Because this game is built on spaghetti code, every single time they add new code to this game it can have unintended consequences anywhere else.
This patch might have finally just broken the code, the feather that broke the camel’s back
Because this game is built on spaghetti code, every single time they add new code to this game it can have unintended consequences anywhere else.
This patch might have finally just broken the code, the feather that broke the camel’s back
ymmv but “nobody really had tier yet so we weren’t seeing the top end” isn’t an argument i love personally. the total top-end including tier has been brought down, and some players did already have tier. i’ve had the supermid boomkin 2piece for weeks
That’s a very reasonable sentiment. I hope they nerf the hell out of whatever class you main so you can practice being so philosophical for the rest of the season.
I mean Earth shocks are still critting people for 150k, Lava burst lotto still hitting for 80-90k on every arena target. Arcane is still hitting 200k+ damage on their openers.
Evoker might be the only class that took a slight nerf to burst, but they are now hitting 60k tick disintegrates with the “sustain buffs” added to them.
The nerf to Ele tier really did nothing. Just watch AWC today, you’ll see.
bruh it took 3-4 globals to begin with if you can’t use a defensive or peel in 3-4 seconds when you see a ret setting up your kinda bad ngl
but yes it needed the nerf 1000% hitting 250k was not ok
Another expansion where people bring up this terrible argument
Wish I could say I feel bad for you but I got one shot by a Ret once (or many more times) so I’m just going to take this moment to enjoy this conversation.
My class/spec isn’t good enough to warrant nerfs outside of double tap lmao I don’t play mm outside of bgs though so I could care less. it never is the over performing class outside of bugs that I can remember for quite awhile. Ret was justifiably nerfed my guy if it was too much who knows it’s been 1 single day since but you can’t tell me hitting 200ks is justifiable to do.
It was a joke… clearly. But it’s not just about globals… and it’s essentially two. It’s the fact they can take that damage and in a second direct it at someone else. Hammers are hitting everyone and every target in range is potentially a kill target when you can hit someone for half their health.
i don’t really understand your point
an earth shock for 150k now would have been 180k or so before the nerf. ditto whatever number arcane surge goes to. “i don’t think the nerfs were enough” is a different argument than “the nerfs didn’t happen”
To all the monkeys sitting here thinking we want the radiant decree nerf reverted:
None of us good rets think that playstyle is okay, it was a brain dead herp da derp playstyle and a lot of people got rating that didn’t deserve it. I personally quit the game because of it and came back when I saw it was getting nerfed because I’d much rather play ashes to ashes.
We’re all now complaining because that was all ret had and now that it’s gone we have nothing, and we have been saying this would happen since Alpha yet we have not heard ANYTHING from the devs. The first time they even mentioned their intentions for ret since alpha was the blue post in which the buffed SoV.
TLDR you can go back 4-5 months and find YouTube videos of people complaining about the paladin trees yet nothing was addressed and now it’s all crumbling down.
does playing this game for like 15 years at 2k then wings/necrobannering off your mount and killing through walls for 2 and a half seasons earn you the “good ret” title
If you want my life story I was always a PvE player and didn’t start competing until MoP where I got my first duelist. I played with the same people until they quit in WoD (who I met in trade chat and now we’re best friends irl and visit each other multiple times a year) because our comp was absolutely terrible at the time and we always sat in the 2300-2400 bracket. After that I had no interest in 3s and only healed no voiced 2s, at one point in legion I was top 10 on the ladder. I dabbled in PvE as ret but it wasn’t until shadowlands where I started queuing 3s again and got my highest rating of 3128cr. I actually quit shadowlands in both season 3 and 4 and came back at the very end of both seasons just to get glad. I plan to push solo shuffle with ret in its current state so I can put my “money where my mouth is” so to speak, I just got my weapon on both my ret geared paladins this week so expect to see me soon.
Here is a video of me 7 years ago losing to Bahjeera;
also very strong throughout legion and cata and p deco in wod iirc
cupid cleave in legion
ya cruel ssn innovative wacky comp
Don’t speak for all rets Hell you don’t even speak for most rets. You can screw off with that.
So you think they should revert the change to radiant decree? Hell no. Keep that button gutted and give us more sustained damage, mobility, make divine protection baseline and revert the aura of reckoning change and ret will feel amazing.
Pretty sure Vanguards was also calling for radiant decree nerfs so I know I at least speak for some rets.
Hell yeah they should and you should not be speaking for the rest of us. STOP TRYING TO HOMOGENIZE THE CLASS TO BE WARRIOR 6.0.
We’ll still be a burst set up based class without radiant decree, we just won’t need a button that 60-0 someone if we had tools to use the rest of the game. Pretty sure most rets would agree with that.