Holly Longdale - New Executive Producer of WoW

Thanks for stating your intent.

If you go to Everquest 2 Website, you will see that the mount is actually only available with the collectors edition.

They have reduced the price of the collectors edition from $200 to $140. Not only that, but you can get a lesser version, including the “player power mount” that is required to even do basic dungeons and raid difficulties, for only $69.99.

It looks like you were right. They have moved in a better direction since Holly left.

The last expansion, I bought, it was Luclin, and you couldn’t even participate in anything besides solo content unless you forked over the $200 bucks. For such a niche game, $70 is reasonable, imo. So I’m glad she’s left Daybreak.

I’ll have to check out EQ TLP servers and see if there is anything interesting planned soon. EQ2 is kind of hopeless because they ruined the entire legacy itemization database. It’s completely broken now. I have zero hope in ever seeing that game return to any semblance of it’s former glory. Original Everquest still has hope though.

OP when you quit can we have your stuff?


Wasn’t she just announcing Wrath?

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The changes have been going on for years.

this is my only forum character bud, and when i mean everywhere i mean in this thread, not on the forum, take a step back, take a breather, because its clear the fact Holly Longdale makes you unreasonably angry for some reason to the point that its quite unhealthy, have you considered seeking some help for this irrational anger and vitriol?


I offered to give you my stuff…

That’s not something angry people do, bud.

WoD: during the Blizzcon 2013 panel (where WoD was announced) the Garrison list of buildings were to include an Infirmary. This was not available at launch. Also during the Blizzcon they announced that Garrisons could be placed at a choice of locations across the expansion. This was changed at launch. Faction bases were announced at the Blizzcon which did not appear at launch. Siege vehicles for Ashran, “reducing the enemy base to rubble”…Trial of the Gladiator, announced at Blizzcon, cancelled prior to launch.

I could go on but hell, you get the idea. Many things have been mentioned at launch announcements that never made it into the game. If you need evidence I suggest you look at videos on youtube of the panels and discussions at Blizzcon 2013, all the above stuff is shown there.

You seem to like people providing facts, can you show me where this detail came from? The “fact” is that Dracthyr start at level 58 - why would their starter zone be from level 50? A starter zone is simply to create a new character and get it going. If you look at any starter zone in the game they average 10 levels in a starter zone. We dont know how many levels a Dracthyr will gain when they enter the zone but at most they’d need 2 to get to 60 where all other characters will be when they start playing. Unless you have proof of that level range, its an odd statement.

I doubt I’ll contribute more to this wonky, weird thread since I have only a limited number of minutes left of my life and I dont want to waste anymore.


This exactly my friend. This thread is like a weird cry for help or attention. I hate using the ignore, but this will be the third or fourth thread I ever silence. I guess to the OP’s benefit, the others were super racists, whereas his thread is just him begging everyone watch him :poop:

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It only takes one iota of effort dude.

You do realize Blizz can see all your Bnet accounts, chars, etc right? Across all the forums if they bother to put it together?


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