bgs for my 6 70s

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Yes that is not the point of why I said that. I know everyone lost honor + arenapoints in worst case for 1 or 2 s2 pieces now, but the point stands as it existed such as the blue pvp gear from rep. That was also way earlier in tbc now but did not hurt anyone in the end.

Wrong. You’re acting like no one likes doing bgs which is false. Not everyone likes doing arena or has time to log in at set times to do arena. I for one enjoy doing bgs when I have free time.


I mean this I cool and all but it’s actually 10x the effort on your end for little return on ours . So now instead of it taking a hundred or so hours to get a full set of gear from 3 seasons ago, it will take 90 hours… You can literally remove all that wall of text and replace it with this .
All honor from all sources increased by 100%
Battle ground mark cost for all items reduced by 50%
All items from a previous season will be available for honor and BG marks when the new season goes live .

These 3 things would still leave alts and new people with an easy 2-3 week grind even if they played 3 or 4 hours a day .
As it currently stands if you could get a full set of honor gear in half the time, it would still not be great. PvP is not pve , noone wants to get smashed because of gear … It’s like playing an FPS and everyone spawns with guns but you… I I PvP to PvP not to farm gear.
P.S ARENA points are broken to you need some 8500 for a full set and the season length is so short only the top 5-10% if even that will ever get the full set before it’s over. Again real PvP fans PvP for competition not gear. The rest just want gear asap so they can stop playing and afk in town .


lol you can have a full group of gray parsers and clear SSC and TK now. It’s a total joke. Yes, there will be GDKPs and other pugs when T6 is out.

Do you even play this game? I don’t think you do.

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you do realize why they ban the buyer and not the seller right? because sellers have many accounts they can just keep switching to. The buyer usually has one or MAYBE 2.

hey yo big man, how about addressing dead and dieing servers, with server merges instead of asking for money for a paid xfer at a 30% discount im not paying to xfer several toons because my server died.

At the end of S2, the week before S3, we had conquest and we could buy S2 items at a discount. The discount is still active now. If this change were announced earlier, people can change their gearing priority to spend arena points better. For example, I would have bought the weapon instead of the armour pieces if I knew I could trade in the T5 token.


I don’t know what conquest is. Must be from some other game!

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Exactly, don’t you see? Blizzard wants all those extra accounts, those are subs in their pocket - inflated numbers in comparison to what would really be there if they banned all the bots. They don’t want themselves to look any worse than they already do

It is a good change for new pvper but should announced earlier. If announced at the ending of season 2 would be great. But now Hmm…
Some people spent their time farming honor for season 1 gear but a week later you only need to run a Gruul/Mag and you can get same thing :confused:
It’s also not fair to those bought season 3 gear in last week. Should consider do something on it.

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Real talk tho, this getting withheld until we blow all our stored up honor from S2 bgs/arena, less than a day before the content coming out that we grinded and spent the honor/marks for is a massive slap in the face… and I’m going to be reminded of it every single time I open my character pane and see the several pieces that I grinded and spent twice as many marks as I needed to on.

If you’re going to make big changes like this, here’s a novel idea: don’t do it on a whim with less than 24 hrs notice to the player base.


If you’re still doing guild runs, then your guild should still be prio’ing tier gear for PvE’rs first, and PVP as offspec. If you’re in a pug/gdkp scenario, chances are you’re going to be rolled against anyway.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Since BC launched, I’ve capped 100 marks and 75k honor 3 or 4 times by now, I’ve lost count.

I have a full purple enh set, a full blue resto set(I can easily afford the purple, but I like the blue one better), various purple elemental pieces I use for mixing and matching, A decapitator, a war staff, the latest shield wall, a couple of purple 1Hs just sitting in my bags because I prefer 2Hs, and a few other pieces that need not mentioning…

And now you’re going to give me even more honor, quicker?!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Let me tell you what a PvPer is. A PvPer is a fighter, a warrior. He/she doesn’t care If he/she is undergeared or not. A PvPer stands his/her ground against anyone, a PvPer isn’t going to grind a set and suddenly stop fighting; fighting, is what we do.

I… am a real PvPer, not you.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Get back to me when I can run dungeons again without succumbing to your cop-out of a transfer.

To those of you praising this, sorry to laugh a bit at your expense. I’m not opposed to this, I just didn’t think the honor grind was difficult at all. By all means grind away, more power to you.

And to you undergeared PvErs laughing at me all day over my LFD views. I’ll see you soon(in the BGs), I’ll see you real soon. I’m going to enjoy burying my decapitator in your head.

Meh, let these PvEers wander into our BGs. You can take out your frustrations on them.

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You people realize that it will be like this in wotlk too? Vault of archavon is simply pvp gear loot pinata :smiley: get used to it now!


I love it when PvE and PvP converge.

There are multiple classes that have PVP gear as PvE gear BiS, not sure why that wasn’t a problem until now?