Homophobia is now non-cannon

You mean people being rude to gays in IC ??

Sorry to break my lurk streak but this always bugs me in every way. Its not like the gays were invented in the 1960s. Even then, medieval Europe is not all that was happening in the world at the time. besides that, someone please point out where orgrimmar comes from on a map.

Granted, the world building in WoW is tertiary and lazy at best and the further you get from end of the world plots, the further you get from the dev’s radar. How wow has goblin space programs, anime tropes and dead memes baked into the lore but any non cishet acknowledgement is a step too far is just something i will never understand.

also why is it always tauren


“Medieval” has always been an excuse. It’s not like the people busting that out know anything about medieval history, anyway. It’s a code word for “my personal fantasy involves everyone being white, no one being gay, and women staying in the kitchen.” The medieval period was not actually like that in any respect but again, that was never the point.


now registering this in the gaytabase. the gay agenda marches on.


Says the guy who ERPs with what 100% is another man on the other end. But yeah, keep on hating.

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Lore is not field artillery.

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Neither is field artillery, if the War of Thorns taught us anything. Nothing in this story makes any dang sense.

It’s pretty revelatory when folks decide “characters are gay” is where they draw the line of suspending disbelief.


the statement, btw

applies to sexism, racism, ableism, transphobia, etc as well. obviously not speciesism or anti-religion but, those 2 are kinda vital to the wowcraft

this means if you come up to my character with garbage I don’t tolerate irl, my character is in her rights to blow your character out of existence

because seriously, who has time to hate another member of your race for their sexuality or skin color when there are actual demons and giant monsters constantly threatening unequivocal extinction to every single one of your kind? not a soul, but since we want to apply irl hatred to a fantasy world, people do it anyways.

makes me sick.


Completely asinine.

Obviously homophobia has never been shown in Warcraft lore, but it doesn’t take a far stretch of the mind to realize it would probably be there when you have an abundance of militaristic groups (Scarlet Crusade, Blackrock Orcs, Dark Iron Dwarfs pre-council, Gurubashi Trolls etc) that engage in far worse practices and are constantly on the verge of being wiped out, thus emphasizing the need for reproduction. When you’re constantly besieged by enemies, have a desperate need for manpower and have grown up in that type of environment, it stands to reason you’re probably gonna be a little less tolerant.

Obviously this post isn’t an endorsement of homophobia, and I find it funny that that even needs to be said. But the idea that this billion dollar corporation is some sort of woke entity when they’ve been happy to make fun of homosexuality plenty of times in the past for laughs is insane. Just bury your head in the sand, nothing can hurt you in our lore!

For the record, anyone engaging in homophobic behavior in-game, whether they’re RPing or not, can easily be reported, and I’ve seen these people get strikes against their account plenty of times. The “rule” already existed, this weird lore update is just coming from a place of trying to score brownie points.

The obsession with reproducing is pretty gross.

Please cease with heterosexuality.


Except that KAI universe was made with the idea of being a safe place for children.

In the other hand WoW not. I mean, an army of zombies or a dragon could crush your body, but apparently homophobia it’s a biger threat according to you.

It’s cute how a game like ESO can have gay NPCs all over the place and major quest lines about a Trans person and no one gives a *&%^

But put a gay couple in WoW, or confirm that homophobia isn’t a thing in universe and suddenly a bunch of doofus’ show up with, “I’m not homophobic but…”



I will not interact with eugenics or conversations on “actually homophobia should exist”.


At what point do you begin separating your video game mechanics from your lore mechanics? Just because these previously mentioned mobs re-spawn doesn’t mean that the idea of being besieged by enemies and lacking manpower isn’t a critical theme of groups like the Crusade and the Blackrock Orcs. Obviously it’s a video game, and suspension of disbelief is a thing, but is this really an applicable case? Am I supposed to suspend my disbelief far enough to think that the Troll that wants to cut out my heart and sacrifice it to the Loa or cannibalize me is at the same time, completely woke on same-sex marriage? it’s just silly. Obviously this isn’t the straw that broke the camel’s back in why the lore and storytelling in Warcraft is complete trite, but it’s just another one of those things that was completely unnecessary and only served to fit an agenda.

Theoretically, Blizzard could have even shown an instance of homophobia in game, and then had it strongly condemned by another NPC or event. Instead nope, close your eyes, shut your ears, everything is fine!

It’s most likely why you’re around to post on the forums today though.

If you can’t differentiate criticism on an in-game lore change and an actual attack on your core belief, I’m sorry to say that you’re already extremely online.


You must be proud of yourself.


Imagine thinking it’s a problem that no one in universe cares about the gender of the person you’re boning.


Why wouldn’t I be? Your faux outrage over a perceived personal attack isn’t exactly making me quiver in remorse.

In my experience the more “I wanna be that big” faux, insecure “gym rats” who tend to have these kinds of societal hot takes flock to orcs, tauren, and dwarves who have that juicy horseshoe tricep, basketball bicep, war engineer wrench turning forearms aesthetic.

That isn’t to say all of them, or that I haven’t been creeped out by commentary by every other WoW race but the NO YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND, I AM AN ALPHA. MALE. AND I WILL BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY stereotype is alive and well for a reason.


“Outrage.” :woozy_face:


Yes because it’s now canon that the oldest and most revered Troll empire is fine with same sex marriage.

Scum bags would take the concept that homophobia exists and don it as armor to proclaim ‘if you don’t acknowledge this then you’re lore breaking’. It would just open the door to more people being butt jackles towards each other.

Hahahaha, no.