Sounds like a skill issue then because my hpally also doesnt use light of the martyr.
Yes, because it is very difficult to press a HolyShock button and see how much it heals.
Apparently for you it is.
Any questions?
As i said, skill issue. Lol. Get some int gear.
All print equipment is intellect.
Try healing a training dummy.
And why would I do that? You said it wasn’t possible for a HolyShock to heal just 280k with ilvl 638 and full intellect equipment. My print proved the opposite.
Just admit that your Holypaladin ilvl 623 doesn’t heal 380k without Light of Marthyr.
Noobs gonna noob I guess. This is a classic case of trying to help a noob improve, it’s an impossible task because they think they know it all, when in fact they know next to nothing. Lol.
It seems like you have no arguments. And, really, there are no arguments against facts. And it seems to be difficult for you to admit that you are wrong.
Are you psychotic or something? Lol. I said there’s no way you are getting that amount of low heals with your claimed ilvl.
If it’s the case that you ARE right, my heals should be healing me for way less, not the same as your stated heal, LOL.
My print already proved otherwise. What are you talking about? In fact, be more polite when interacting with other people. You may be violating the forum rules.
Oh i get it, your mad your healing is awful for that ilvl. Damn bro, my condolences.
Try int gear instead. It may help.
And people wonder why no one helps noobs, this is the level is psychoticness we have to deal with. lmfao
Jesus, my gear is intellect. You couldn’t see the 67k of intellect in the print?
I’ve already said it and I’ll repeat it for the last time. I have gear for all specs in my class.
As much as I would love this, I have a sinking suspicion Paladin is pushing the server-client limitations of the game. Ret Paladin has some really weird input delay issues and I have no doubt Prot and Holy are in the same boat.
Frost DK feels like it has the same problem. Almost like the proc calculations cause delays.
To add to the topic, how is it Mistweaver has a [talent-able] massive health pool shield at 1.5-2 minutes while Paladin has Lay on Hands at 7 minutes with some eh reduction talents? Practically the same idea but Monk gets to use theirs 3-4 times as much.
Welp here’s my first literal LOL of the day!
Life Cocoon is the equivalent of Blessing of Sacrifice not Lay on Hands. MW has no % damage reduction external, just Cocoon. Pain Suppression, Guardian Angel, Ironbark, Blessing of Sacrifice and Time Dilation would all be in the same category.
No other healer has a direct equivalent to Lay on Hands that I can think of. The closest things would be Power Word: Life or Holy Word: Serenity, but they are much weaker in comparison.
In 11.1 I guess you can talent Sheilun’s Gift into a Lay on Hands like spell with Emperor’s Favor, but even at max clouds this is still not as big as Lay on Hands. Lay on Hands will be 9-10 million at an ilvl that will do 3.something million with Sheilun’s.
The caster MW playstyle (or Paladin) should work just fine in 5 mans. They do probably up to +10 at least. I haven’t bothered to play them in a long time since that’s not what pugs would probably expect and M+ is a toxic mode where only meta builds are accepted.
A caster MW can use all of their tools, it’s just the damage that is much lower and as I mentioned they should get other utility to compensate.
It is incredibly stupid design in a holy trinity style game for the healer role to have to do a frequent direct damage rotation with no alternative specs. There should be some specs that are like Augmentation style healers where you fill with buffing/debuffing between healing rather than filling with direct damage. Caster MW, cast holy paladin, holy priest (probably oracle), and Keeper of the Grove resto would all make sense thematically as support focused specs that didn’t focus on direct damage at all.
Caster MW should be like a Mercy style healer where fistweavers are a Moira style healer.
I honestly don’t know if it needs buffs or if it needs some fundamental reworking at this point. Its priority between spenders and builders is godawful, its group healing is janky at best, and the things it had that made it feel like it was keeping up with other healers for snap AoE healing have been blatantly nuked or trimmed from the spec.
The current iteration of Lightsmith AC Holy is probably one of the worst iterations of Holy I’ve ever played. It feels awful.
As one of the few Holy Paladins who pugged their way to KSH in DF S4, Sacrifice does not compare to Life Cocoon. Not even close.