Holy moly. The Horde bias is blatant

But that is not how they are doing it. They simply stated that the next assault would have the updated values, with any current assaults at the time remaining with their current values.

This is a reasonable thing to do based on how the content works. Everyone gets one completion per character of the quest per assault phase correct? Now lets assume Alliance assault Darkshore on Sunday/Monday, players unaware of the changes coming on Tuesday would complete the quest for 385 gear and then be ineligible to receive the boosted 400 gear on Tuesday.

Does that sound like a fair way to implement the change?
Or would you propose that players who completed the quest would be able to re-do the quest after Tuesday? Allowing players in the know to collect on both a 385 and 400 piece?
Or perhaps that the update not change the values until the following rotation at which stage, since we know the outcome it would actually be bias?

I think they’ve done the best they could hope for in this situation to be honest.


holds up a mug with the words “Alliance Tears” on it

I need to refill my mug, mind topping me off?


Can i have your gold?


 yes it would.


There are few laws in the known universe. Here are some.

1: The total amount of energy in a closed system cannot be created nor destroyed.

2: Everything in the Universe moves, vibrates, and travels in circular patterns. The same principles of vibration in the physical world apply to our thoughts, feelings, desires, and wills in the Etheric world. Each sound, thing, and even thought has its own vibrational frequency, unique unto itself.

3: Last Jedi is terrible and a disgrace to the Star Wars franchise

4: The Alliance will jump at any chance they are given to excuse their general inadequacies. They know they are the worst faction, so they have to resort to such pathetic measures to be noticed.

5: People who pour milk before the cereal are heathens, and should be destroyed.


Can we trade this for a free 30%? You can have our “bias” and ill enjoy leveling significantly quicker. A win win


Maybe look at a calendar before you cry foul. Horde has it for 1 more day. That means it will be Saturday before you start contributing. The fastest I have seen you earn attack rights is 4 and a half days which means you will not be attacking until after season 2 starts.

Must be Alliance bias, right? eyeroll


This is why I stay in warmode.

Thanks for the giggle.

Guys, this isn’t bias.

This actually affects everyone. Horde included. Because if we start the battle before Tuesday, the world boss and the rares don’t drop the higher item level items for the Horde either.

No one should want it to start before Tuesday after the patch drops. No one.

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Ion’s post states- “if Alliance is attacking Darkshore in a given region when Season 2 begins
” I believe the cycle begins with attacking.

I am being realistic. If we collectively jam so many resources into the contribution phase that we trigger the attack in less than three days, then we brought the Horde getting the first set of upgraded items on ourselves, we’ll have no one else to blame.

The last contribution was to Arathi, not Darkshore. Are you sure you understand what you are complaining about?


Love you too :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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Horde bias strikes again!

Cry harder

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You sir are full of win.

Here is a fine selection of cheeses to go with that glass of WoW Cellars Horde Bias Whine you’ve there OP


Not right now. You can have it when I am dead. I’ll put you in my will.

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I love you for this.

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