Holy moly. The Horde bias is blatant

What was your first hint of this? Could it have been the statue outside of the building in Irvine? :sunglasses:

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You guys get a quest for a nice piece of gear that we don’t even get access to
every week. And don’t give me the whole “were outnumbered” speech. I get steam rolled on my mage so often that I might as well set up camp at the graveyard


370 is almost obsolete already. It will definitely be obsolete when the new raid hits.

I’m not seeing this as a strong argument.

To be fair. The OP didn’t put up a strong argument either.

And if the baseline is “things a week ago dont matter”, then the entire issue of bias goes out the window.

Horde has a racial that makes the Zul raid easier? Doesn’t matter. Can’t be brought up anymore as a bias. Ever. Because as you said. Its obsolete when the new raid hits.


Do I have access to that quest? No? Do I have 12 geared out alts? No. Its relevant

Except the belf racial is also pretty amazing in a few dungeons and those will be here for the entire expansion and VERY relevant with M+. I also wouldn’t be surprised if the whole dispel thing is still relevant in upcoming raids, but I have no clue about the one coming up next.

In other words
 gear is not the same as racials. As for how quickly gear becomes obsolete, everyone knows that pushing your gear up at the start of a new raid is crucial for most progression, which makes the idea that access to higher ilvl gear from war fronts for one side, which coincides with the new raid coming out, even more detrimental, no? Just like the beginning of the expansion.

If anything, I expect to see the night elves to become the defacto OP race for m+ pushing next expansion. A full group of night elves, for example, will be able to completely negate the Reaping Affix (assuming I understand it completely).

So while blood elf racial might be strong in 1 or 2 dungeons, night elves will be crazy in every single 10+.

Can you get even higher ilvl gear from other world content? Yes.

Do I have access to that quest that you do? No. Dont gerrymander here

If it’s true that they can completely negate reaping then they will change it so that they can’t. I am pretty confident in that, but I guess we will see.

My argument wasn’t whether or not you had access to it. My argument was that it is barely relevant now, and probably won’t be next week, which you didn’t disprove.

It’s still a relevant catch up mechanic or great for casuals.

I can’t speak for casuals A) there’s no good definition for casual and B) some would say I am not a casual, so I don’t really get a say there.

It might be a reward lower than 370, but when measured against other sources (the war front for example) it is not. It is less because the ilvl is 370.

Next raid and mythic is going to be centered around night elf vanish ability. Also, they raising that weekly quest to 385 from 370. It right in general forums. they actually pointed this out. So next week the alliance quest gives 385.

If generally speaking. If had war mode on. You should have gotten 10 extra pieces of 370 gear. Somehow my last two pvp ones were 385 not sure why there., Not war or titan forge. If kept on your neck if fresh 120 doing no islands or raids. just world stuff should be level 34 or higher on the alliance side on horde doing same thing mines 31. Not a huge difference. still a little. Just saying that buff pretty good. If last one any indication it pretty much permanent. As they said something for bg buff it switches sides. two years later still only one side. Never believe a used car salesman.

Warfront they just need both sides to get the same ones at once. No matter how it makes sense time wise. It always going to end up one side saying other gets it. No way to make that side happy unless it shared. The only way to do this. It really messes up the time frame and story progression. It will stop all the sideshows over it. As some do not want story progression in the game. As it favors one side. True it does and it swings based on story direction. Usually, this kind is not game breaking.

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But it until it happens, its there. Just like this entire thread is based on a perceived bias that will most likely not happen either.

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There was this tauren prot pally on a swift spectral tiger last night. I don’t have one and I want one so im claiming Horde bias.

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Can you explain how shadowmeld is going to be beneficial as far as the raid goes? Not a single person has mentioned it.

Yes, I know about reaping and shadowmeld. What happens on the PTR is not the same as what will be on live necessarily. I’ve already said I am confident they aren’t going to let an entire affix be completely negated by a racial, but I guess we will have to wait and see.

I just looked through the post from Watcher again, and I don’t see where that was mentioned. Either it’s somewhere else, I missed it, or something. Can you point it out?

I guess we will see. My point was about where the quest reward lies in comparison with what the war front will provide.

It in wow head. I can not link sight. It talks about in depth. Even has blue quotes.

It right in with and say weekly quest and emissary will increase from 370 to 385. One day I might reach high enough to post this. wow, head has all this covered. might want to poke over there.

Kul Tiras and Zandalar World Content

  • Emissary weapon and armor rewards will scale up to 385 (based on a player’s own item level), up from 370.
  • The loot from Kul Tiras and Zandalar world bosses will remain item level 355, on par with Normal Uldir.
  • The rewards for in-progress emissary quests may reroll or update when Season 2 begins, though the quests themselves won’t reset or change.

Th is section is the only thing I could find that mentions emissaries, but I’m not seeing where it mentions the weekly quest.