Holly Longdale - New Executive Producer of WoW

this is nothing new in the games industry. expansions or sequels are planned far in advance or right after a new game releases. even more so amongst developers who just want to make games. oftentimes they’ll finish making the game and while they are waiting for bug testing and certification come up with concepts and ideas for new expansions/releases.

there are lots of youtube channels that directly or indirectly cover this topic.

Are you straight up fabricating lies?

Please cite your source and evidence that she had “NOTHING” to do with “ANYTHING” in Dragonflight?

It doesn’t exist. You are bold faced LYING.

You don’t get promoted to Executive Producer days after a new expansion is revealed, in which you literally appeared in the video, talking about the expansion, if you had NOTHING to do with it, WHATSOEVER.

You will know maintenance mode is near when all races and all classes are fully unlocked.

Until that time it’s reliable that there will be some form of new expansions even if they are not grand.

[Source needed]

We have new dungeons, new raids, new zones, a new race/class, profession reworks, reputations reworks, talent reworks, a new flight system, a new casual gear progression system.

Just like the old school days of BC, Wrath, and Cata. It’s simplicity that makes things better. Not stupid systems.

The easier it is to jump on an alt and not have to regrind the same systems over and over again the better.

Yeah, it’s a good thing they announced Void Elves, Lightforged Draenei, High Mountain Tauren and Highborne as playable races, in the very first reveal of Legion.

…wait. They didn’t?! Well, their addition was the very definition of miniscule. Players didn’t even bother trying acquire them. Hardly worth mentioning.

They also didn’t reveal the Kil’Jaeden Raid for TBC or Legion, did they?

What’s your point?

Still doesn’t change the fact that this is the lightest content heavy expansion we have seen to date.

I remember her as well, though I played EQ1. She was very passionate about the game and regularly interacted with people. I had no idea she was with Blizzard already since I haven’t done anything classic related. I hope she does well in her new role and wish her all the best. Really excited to see what she does.

This also got me thinking of another individual who went by the name of Dzarn. He was in the design department and was another real great person. You could always tell when you went into a zone or raid that he made. He was another one who went out of his way to interact with the community and went so far as to fix stuff on his own time, including an ancient raid from 2001 that had been broken for over a decade (Khati Sha the Twisted).


You don’t know what you’re talking about. It was pretty obvious, really.

You’ve spent the majority of this thread attacking and bashing others, and you don’t like when the shoe is on the other foot. You’re blathering about your ‘math skills’, brow beating people who voice their opinion against your own opinion, and you’re openly nasty because you believe that not only are you correct, you’re the sole possessor of fact.

The fact is, you’re just abrasive, opinionated, and flat out incorrect. There’s actually nothing wrong with this…if at any point you’d graciously accept you’ve lost ground, and modify your stance. Instead, you move the goalpost when you’re corrected.

Having said that, I actually think your thread is somewhat salvageable, if you walk it back a number of steps, and take it down several notches. It would be interesting to discuss what Holly Longdale will bring to the table, without any Chicken Little auditions from posters.

For instance, I hear she was on board with Classic. I rather like Classic, and I wonder what ideas she has for Dragonflight.

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She has been lead on classic already.

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Dragonflight reminded me a lot of Wrath so… if you think that’s content lite… idk what to tell you

It actually bring us kinda back to MoP where we started without having a “real threat” to fight.

Feels somehow comfy and cozy.

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I agree with that - I just meant overall the reveal revealed a new class that started at a higher level with a dedicated starting experience and new types of content. I can’t believe there are people complaining about the lack of a grinding currency

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In the video she was introduced as the classic producer, then they went on to say they were trying to learn what people liked in the classics as a means of reviving the game. Probably makes sense to bring her in if that’s what they are doing…

So you went and spent all this time attacking my personal character?

But you have no evidence or facts to bring to the discussion? Whatsoever?

But yet, I’m incorrect, abrasive, and oipinionated…

You’ve brought absolutely zero to this discussion, besides your own, worthless opinion and insults.

Typical, Blizzard Cultist. You lack the intellect to debate anything so you resort to personal attacks.

EDIT - Spit it out already. How long does it take you to come up with more insults?

EDIT 2 - You have no argument. That’s why you keeping typing stuff and then deleting it after.

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Meh, it’s a Saturday. No work, and finals are done for this semester.

Well, I kind of literally refuted your opinion that ‘big reveals’ aren’t “a secret for later”, right up above. Very first thing I said to you.

As others have pointed out, Dracthyr start at level 58. As I’ve pointed out, allied races, a huge feature of Legion, weren’t announced at the start of Legion. So yes, you were incorrect.

In your own, recent words: “Typical, Blizzard Cultist.” Virtually every Blizzard rep I’ve ever dealt with, will tell you the exact opposite :smiley:

Also, in your own words: “You lack the intellect to debate anything so you resort to personal attacks.” Cute “insult”, by the by. I said you didn’t know what you were talking about, because you kind of didn’t. I said you were abrasive…because you have been abrasive.

gestures broadly at the entirety of your thread

Well, I did want to discuss what Holly Longdale will actually bring to the table, considering the title of your thread.

And I did state the following opinions: Classic is good, and I thought your thread was somewhat salvageable, if you chilled. One of those two opinions actually is worthless now. I can play the other.

So act like a mentally unstable person to random strangers on the internet? Sounds healthy.

You didn’t refute anything. You simply stated your opinion. That is not proving someone wrong. You have to provide evidence to do that. You have provided nothing, besides your own personal opinion.

There is historical evidence, listed above, of all the announcements that were made from previous expansions, and patches. If you can do basic math, you can simply count the amount of things, and through basic elementary deduction techniques, you can deduce that, in fact, based on the evidence provided, with sources of the reference information existing for you to verify for yourself, that my evidence is true.

Allied Races weren’t going to be included at launch, why would they reveal something not included at launch? There is ZERO evidence to suggest that Blizzard has EVER revealed something that will be available at launch, that wasn’t available at launch.
EVERY SINGLE TIME they have delayed something at launch, it was only announced LATER. NOT during the launch reveal. This is FACT. Present a SINGLE shred of evidence to “refute” that and possibly you will “refute” that. But you have refuted nothing.

When I listed everything that an expansion brought, not even one single time did I mention that it was in reference to the “reveal video”. This is just something you cling on to, because you’re intellectually incapable of processing the thought required to do anything otherwise.

You’re a hack. A fake fraud. A simpleton spewing forth hogwash and nonsense. A snake oil salesman. You have nothing. You’ve said nothing. Everyone here is now dumber, for having listened to you speak.

As I have pointed out SEVERAL TIMES. I stated that the Dracthyr Starting Zone, will be somewhere between 50-65. That’s al I said. Like I said. You are a hack and a fake fraud snake oil salesman. You have nothing and you have said nothing. You are making up straw man arguments because you have no argument, let alone a leg to stand on within that argument.

You are so stuck on this one pointless thing. I’ve already destroyed your argument on all your alts. But you keep coming back, fixated on this one thing. I never brought up the starting level and I stated that I had never seen any confirmation of what the starting level was, yet.

That is refuting nothing. Just because you found where it lists the starting level, doesn’t mean I’m suddenly “incorrect” in stating that the starting level would be somewhere between 50 and 65. That’s an absolutely idiotic and moronic statement.

How many alts are you going to jump on and try to validate yourself. All you’re doing is making yourself look worse. Do you think anyone cares? You’re literally hearting your own posts at this point.

In the words of Michael Jordan, “Stop it, get some help.”

All of your opinions have been worthless, from the gate. Nothing has changed. You still have brought nothing but segways and logical fallacies to this argument. A complete waste of time. You get an F for failing miserably.

What I can say as a longtime fan of Everquest, having Holly leave was the best thing to happen to that game. They are finally implementing community driven changes. Everquest has become so much better in the short times since she departed.

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They still got 200 dollar retail expansions with mounts tied to player power, and 20 dollar 40 slot 100% Weight Reduction bags on classic servers that are non-transferrable between characters or to new servers?

That was in EQ2, not sure if they pulled that same crap with EQ OG.

This is a misrepresentation of the facts. Everquest has regular $39.99 priced expansion options as well. The pricy one includes a ton of vanity items. The 40 slot bag has never invoked “outrage” by the majority of players. Again, they are listening to the players and community.

I feel like they hired Holly in order to show that they are more inclusive and diverse in the hopes people wont pay too much attention to all the other things wrong with this game.

You indirectly raise an idea that has me really excited – seasonal talents. The revamp of the WoW talent trees, along with the ability to save talent profiles – opens up the possibility of seasonal talents that are only available for a short while, and that have synergy with whatever the current seasonal content is. Would be a great way to temporarily re-introduce talents and abilities that fell by the wayside that players miss.