So act like a mentally unstable person to random strangers on the internet? Sounds healthy.
You didn’t refute anything. You simply stated your opinion. That is not proving someone wrong. You have to provide evidence to do that. You have provided nothing, besides your own personal opinion.
There is historical evidence, listed above, of all the announcements that were made from previous expansions, and patches. If you can do basic math, you can simply count the amount of things, and through basic elementary deduction techniques, you can deduce that, in fact, based on the evidence provided, with sources of the reference information existing for you to verify for yourself, that my evidence is true.
Allied Races weren’t going to be included at launch, why would they reveal something not included at launch? There is ZERO evidence to suggest that Blizzard has EVER revealed something that will be available at launch, that wasn’t available at launch.
EVERY SINGLE TIME they have delayed something at launch, it was only announced LATER. NOT during the launch reveal. This is FACT. Present a SINGLE shred of evidence to “refute” that and possibly you will “refute” that. But you have refuted nothing.
When I listed everything that an expansion brought, not even one single time did I mention that it was in reference to the “reveal video”. This is just something you cling on to, because you’re intellectually incapable of processing the thought required to do anything otherwise.
You’re a hack. A fake fraud. A simpleton spewing forth hogwash and nonsense. A snake oil salesman. You have nothing. You’ve said nothing. Everyone here is now dumber, for having listened to you speak.
As I have pointed out SEVERAL TIMES. I stated that the Dracthyr Starting Zone, will be somewhere between 50-65. That’s al I said. Like I said. You are a hack and a fake fraud snake oil salesman. You have nothing and you have said nothing. You are making up straw man arguments because you have no argument, let alone a leg to stand on within that argument.
You are so stuck on this one pointless thing. I’ve already destroyed your argument on all your alts. But you keep coming back, fixated on this one thing. I never brought up the starting level and I stated that I had never seen any confirmation of what the starting level was, yet.
That is refuting nothing. Just because you found where it lists the starting level, doesn’t mean I’m suddenly “incorrect” in stating that the starting level would be somewhere between 50 and 65. That’s an absolutely idiotic and moronic statement.
How many alts are you going to jump on and try to validate yourself. All you’re doing is making yourself look worse. Do you think anyone cares? You’re literally hearting your own posts at this point.
In the words of Michael Jordan, “Stop it, get some help.”
All of your opinions have been worthless, from the gate. Nothing has changed. You still have brought nothing but segways and logical fallacies to this argument. A complete waste of time. You get an F for failing miserably.