Holy Pally feels broken and stupid

Does it not scale at all?

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I think S2 DF was the last time pally healing felt good to me. I play all classes and I heal on every class I can. I’m maining holy priest, if I had time for more M+ I would do resto sham.

I agree with you on not wanting to dps in order to heal, this is why I never liked fistweaving. If I want to play a dps I would play something strong. I actually enjoy healing and topping people’s health off (OCD).


That’s at level 80 with about 610 ilevel? It’s an alt I don’t play much but I spent so much effort on the transmog I feel obliged.

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At 666 ilvl Golden Path tooltip is 4,017 every .9 seconds. When you actually cast conc it heals for 6,407 every tick (no buffs or consumables). The ticks can crit also.

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Paladin was stupid the moment they switched it up into dpsing. My main since tbc got thrown in the rubbish right there and then. Unfortunately for her.


Thanks for tagging my comment. I respect the desire of casting as a Holy Paladin. but the reality of the fantasy class is different (Honestl I don’t like to build Hpower as well) but I disagree with the statement of not being a warrior healer.

We are talking about a plate user with martial combat training that is adept to harness the light in a support way. different from the other 2 that harness the light for specific things.

I have been a Hpal since BFA in the goods, the bads and the horrible (DFS3-4). And for the first time I am going to try a different healer this season. Why? I don’t know man I just feel that nobody knows how to fix this problem with this spec. My next target is MW because IMO does what I want to do with the HPAL.

I respect everyones opinion regarding this class but I believe this experiment of having a Hybrid healer is just hurting the class. I played Hpal in classic and killed me the fact that my non raid BiS chesst was a cloth piece from Stratholme. It felt wrong. like I feel that a Hero of hope, justice and protection spend most of his time shielding his commarades it’s not meant to cast in the back of the pack for that I recommend people to play priest.

But that is just me my friend.


I heard Holy Paly is getting a Holy Shock nuke that heals for like 4 million a hit, not even a crit.

I always imagined Holy Pallies to be like Resto Sham kinda, but less about casting and dropping totems obviously and more about instant nuke heals and beacon type spreads.
Melee Holy Pally seems dumb to me, it’s forced to me, just make the hammer and judgement abilities have 40 yard ranges. Thor can throw his hammer across the country, come on now.

I imagined them to have an array of instant nuke heals, double beacon, glimmer, good mobility, maybe an empowered Flash Heal here and there. They should go the Empowered Flash Heal direction imo, kinda like how Regrowth is rn for druids. It feels good because it doesn’t rely on haste, it’s a nice quick cast, but you have to earn the empowerment, either by ramp or proc, Holy Priest is kinda like that as well.

Okay, but that doesn’t change the fact that you aren’t even TRYING to play the damn class itself properly. Much less the spec. If you want to make this argument, you have to at least be doing the bare minimum that every other player has to do for their basics.

Like, bruh, I don’t care what spec you are playing, if you are a pally with even one agility item, that’s on YOU. And your argument suffers for it.

Certainly took me a bit of getting used to with MW monk lol, was concerned I wasn’t doing enough healing at one point since I rarely if ever click a legitimate healing spell lol. But I do think it’s fun.

I don’t think you’re cut out for holy pala if you’re complaining about having to build holy power for your spenders….that’s the whole point

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Person posting complaint : “I think this food tastes bad. I don’t care for the seasoning and would prefer if you changed the recipe.”


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Years ago HP was my main. When they started with the weird “holy power” nonsense I fell out of love with them. Paladins are a pretty simple archetype, and playing one should reflect that. The way they were revamped looks more like it was bored developers making a simple thing needlessly complicated. (Speaking of archetypes)

Pretty sure only one the two hero trees has you dpsing to heal (avenger something?).

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Awesome stuff from op

you know dps as healer, heals your party right…? lmao.

it’s so incredulous how clueless 99% of forum posters are.

or idk stop ordering the slop and order something else. also stop eating it through your nose like the OP. lol

I kind of glossed over the OP. Was just going to say something handwavy about Hpally like how it’s a lot less clunky and easier to grasp than it was an expansion ago, and spit out my coffee when i saw the words

10/10 OP, everyone else can go home.


lol what. do you have on like all str gear? my h pally is only 623 and holyshock heals for 388k-398k non crit. like 900k crit heal.

WOG is healing 700-900k non crit, 1.2-1.8 mil crit.

and those people should stick to raid. nobody in a key wants a mistweaver with no kicks, no rops, no leg sweeps, no paras, and little to no damage. same situation here.

I have gear for all specs in my class. And no, your holypaladin doesn’t heal 388-398k with HolyShock at ilvl 623. Even though I use the Light of the Martyr talent, my HolyShock doesn’t seem to exceed 380k (and I’m ilvl 638). I’m referring to this healing without the proc of any trinket.

Ohh, I get it—you’re a noob. You do understand that Holy Paladin mastery increases our healing the closer we are to our target, right?

If, for some noob reason, you’re constantly healing from max range, then yeah, your healing is probably terrible. Lol. But why would you ever do that? Normal Holy Paladin play is up close with your party.

But even then, there is no way you are getting 280k heals only from max range. My 623 Hpal at max range is healing 280k shocks. Lol. Please check your gear, probably all str. lmao

Obviously I understand that. And of course I’m referring to the HolyShock cure cast on myself.

I’ve already done this, and tested it with healer gear.

Without the Light of Marthyr talent, my HolyShock heals 280k.