Just announced today, via her own twitter.
She is the previous Executive Producer at Daybreak Games, for Everquest and Everquest 2.
Games that have been in maintenance mode for over a decade.
Does this mean WoW is shifting to a more maintenance mode based mmorpg?
Is this why Dragonflight seems so small?
In case you don’t know, Holly Longdale is the lady from the Dragonflight reveal video, next to Ion and that ShamWow AS SEEN ON TV Hype Man nobody has ever seen before
Honestly the fact that Dragonflight LACKS the complicated and alt-hindering systems that BFA and Shadowlands had gives me hope that it’ll be good.
By the end of Dragonflight WoW will be a 20 year old game.
The switch to maintenance mode is inevitable…and will probably happen sooner than later
In my opinion, the recycling of old content (dungeons/raids) is a sign that the transition to maintenance mode has already began. We will likely end up with Diablo style seasons using old content
The expansion isn’t even in alpha yet and we don’t kny everything it entails. Why are people jumping to this conclusion? 
She’s been working for Blizzard as a producer for over 2 years now. Why do you assume that her taking this position means that the game will be in maintenance mode?
I’d argue that WoW has been at least a pseudo-backburner game for many years now. Even if it’s their cash cow, the potential profit margins of an MMO absolutely pale in comparison to that of several other popular genres, and they’ve had efforts working toward more mobile and competitive games for a while at this point.
When you do a big reveal, you don’t keep the most prominent features “a secret for later” as a little surprise to the loyalists. That’s not how marketing works.
When the new Tesla comes with an extra battery, the reveal focuses on the extra battery, especially if battery capacity was an issue in the previous model.
When you release an mmorpg, you focus on the “biggest features” and “New additions”.
There is a phrase called “first impressions mean everything”. That applies more to marketing, than literally anything else in existence.k
If they didn’t announce it in the reveal, it’s miniscule and not worth mentioning. That’s it.
If you think what they DID reveal, was game changing and revolutionary, you must be new to the game, and I hope you enjoy it.
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RIP. Daybreak is just an absolute
show of a studio. They had one of the best massive online shooters, Planetside 2, and what have they done with it? Absolutely nothing.
I have a feeling this thread is going to be 
She’s the previous Executive Producer at Daybreak Games, which is a third party company, that buys dead games.
They brought her over as a producer for classic, and now she’s the excutive producer over retail.
I would think that industry experience plays a BIG ROLE. Coming from the most maintenance mode MMORPG known to mankind, I think it speaks for itself.
When you do a big reveal, it’s never in depth systems and zones and quests and end game content when it’s not even in existence yet.
Please show me where I mentioned any of this. I’ve been here since 2005 with zero breaks.
Because she’s a woman and a vocal minority of WoW players are misogynist incels.
Because this is GD where we jump to conclusions and pretend they are reality. Also we like to complain and whine.
Ion literally said that they had already started planning this expansion before Shadowlands even RELEASED. They have already finalized everything. They already did the deep dives. We saw them. Did you?
There is NOTHING new coming to the game besides art and story. Everything else is just a reiteration of existing systems already. Including covenants, renown and Vehicle Action Bars (Dragon Riding).
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Planning doesn’t mean everything is coded for you to see. Good grief.
I’ll bookmark this for later when they show us all of the content and end game stuff that’s planned.
New race/class (counting them as one feature)
New casual-esque progression system that hasn’t gotten a deep dive yet
I ask again, why is a return to basics seen as a bad thing? LOADS of people despised all the new systems that were in BFA and Shadowlands.
I don’t need to see anything. What they “said” was enough. What they said, was they aren’t adding anything new.
I didn’t get to see someone on a 2 hour fly-through of Dragon Riding. I got to see a 5 second snippet of one though.
What I saw was a Vehicle Action Bar, tied to an External Actor. That’s not new.