I’ve used hpal a lot and it still feels clunky and borderline useless in 5m. Hpal should just use mana resource and normal CDs like other classic healers. I’m sure in raids it’s ok, but in 5man I hate it.
Almost every guide / comment on how to play holy pally mentions doing DPS as part of your rotation, and not using healing spells Holy Light, Flash of Light. This is absurd. Seen several comments saying to not even have those spells on your toolbar.
So my 5man is taking AOE damage, tank is on boss, and Im suppose to take a time out so I can do some DPS spells to build up holy power so I can cast heals, as they all continue to die? F-
I think the whole ‘warrior healer’ thing is dumb. Just let me cast heals and manage CDs. Not have to build up holy power using judgement or crusader strike. Having to constantly target mobs then go back to targeting my team.
edit : As a healer class every GCD in an intense situation needs to go towards healing your team or casting some protective spell. Not doing DPS which results in zero healing.
And for your situation in particular, again as was suggested last time, get a caster weapon. Last time you were using a strength weapon, and now you’re somehow using an agility one and you actually… enchanted it.
I’m not a healer main so I can’t coach you on how to improve as a healer, but putting on the right gear is part of the basics for everyone.
If someone who says something is “broken and stupid” doesn’t know how to put on their own pants, it diminishes the value of their argument. If I was using an agility staff and complained about my damage, I would expect others to correct me that doing something wrong would clearly get the wrong results.
And for your gear not making sense, you’re not an outlaw rogue so there’s zero reason to have any agility gear on a paladin, at all. Other people complaining is other people complaining, but if I wanted to address the quoted posts, I’d go to them directly. There’s no point in discussing someone else’s point in an unrelated thread, and cherry picking complaints for confirmation bias is silly.
If you’re having trouble with taking time to target mobs or bosses, use mouseover casts for heals. I can keep bosses targeted while I easily heal the party. I don’t have to click on my party frame to cast heals at anyone. I haven’t click-targeted allies since TBC. Trust me, once you get used to mouseover casting, you won’t use any other method of healing.
Somewhat related, I don’t have Riptide, Chain Heal, Healing Wave, or Healing Surge on my bars, because they’re click-cast. I bound Riptide to Middle Mouse, Chain Heal to Shift + Middle Mouse, Healing Wave to Control + Middle Mouse, and Healing Surge to Alt + Middle Mouse. Mouseover casts in conjuction with click-casting is extremely efficient. I don’t spend much time moving my fingers to be able to cast my bread and butter spells. However, I did have to put them on my bars in order to self-click-cast them and use mouseover casts properly with the default UI. It’s probably a bug. I just put them in action bar 8, then hid the bar.
Not only do the heals feel weak but the entire rotation is clunky because you constantly have to ‘build up holy power’. It has a lack of short CD ‘oh crap’ buttons also compared to other healers.
While I definitely do not like the light smith version of holy paladin, primarily because I don’t think a pure proc based healer is a good thing at all. Along with it makes the rotation super clunky to do, being a melee healer is a lot of fun honestly. Now it simply couldn’t be for you, and technically you can just cast FoL and HL, you would just run a build oriented around both. Instead of a build focused around your melee healing, if you so desired.
Yeah they do, along with I feel like holy paladin in general needs to be modified with how lightsmith interacts with them, given hammer and anvil is simply a very unhealthy way to play a healer. Granted they have pulled a lot of power and healing away from the hero talent, I still feel like it either needs to be changed to simply act as a healing amp for your holy power abilities. Given looking at my fellow holy paladin’s break down of healing he did for our mythic reclear last night, its still accounting for a significant portion of his healing. With a ton of healing being wasted, meaning it could have done a lot more had his judgement crits hit at just the right time.
In all honesty they should buff Hearld of the Sun, given IMO its a much better suited toolkit for hpal, and would pull away from the seriously degen style you have to play with the current version of hpal.
In PvP I feel like lightsmith will shine due to both the holy armaments being a significant boon when it comes to PvP combat, due to the amount of shielding and damage it can provide. It’s just in PvE hammer and anvil just doesn’t work well given its a big part of your healing, even though it has gotten nerfed. It still does 5% of your overall healing at least, and could be upto 7-10% if each of your procs happen at the literal right times.
Its just not a well designed hero tree honestly, its perfect for protection paladin, but falls flat for holy, and its sad that their intended hero tree is so lackluster in power. That they simply never use it, and until blizzard gives it some more attention, it’ll continue to be unused.
Ironically Holy Paladin is the healer getting the most nerfs going into 11.1 I think.
I actually think whether you want to play as a caster or DPS healer holy paladin doesn’t need to be mana based at all. I think their output is already limited by holy power and cooldowns so mana could be removed entirely. Not every healer needs to be mana-limited. It’s a boring design.
I’m using that wep for the +haste. This is irrelevant and sliding the thread. This is not a ‘hey guys plz review my offspec gear’ thread. I’ve been main tanking for weeks and dont get healer drops. When the queue is 15+ min cuz no healer I will heal.
If you want healer gear, set your loot spec to holy, you won’t get healer gear otherwise. Or, just do the Siren’s Isle and get a full set of veteran gear for all the specs you play and bam, problem solved.
but they’re also nerfing lightsmith which was their strongest hero tree I think.
As far as the weapon discussion goes, I would have just bought a cheap green int weapon off the AH while leveling if I was playing holy occasionally. The main stat loss of using a non-int weapon is huge. Setting loot spec to holy while playing prot works too if you already had a decent prot weapon.
I’ve fallen victim to seeing good secondary stats on drops only to realize at a second look that the main stats wouldn’t do anything for me, particularly on my Resto Druid. It’s also a bit inconsistent. Certain weapons have modal Strength/Intellect or Agility/Intellect, some don’t. And it’s fairly easy to make the assumption that main stats are always modal if you don’t see enough of these cases.