Homophobia is now non-cannon

I didn’t think I’d see the “Yeah but you’re alive today because of heterosexuality” card thrown on the table today on the WrA forums but here we are.


Okay, I’d like to break this down, because I’ve seen this argument a handful of times. Allow me to apply a bit of math to figure out some rough estimates on perceived reproduction in the WoW universe. Because the example I’ve seen a lot of Blood Elves, we’ll use this and apply it to a logistic growth curve. To explain it in simple terms, of very basic population growth models, there are generally two approaches: exponential (things grow very fast with very few limitations, like bacteria) and logistic (things that grow more slowly, and have higher constraints, like humans irl). Now, I’ll be using this modeling site to perform this exploration: https:// media.hhmi. org/biointeractive/click/populationdynamics/. A few words on the parameters of logistic curves: I’m gonna skip the proof of the formulas, but basically there a few inputs that predict the change in population per time: a starting population, N0 (N sub zero), a discrete time rate, r (the rate of net increase or decrease per unit time; that is, births minus deaths over, say, one year), the time over which the population increases or decreases, and a carrying capacity, k (for brevity’s sake we won’t get into it, but the basic idea is there’s a limit of how many of one thing can exist in one area because they’ll eventually run out of resources, food, etc. to support that many individuals).

Moving onto the calculation: assuming the Wowpedia estimate for Blood Elf survivors after the Scourge invasion is correct (https:// wow.gamepedia .com/Blood_elf, scroll down to the ‘Population’ heading), there’s some 13,000 Belves surviving, some 2,000 of which left to Outland, and some other small percentage that go on to become Void Elves or whatever else. Now, I’m going to be ultra conservative (no, not politically right-leaning, in this case that means minimizing model parameters to reduce the percentage of error, more or less), and let’s just say, there’s 6,000 Blood Elves living after the Scourge invasion. Now, let’s also assume a really conservative growth rate, we’ll say r=0.1, which means the population (remember, births minus deaths over one year, in this case) increases every year by 10%. Now, this sounds high, but when you’re starting with low numbers and plentiful resources, it’s low for species that have one or two children per birth, and Blood Elves live an exceptionally long time (also, it’s the absolute lowest this simulator will go, lol). We’ll assume that, if they’re so focused on repopulation, few of them are going off and dying in combat. We will also not consider carrying capacity, since… idk, Magi can just conjure up food so like, w/e.

Let’s get to the results. Using r=0.1, N0 = 6000, we find that in 10 years, the population has roughly increased to…. 11,000. Almost double. Now, again, this isn’t a perfect assumption, I took liberty with some of the parameters, but this is just an example of why no, not every heterosexual elf would be forced to procreate, and also, plenty of Belves would be free to express their sexuality however they please.

So, we’re left with “MiLiTaRy EqUaLs HoMoPhObIa” which, need I remind you that the point of military service is, more or less, to protect one’s homeland and people. If you really want to die on the hill that militant peoples in this fantasy video game setting with dragons, fireballs, and teleportation, hate gays because they’re actually just the same as your perception of US Army soldiers…. Idk what to tell you but go off sis.

https:// imgur. com/a/H4JmJFQ

Sorry about the links breaking, wouldn’t let me post 'em fully so just remove the spaces.


Actually there’s been a lot of research into the history of the cultures the trolls are based on that seems to indicate they weren’t adverse to same sex relationships.

Not every culture has had to go through the same “get woke” process to come to the conclusion that its not a big deal whats in your pants. (Or your loincloth!)


The thing about the “dYiNg RaCe” thing that strikes me as fetishistic at best, horribly bigoted at worst is that unless we’re going to enter into the equally grimdark !@#$ery of aging magic, the “World of Warcraft” we know is less than a decade in duration. So either:

  1. Since no one has told me otherwise that pregnancy cycles are preposterously short for the complexity of the “finished product” you’re looking at about half of your available population being unable to safely do a lot of things for nearly a year at a time. Said members of said demographic canonically being equally able to accomplish anything war related that the other half can. So half your potential fighting force.


  1. Even if it was like, in, out, one month here’s your baby perfectly healthy no problems whatsoever, the Children’s Crusade didn’t exactly go well so I dunno about my fellow military RPers but I wouldn’t exactly see a gaggle of gaddabout ten year olds (at best) being the grand reinforcement replenishment I’d be happy to receive.

It reeks not of realism but of wanting to drumroll please, just control women and otherwise impose your viewpoints regarding same sex relationships with the faintest glimmer of “no guys this is really how it SHOULD be.”


You seem really hung up on the idea that acceptance of homosexuality is some new woke thing that can only exist in cultures that align with modern progressive politics.



And I don’t know how many times it needs to be repeated that gay people can, in fact, have kids.


Because all these excuses and deflections are excuses and deflections. He’s mad that people are gay, and that now he has to be reminded of it in his cartoon fantasy.


The guys who scream about reproduction in game are just scared that they might come across gay nsfw art while looking at elf rule 34.


Reminder that Alexander the Great mourned over the loss of his companion Hephaestion to the point where he didn’t eat and had to be drug away from the cadaver of Hephaestion.


hey as ur editor i just had 2 take a pass at this 2 make it correct


Remember when the mother/earthbound series kept dunking on the institution of police in a completely-not-political way?


Good ol’ 1989 before games got all political


Yeah, homophobia is far from being universal.

It’s not being “realistic” or “historic”, it is itself an agenda.


This whole thing is just making me remember the time I read an absolutely epic post of stupidity and bigotry regarding Fallout: New Vegas. Someone had taken the perk “Confirmed Bachelor” for the damage bonus, suddenly wondered why male NPCs were hitting on him and then got mad that Obsidian “made his character gay” and how there’s no place for that kind of “”“politics”"" in video gaming.

Kind of pissed me off again to recall it enough to write that.


This is sending me.


Hey team, this was a hell of a thread to skim. Pretty standard, as depressing as that is.

Anyone who whines about what is or isn’t “realstic” (dishonestly or otherwise) is gunning for my boot in their junk. I don’t play final fantasy because of their reasonably proportioned weapons and stunningly accurate portrayal of physics. If your inability to suspend disbelief is about hate there isn’t any other perspective, you’re just a gross person.

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We all play Final fantasy to be as thotty as possible. That 2B outfit they added is getting mileage for a reason.

Dudes look great in those boots by the way.


I know when I wanna play a game with realism I know I’m gonna go for the setting that is both sword and shield fantasy but also has space ships, aliens and lasers


I’m a fan of the recent pvp gear, the funky sci fi cyber suit.

I’m a fan of looking sleek without showing all the skin sometimes too, you know?

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I know a lot of orcs, trolls and goblins who will be very upset by this news.


My only real complaint here is that it would be nice if, while we’ve already got the giant red marker out, we could maybe de-canonize the sexual violence and sex worker murder and stuff too.

I realize that would take like, work, and it’s not precisely related to representation, but still.


Imagine playing a male human character and writing several paragraphs explaining why homophobia should exist in a fantasy made up universe