Homophobia is now non-cannon

I thought we were a Cabal.


There is no cabal on Wyrmrest Accord


Ah yes, the grounded, realistic, and gritty medieval World of Warcraft, where I am treated to such mature thematic storytelling like:

-Milhouse Manastorm
-A send-up of Westfall’s real world impoverishment in the form of one long CSI reference
-Cata Uldum, which itself is one long Indiana Jones reference
-Redridge, which is one long Rambo reference
-Saving Bear Cubs in Hyjal by tossing them on to Trampolines
-The entire plague wing of Icecrown Citadel, which features not one, but TWO goofy abominations with big undead doggos for pets, one which drops a pink ribbon, and the final boss of which is a reference to Futurama’s Professor Farnsworth.
-Mechagon. Just…Mechagon.
-Jani, the literal Loa of Trash.

And I could go on and on about how GRIMDARK and SUPER SERIOUS this FANTASY SETTING really gets. And yes, I understand that WoW will, on occasion, drop the pretense of happy fantasy fun time to deliver a compelling story -where it counts-, and in some moments - especially during Suramar - they do a pretty good job of it.

Grim and gritty medieval fantasy this is not, however, and I am past the point of ever acknowledging it as such.


Anyone know how to turn off automatic watching of posts when I post in a thread

Never mind I figured it out. Turns out I just needed to look with my eyes



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You’re right, that’s definitely the takeaway here. I wouldn’t want Blizzard to actually tackle homophobia in a progressive and thought-provoking way, being that it’s a major problem in real life and definitely does exist. I’d prefer they wave their magic wand and bam, the homophobia in-game just never existed in the first place, even though by all reasonable accounts in the lore, it most likely would.

For a second I forgot I was on Ad Hominem: The Forum. I’ll kindly let you all go back to slurping whatever spineless dribble your corporate masters feed you.

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Yeah, so… suspend your disbelief that another guy can just be himself?

Its not high commentary but it doesn’t hurt to awknowledge that something is an issue irl

WoW is a place people come to enjoy themselves, take a moment to sit down and readjust after dealing with real world problems, if it means people affected by those real world problems don’t have to be reminded of them in game it’s a worthy cause that makes the game more fun

Because shouldn’t video games be more fun?


Doesn’t being that far up your own butt put a major crick in your neck?


I’m glad you agree with the sensible position most people hold

Observation: I have never seen anyone say “woke” in a conversation who wasn’t deeply interested in driving their post count straight into Uncomfortably, Specifically Unable To Ignore This Thing, Not Homophobic/Racist/Sexist BTW.


Aside from the fact that nobody’s been able to point to any actual homophobia in the game, so what if they did handwave it out of existence? They do that all the dang time. Blizzard retcons lore at the drop of a hat.

Your agenda is pretty transparent if the thing that sets you off is the removal of any possibility of homophobia from canon.


Why does blizzard need to deal with something that doesn’t exist in a video game that doesn’t exist?

Like…I get what you’re trying to say, I really really really do, but it makes no sense. You want homophobia to be a thing so that blizzard can do the right thing and have a hero or whatever do something that combats it.

But that’s giving blizzard too much credit for what they would do for social justice and human rights- by your own admission. Making homophobia not real is a stand that is much more universally accepted, because it’s a video game that universe doesn’t actually exist. People can make characters and make them gay without having to worry about if mr. male human rogue will gank them for holding hands with their partner.


Genuinely curious - what accounts are those? My knowledge of the depth of lore isn’t what it used to be. I’m wondering if there’s specific dialogue or something I’m not aware of.

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There are none because people on Azeroth, Argus and Draenor had more important, civilization ending things to worry about banging on their doors every week to worry about who was banging behind their doors every week.


popcorn bag noises


I hereby vote we declare heterosexuality a crime. With me?


Love, you’re going to get through the whole snack bar by the time we’re finished here.

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You haven’t actually argued for this, though. You said homophobia should exist in-game because certain groups are mean and should very concerned about reproduction. This is another problematic issue, too. Like others have said, it is so much easier to just say it doesn’t exist. I don’t trust Blizzard to handle it well and I certainly don’t trust RPers to handle it well.

It doesn’t need to exist in-game/lore. This makes LGBTQ+ people feel safer and have a more enjoyable experience, and it certainly shouldn’t bother anyone that’s claiming to not be homophobic.


So Blizzard says “This thing doesn’t exist in game.” And it’s never existed in game and we’re like “Cool. That’s nice.” And THAT’S the problem here?

Also no one is drinking the Kool aid on this forum my dude. We all know Blizzard isn’t out friend. We understand that a billion dollar corporation isn’t working for our benefit so much as theirs.

But are we not allowed to be marginally pleased that things we like are added in?

Oh what am I talking about. This is just “But where do black people on Azeroth come from?” All over again.