Honor calculations

#NOCHANGES yet another major screw up from blizzard on a 15 year old game. I’m not sure about the other people that play classic, but the 8 hour downtime was very much part of the fabric of vanilla gaming.

So ok, you screwed up and found a fix 9 days ago… yet i’ve lost 200 kills today… The only true solution is to re-look at the math of the vanilla ways, implement that and WIPE EVERYONE’S HONOR. That way we’re all equal. As no one can prove or disprove how much honor has been lost per server. Have everyone go down to Rank 1 on Dec 10 and give everyone above rank 1 free game time to apologise.

If I had to re-rank after being bracket 14/13 every week I would never log in again.

The top 1% would definitely screwed… But there will always be an asterisk knowing that you got r14 during the broken system.

Just a display issue? My weekly total has been lower than my earned honor for the last 2.5 weeks which has impacted my overall standing. Fix the game, stop blaming it on display issue when its not just a display issue.

Has there been any updates to this? I have lost probably around 300ish HKs in the last two days and nothing in my Honor tab has updated since Tuesday!

Blue post is a lie. I’m still missing roughly 30k honor from my time played on Wednesday.

Many players on Grobbulus have lost all honor gains in the last two days. Someone who put in a ticket had the GM tell them it’s a visual bug and linked this thread. Wasn’t this resolved two weeks ago? We’re on day 2 of the honor tab not showing us any of the honor we’ve gained in the last 48-72 hours.

Can a blue confirm that this weeks’ honor tabs issues is actually related to this display issue? Or is this weeks’ issues a new problem?

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It’s not. When they have figured out a solution they will respond. Let’s just hope it is sooner rather than later.

Source? How do you know this is a separate issue? The only responses we’ve gotten from Blizzard (via GM ticket responses) says that it is the same issue.

Edit: Let me clarify that I think you’re right, that this issue is different, but I’m looking for a Blizzard source confirming this.

I would like something official too.

As to the 3 to 8 AM issue, I personally experienced it multiple times. I haven’t really been farming kills - so get maybe 10 to 20 throughout the day. A week ago I was seeing early morning kills with their honor going into the bit bucket. In such low numbers it was easy for me to track.

Since they changed the time for the daily rollover, the problem has become much, much worse - it seems to span hours when many people are playing and farming kills. Its a mess and Blizzard is getting farther behind every day it continues.

If you read the threads related to this issue you can see that there is overwhelming evidence suggesting it is a separate issue. I would reckon the GMs are sourcing to the only information provided by blizzard within this post just as we are.

Of course I can’t be 100% certain, but in my experience when dealing with a bug, blizzard replies when they have a hotfix in route or atleast know how to deal with it.

This “type” of problem is almost a meme in systems work - dating back to when we called it data processing. It is easy to correct the problem if they would just review the code in some detail. The real problem is getting things properly reset. They have over two weeks of daily accruals that are incorrect. It can all be rerun, but the whole thing needs to be done serially to get it correct. That would take time, should they even decide to attempt it. Since no actual money is involved, they may decide to quietly fix the problem and let the bad history just slide.

As someone who main focus is pvp if the honor remains broken i might unsub

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The people who have been investing long hours grinding have every reason to be incensed. I’ve just been doing the minimal to reach maybe rank 5 by the start of BGs. Need very little honor to do that - maybe 4-5k a week. Still, I might not make that this week because of the problem.


Yeah, this has got to be the dumbest suggestion ever.

Sure lets wipe everyones honor thats been grinding for the past 2 weeks every single day, giving them a month of game time will surely make up for it! Not that theyd actually use the game time though, because a lot of them unsub and quit if they did something that insanely dumb.

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It would be nice to have a blue at least respond saying there is an issue…

I am having this problem again this week. My honor tab itsnt updating right and it appears impossible to talk to a GM in game. This sucks.

when u had the problem before did you end up getting the honor you missed or was it just gone

It really depends how much you care about equality and how much corruption is too much … This isn’t a new bug, this has happened all three weeks now. People palmed it off as a graphical error when it didn’t affect them, but now that it’s affecting prime time players people realise millions of honor have been deleted in the past three weeks… Not to mention the people that have stopped pvp because they have already been screwed by the broken honor system…

i am currently not being displayed for 40k honor and opened a ticket. I received a response from a gm linking this thread and explaining it was a display issue. however I’ve reopened the ticket after I’ve seen evidence on reddit that some gms are not giving a definitive response on whether our honor is gone or not. we need an immediate blue response blizzard, these people not only pay your subscription but put unhealthy amounts of hours into your game, neglecting loved ones. and may be getting screwed for it.

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