Holy Shi... Ret is bad

i spent all of sl sandwich boarding rets not to get cute over the longest period of strong viability any of us have seen ret enjoy for a decade

again facts
last week’s ret doing 50% more per than the next highest dps in game at every match length from 10 seconds to 2 minutes should(and is) perfectly fine on sustained after the nerf, and provably from basic math the burst is still lethal over maybe 1 additional gcd now


I have screenshots with zero context from Arcane hitting for 250k in less than a sec, evoker 250k less than a sec, eles 200k less than a sec……… gear, cds used etc etc matter unless it’s a video clip it doesn’t mean crap


I love it. I mean, i want them to make changes. Some changes have been odd, but why not constant tunes? Could the tuning be better… sure, but I’m glad they are actually trying to make things work.

Are you going to act like this was isolated? Clearly not. I can give you plenty of similar screenshots of rets just trucking people.

The context for the screenshot I took was at 2350. Our Holy Pali ran in with us and the ret decided to go him. That’s it. That’s the context. The holy pali shouldn’t have been up there. They should have popped something the instant the ret looked at him… but he didn’t.

But who cares. The ret hit him for more than half his health with a single ability.

all 3 of those 1bangs have been nerfed though

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Like Ret did? I mean we’re not ranged, we have a dispellable stun, no mobility, honestly trash defensives, no MS… we just need a redesign


what relevance does it seem like that has to what you brought up though?
you listed 3 things as though their existence nullifies a screenshot of ret doing a silly 1shot, when that screenshot was presented as reason to nerf ret. but all of those 3 things were also nerfed


I’m not asking for one shots but what they did to Ret is absolutely pathetic, Ret should still have the top 3 burst in game, since they can’t barely ever connect and have no mobility.

An overall damage nerf of 25-30% is a fkin joke come on, go watch vanguards stream


No it’s not. They needed changes. No one is asking for the spec to be gutted dude. The nerf was 100% warranted.

Nah I think moonkin is better than ret enhance after the changes. It has firmly cemented itself as the 4th worst spec in the game imo.

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my ret is an rbg aoe consecration bot. these pvp devs man.

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The nerf to overall damage definitely wasn’t 25-30%, closer to like 15%.

Lawbringer alone pretty much made up 10-15% of damage, and now it does less than the crafted helm lol, I mean we’ll get more numbers soon but Lawbringer was actually carrying rets dmg


I mean could just be a bug do you know how many bugs are currently going on right now?

For example renewing mist isn’t working correctly

Even if Lawbringer was nerfed to the intended 8%, it is still a sustain damage nerf and at best, just about breaks even.

Yes, but now you are replacing it for 4% damage and healing to your whole team.

4% damage to yourself seems low, but let me tell you, 4% damage to your arms or havoc teammate is worth a lot more than 4% damage to yourself atm.

Oh I know who vanguards is and by no means was saying he’s bad I know he isn’t obviously he’s consistently rank 1. I was just saying in general most streamers are bias as hell.

Bias isn’t really the thing unless you think he tanked 300 rating on purpose. The proof is in the rating not the words.


Oh hey buddy, glad you can join us WWs over here in B tier.

All three of those are still hitting just as hard btw with tier sets now.

I don’t follow him around rating wise. That’s not necessarily indicative of Ret not being good rank 1s fluctuate in rating all the time through out the season playing with friends just to play and trying weird stuff out. If he stays outrageously low by the time the season ends that’s when you could say Ret might of been over nerfed.

There are actually a disgusting amount of bugs with this patch. Feign death PvP talent is no longer giving the 90% DR shield visual on the health bar…I don’t even know how that broke, they didn’t change the stupid talent.

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