Homophobia is now non-cannon

Homophobia is officially non-canon in the Warcraft setting now, as stated by Steve Danuser, the Lead Narrative Designer. Turns out people said WoW is medieval so that stuff was ok. Never saw this once but I agree with the decision so make this sort of thing non-canon. We got bigger things to worry about like the giant sword that’s still deep in our planet for starters.


I’m gonna be that guy and say:


The one with two n’s is a big old gun that shoots balls at people. :stuck_out_tongue:

On topic though, it’s neat to finally have dev confirmation on this. Now any homophobe types can literally be told they’re lore breaking, which is neat.


Almost every single RPer round house kicks the lore to a new dimension. So I don’t think they care about not going along with it. But yeah, it makes sense. WoW should be more about speciesism (not sure if this is an actual thing) than anything else.

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I personally disagree, most RPers I know find the lore to be essential. That aside though…

The people I’ve met with these attitudes usually have used the lore as justification. Excuses like “our people need to repopulate” or “there’s no evidence of if in lore so it doesn’t exist” being the most common I’ve seen. Now we can point to this and say it’s lore - a good thing, really.


Saying that there is no homophobia is like saying that there is no racism.

What next? There is no war and everything was just a big misunderstanding?


i don’t see how thats related. very few wars have ever been fought out of homophobia

Give me one example of in universe homophobia anywhere in the Warcraft universe from WC1 on.

I’ll wait.


This post opened my third eye.

People who don’t have a character on a realm shouldn’t be able to post on that realm’s forum.


wait no, I thought of one! when the Aztecs invaded the Toltec civilization of Mesoamerica, part of the Aztec propaganda (at least according to the few and unreliable records remaining) was that the Toltecs were bad because they didn’t have a problem with the gay.

but yeah most wars throughout history and fantasy can easily occur in a world without homophobia.

lets not jump to conclusions just yet: Navuoka is at least in agreement with us that homophobia is “evil”, so I don’t think he is himself homophobic.

He simply sees prejudice against gays as something that must exist in the warcraft universe and I would like to understand why he believes that.

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I believe children being murdered shouldn’t be in game. Know why, I don’t like that sort of thing. Now work those brain cells and figure out why he wants homophobia in game.

Sorry for making this crass comparison, but I would have preferred genocide to not be in the game, and yet it is. But I don’t think everyone that enjoys the parts of the story involving genocide are in favor of it in real life.

(especially if they acknowledge that the people perpetrating genocide are the villains)


Homophobia is the product of a very tiny percentage of religions. As those religions do not exist in WoW, it’s nonsensical to assume homophobia is inevitable on Azeroth.

A lot of people operate under the assumption that LGBTQ acceptance is some newfangled invention of modern society. It is not.


Hey y’all let’s everybody remember that the Modern Homophobe always couches their complaints in oblique tangents rather than straight-up admitting they are upset about The Gay, so when people get fanny flustered at gay-adjacent topics with circuitous reasoning and deflective arguments, they are not only homophobes but sleazy lying cowards and should have that fact rubbed in their faces.


Hmm… I guess I’m being naive to assume that Navuoka is arguing in good faith here and being honest about his views. He is, after all, an off-realmer posting anonymously.

To me personally it would have been worth playing along and entertaining their ideas, but I can see now that doing so makes it more difficult for my fellow posters to enjoy a thread that is meant to be celebratory and fun.

I owe you an apology Thero!


Wasn’t aiming at you specifically, Miryala, we’re all good. :heart:


I mean, until recently, there wasn’t a hard confirmation of homosexuality in Warcraft, outside of some flirting and humor. Blizzard could’ve added homophobia if they wanted to, but didn’t. Not that I’m saying they should. Whether it was done out of altruism, pandering, or fear of backlash, gays are here to stay, and they’re accepted.

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My point being homophobia has never had an impact on the story or setting, thus it’s confirmation as being non-canon also has no impact on the story beyond giving us word of dev to point to when homophobes get bent out of shape.


Not really, it give people who RP( go to wowhead and look at the whole post) a flat out factual answer to people who use the wow medieval setting as it being ok to treat others wrongly.

Every time I see somebody being homophobic I imagine it’s because they were with a group of friends and the one Gay friend was joking about who they’d sleep with and they got to the person in question and sort of went “OOF.” And moved on.

It’s the only thing that makes sense. Otherwise they’d have to be some kind of bozo or something.