Youre welcome
Is that true?
i haven’t tested cuz i never que games on patch day due to blizzard spaghetti code/servers/etc
but i can’t imagine they are bad lmao
Yeah, ret was brutalized. It seems to be worse than enh. Might be better than moonkin still though.
They seem perfectly fine to me.
Glad I farmed Legend title im undeserving
Fixed it for you
Good. Suffer.
ty daddy
10 char
Vanguardz is saying sustain is 20% lower on top of the burst. Got a burst and a sustain nurf despite blizzard saying—> sustain buff to compensate.
Doesn’t seem to have played out that way.
He thinks Ret is enhance level now.
are we suprised as ret players? no. all yall can’t manage to disrupt the easiest burst to disrupt and would rather complain and now our class is basically dead.
Pretty sure it’s even worse than vanguards is saying. The little sustain we had is gone, the burst the main thing ret had is pretty much gone. Still squishy, and still immobile. You’re a sitting duck target dummy. Without the pressure you could put out it allows people to pve you harder. Survability is suffering because of that.
I will say, they have opened up the possibilities in ways to buff ret now. They can buff ANY aspect of ret now without having to hold back.
im having a hard time killing mobs
Tired saying this - warriors do more dmg, more burst, with an insane MS, insane mobility and uptime…. Vanguards basically saying it’s unplayable worst spec in the game… nerf to 2 key burst abilities (massive nerf) nerf to 2 must play honor talents by 50% each… lawbringer form 10% to 5% and aura reck from 50 stack to 100 what a joke lmao
its ok, time to just retire my ret pala till they fix the spec. not playing it when its down so bad.
Lawbringer is nerfed by 50%, to 5%, instead of by 20% to 8% like patchnotes indicated.
Yeah, I’m sure they are fine at 1400.
just line the bolt bro
or push literally any button. yeah just get good lmao when top rets say that ret is a loss of 400 mmr from last week they aren’t joking man.
yeah man maybe u could give me some tips to get good some time lmk