Holy Pally feels broken and stupid

I kind of want to play Hpal again next season. It was the most fun I had healing back in DF S4.


I do think they should just make all weapons switch main-stat based on spec so hybrid classes can use the same gear for other specs even if the other stats aren’t ideal.

You’d get more people willing to try and swap roles that way.


Thanks a lot for this. Noting

  • Flash of Light healing decreased by 25%.
  • Infusion of Light now increases the healing of Flash of Light by 30% (was reduce mana cost).

So a 5% boost for that specific item. 5% is nothing.

  • Holy Prism healing increased by 20%.
  • Holy Shock healing increased by 40%.
  • Word of Glory healing increased by 15%.

Steps in the right direction I guess, but my main complain is how the spec feels. The constant need to build holy power is very clunky and un-fun. I think some DPS players might like hpal since they still get to DPS. I’ve never been a DPS player. 95% of my time has been healer priest, druid, shaman and 5% as prot pal and prot war.

Maybe this is part of the goal of hpal - to get dps people into healer role. “look bros you can still dps while you heal”. Maybe I am not the target audience here.


This is assuming that the increases are additive, applied simultaneously. If they reduced it by 25% and THEN increased it by 30 (which the way the changes are being done implies this is the case) then it’s actually a 2.5% reduction overall, and that’s the trappings of numbers.


Yes, secondaries are secondary, as the name suggests. I’ve got a story of a mage who did dumpster damage back in DF and they didn’t know why, then it turns out they won a greed roll on an agility staff and equipped it and have been running with a fraction of the main stat for two weeks before someone figured out why they were always below the tanks.

But weapons and trinkets are the only things that don’t carry over cleanly for all roles, as pretty much the last things that have big differences between them.


They buffed Holy Shock by 40% and Word of Glory by 15%, but nerfed Beacon of Virtue to 15% (it used to transfer 20% of your direct healing to other affected players). I don’t know how this will turn out. I’m terrible at math.

I feel like our AoE healing is very weak compared to other healers.


This was my point, yeah. There was +spirit still on gear when I last played. Coming back, it took me a while to realize that I need to be more careful with modal main stats. Occasionally you can get bitten by ignoring the white text and just laser focusing on the green.


I didn’t understand anything lol


You can spec holy paladin in a way that focuses on casting including generating holy power whenever you cast flash or holy light.

All guides tend to focus on M+ meta which usually pushes the healer into trying to maximize their damage output, but you don’t have to play that way. Caster Mistweaver is another example. None of the streamers or guides will typically even acknowledge the existence of the playstyle, but some people prefer it over fistweaving.

I think they should make it so support/healer focused specs provide other benefits to the group so the loss of damage is more of a tradeoff, but currently you usually just give up a bunch of damage from one spec to another while not really gaining anything as a tradeoff.


Multiply versus add. 1 * 0.75 * 1.3 = 0.975, or -2.5% off baseline. If they instead add the 30% (1 * 0.75 + 0.3 = 1.05), it would be +5% over baseline.


Alright so, lets assume a hypothetical world where flash of light heals for exactly 1000, because it makes the math convenient.
Blizzard has decided that 1000 is too much, so they reduce it by 25%, so it heals for 750 now.
In the same breath they also make a talent increase the amount of healing it does by 30%, but the talent doesn’t know it used to heal for 1000, it knows it heals for 750 now and increases that.
+30% of 750 is 975. A 25 overall reduction from before, or 2.5%.


I think I understand that. Thanks.

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Before 11.1 flash of light with infusion was a dirt cheap holy power generator that did a bit of healing. After the changes it seems it will be dirt cheap at all times and therefor a dirt cheap castable holy power generator (if you talent into it being a generator). I don’t think it’s meant to do a lot of healing directly.

Holy Light is expensive and now heals for over 800% sp baseline. That one is the one that’s meant to move your healthbar as far as the two hard-cast holy paladin heals go.

If you look at wowhead, before talent modifiers holy light does 380% sp in the current patch, in 11.1 it does 866%. Not sure why it’s so much more than just the 90% patch note or if that’s accurate.

I didn’t play pally much in TWW but in 594 ilvl gear on live

holy light: 218,568 healing / 160k mana
flash: 172,450H/45k mana

on PTR in same gear:

holy light: 498,337H / 175k mana
flash: 128,884H / 15k mana (same cost as crusader strike but no cooldown)

That’s just standing in town without any procs in terrible gear. You regenerate 20k mana per second so you could spam cast flash of light without procs now and be mana positive still.


I grimace every time I see a hPal in my M+ groups.

I know it’s gonna clog up melee range with mechanics, and the healing is going to be mediocre.


Bought some PTR vendor gear to look at the numbers in non-useless gear. I stopped when I got to 666 ilvl since it seemed like a good test level.

At 666 ilvl:

holy light: 861,527
flash: 222,816
shock: 346,739
WoG: 658,093
LoD (lol): 153,691

I have 9,764,000 health as a holy paladin at that ilvl.


Jesus. It looks horrible. My holyshock is healing 280k at retail with ilvl 638. So with ilvl 666 my holyshock will only heal 346k? Where is the 40% buff?

Imagine healing just that with players having 10m health. It can only be a joke.
I’ll download the PTR to see this. It’s not possible.

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MW kinda works in a similar way, kinda.

For me I liked hpal in the past, because despite you need to build Holy Power, your heals were so strong that it actually felt impactful, and all of that while doing good DPS and being fast paced gameplay, which in my mind, casted heals ruins.

We already got many caster healers, like Prevoker, Rshaman, Hpriest, Disc and even ranged MW. I dont think we need more, and only healers that truly do DPS while healing are Disc and MW, which are also some of my favorites.

Other than that, I agree, the spec needs some love either in numbers or design.

It’s been worse in the past though… way worse.

Is this is true, this is truly depressing tbh.

In my mind, HS should do aruond 7-8% of your freaking HP on a non crit (so it could heal around 15% on a crit since HS has increased crit chances), not 3.5%.

WoG healing for roughly 7% on a non crit is depressing. Should be closer to like 15% base imo.


That’s what the tooltip says just standing in town with no buffs or consumables. You are losing 10% from the S1 set bonus.

edit: actually casting on someone it heals for 520-540k non crit and crits for 1.1-1.2m :man_shrugging: Tooltip probably isn’t counting certain talents.

actually casting on a random person in town:

holy light: 1.3m
flash: 350k
shock: 540k
WoG: 1m

edit: this was also without selfless healer and while lightsmith was turned on so you can bump all those numbers up with a different spec and get much larger shocks with the right procs (and they’re all without buffs and cooldowns)


Yeah this is closer to what I expected. Still probably needs some more tuning honestly, roughly like 200k on HS and about 500k on WoG.

Maybe this is too much, not sure, but in my experience as Hpal when these values are closer to that % relative of our HP the spec feels great to play (but this is ignoring relative power to other healers, of course).


Hpal would be fantastic if people had half the health pools they actually have. Alas, they do not. Having talents that heal for a completely meaningless amount doesn’t help either. What would help dramatically?

  • Take Beacon of Light off the GCD. It barely helps, it shouldn’t take a GCD to set up.
  • Either kill or make useful useless talents like Golden Path. 2500 healing per second? On someone with 9 million health? Is this a joke?
  • Avenging Wrath/Crusader fills your holy power, allowing it to be an “oh crap” button.
  • Steal Uther’s passive from HotS so HPal heals, at least some of them, give damage reduction to the target.

This just off the top of my head, I don’t have my Hpal in front of me at the moment. But they desperately need some help.

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