Honor Rate Increase with Content Unlock -- Thur. Jan 27 at 3:00 p.m. PST

Even more opportunity for gold sellers to make more bot accounts and have blizzard ban the gold buyers but not the bots themselves!

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You can’t actually, and you don’t. I say your opinion does not matter for a specific reason.

Any change blizzard makes to established systems will upset SOME portion of the player base. It is when they try to please EVERYONE that issues get even worse (see server issues). It is better for them to take a stand and upset some small minority for the greater good. In this context:

By lowering the barrier to entry to PvP they will increase the population of people playing both BG’s and arena, which will in turn lower queue times in arena and create a bigger player pool for both. This will probably upset those who exclusively PvP, but those are a minority, and can safely be ignored for the greater good (which is overall easier access to PvP for those who would want to PvP but cannot due to the barrier to entry).

Which brings me back to this:

Your opinion does not matter. Accept the change or quit.

definitely Glinda

ofc, we all know making gear more accessible to players that dont like the competitive aspect of pvp and give up As soon as it doesnt go into a 10 minute win will definitely improve the amount of players, and most importantly the QUALITY of players

good logic

reducing the grind = good, Removing past rewards = bad

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I would have no problerm with that. Like 10.000 hour for T4 piece, 20.000 for a T5 piece :slight_smile: 2000 conquest for T6 piece

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yours as a non pvp player doesnt matter

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He will have more pvp gear than most pvpers with the new changes if he does raids a lot. Might as well just pve for pvp gear now since blizzard obviously despises the aspect

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i play bgs on my fully geared rogue because they’re fun idk


Well, I got what I want, and you are seething. Clearly my opinion trumped yours.

You’ve been posting on a level 13 alt, no one is honestly taking you seriously. You’re just amusement

I agree, this will just make the people that want to PvP queue and not the people that are just pvping to get gear. Make matches more interesting

You know that was a thing in the original that you can buy pvp gear from pve tokens on isle of queldanas? Yes a little later but that for sure existed.

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Can’t hear you over the sound of my t5 tokens converting to s2. Keep huffing the copium though, I know it makes you feel better.

Because PvE tokens were exchangeable for PVP gear when sunwell was released. So this is technically a safe option for blizzard to do

The idea is to bring more PvErs into a PVP environment for more pvp participation. Pve participation is just fine

And just for the record, I don’t agree with the idea of putting in PvP tokens this early in the phase as it’ll only cause new players gearing up through t4/t5 take significantly longer.

The rest of these changes shoulda been put in weeks ago during s2-s3 downtime

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It existed in phase 5, which is fine to make S1 and S2 available for tokens then. But a lot of us based our recent arena point spending on the fact that this wouldn’t be available and spent many many hours farming arenas every week.

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Well in reality it’ll be easier to figure out the scrubs who got their pvp gear through pve - they’ll just die aimlessly while trying to figure out what buttons they can press with their mouse and it’ll be hilarious to watch. I am looking forward to seeing you in that crowd lol


a little later ? you mean like at the end of the expansion later… when gear was gonna be almost worthless a few weeks later ? and even then you could only buy old gear that was irrelevent because it was very late in the season … yeah

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That was all the way in p6 and was meant as a catch up mechanic for people to have an opportunity to enjoy the game before wrath came out. There was a reason it was reserved until the very last phase when everyone has stopped playing anyways.

It is assumed that you queue to play arena games and get rewards. Knowing this change will only change the priority in which order you buy items with conquest, and to plan the gearing process better.

You would still be queueing arena with or without the change. It sucks to lose some marks/conquest but the change is good for the health of the game.

I hope that I won’t see many prot paladin/warrior in BG